#Product CodeDevice Name
1BRWProtector, Dental
2BRXStool, Anesthesia
3BRYCabinet, Table And Tray, Anesthesia
4BSEAnalyzer, Gas, Helium, Gaseous-Phase
5BSFAbsorber, Carbon-Dioxide
6BSIAlgesimeter, Powered
7BSJMask, Gas, Anesthetic
8BSKCuff, Tracheal Tube, Inflatable
9BSNFilter, Conduction, Anesthetic
10BSOCatheter, Conduction, Anesthetic
11BSPNeedle, Conduction, Anesthetic (W/Wo Introducer)
12BSRStylet, Tracheal Tube
13BSYCatheters, Suction, Tracheobronchial
14BSZGas-Machine, Anesthesia
15BTBHook, Ether
16BTCBag, Reservoir
17BTICompressor, Air, Portable
18BTKStrap, Head, Gas Mask
19BTLVentilator, Emergency, Powered (Resuscitator)
20BTMVentilator, Emergency, Manual (Resuscitator)
21BTOTube, Tracheostomy (W/Wo Connector)
22BTPDropper, Ether
23BTQAirway, Nasopharyngeal
24BTRTube, Tracheal (W/Wo Connector)
25BTSTube, Bronchial (W/Wo Connector)
26BTTHumidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface)
27BTYCalculator, Predicted Values, Pulmonary Function
28BWBForceps, Tube Introduction
29BWCNeedle, Emergency Airway
30BWFSpirometer, Therapeutic (Incentive)
31BWLApparatus, Electronanesthesia
32BXAAnalyzer, Gas, Water Vapor, Gaseous-Phase
33BXHGauge, Gas Pressure, Cylinder/Pipeline
34BXJClip, Nose
35BXKGas, Calibration (Specified Concentration)
36BXLAlgesimeter, Manual
37BXMStimulator, Nerve, Ac-Powered
38BXNStimulator, Nerve, Battery-Powered
39BXOTransducer, Gas Pressure
40BXPTransducer, Gas Flow
41BXQRhinoanemometer (Measurement Of Nasal Decongestion)
42BXRMeter, Airway Pressure (Inspiratory Force)
43BXWCalibrator, Volume, Gas
44BXXCalibrator, Pressure, Gas
45BXYFlowmeter, Calibration, Gas
46BYDCondenser, Heat And Moisture (Artificial Nose)
47BYEAttachment, Breathing, Positive End Expiratory Pressure
48BYFMask, Oxygen, Low Concentration, Venturi
49BYGMask, Oxygen
50BYHDrain, Tee (Water Trap)
51BYIPercussor, Powered-Electric
52BYJUnit, Liquid-Oxygen, Portable
53BYKTent, Oxygen, Electrically Powered
54BYLTent, Oxygen
55BYMTube, Thorpe, Uncompensated
56BYNChair, Posture, For Cardiac And Pulmonary Treatment
57BYOBottle, Blow
58BYPMouthpiece, Breathing
59BYRTransducer, Gas Pressure, Differential
60BYTVentilator, External Body, Negative Pressure, Adult (Cuirass)
61BYWDevice, Rebreathing
62BYXTubing, Pressure And Accessories
63BZAConnector, Airway (Extension)
64BZBCatheter, Nasal, Oxygen
65BZCCalculator, Pulmonary Function Data
66BZDVentilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator)
67BZEHeater, Breathing System W/Wo Controller (Not Humidifier Or Nebulizer
68BZGSpirometer, Diagnostic
69BZHMeter, Peak Flow, Spirometry
70BZKSpirometer, Monitoring (W/Wo Alarm)
71BZLComputer, Oxygen-Uptake
72BZMCalculator, Pulmonary Function Interpretor (Diagnostic)
73BZNCart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment)
74BZOSet, Tubing And Support, Ventilator (W Harness)
75BZQMonitor, Breathing Frequency
76BZRMixer, Breathing Gases, Anesthesia Inhalation
77BZSStethoscope Head
78BZTStethoscope, Esophageal, With Electrical Conductors
79BZWStethoscope, Esophageal
80CADVaporizer, Anesthesia, Non-Heated
81CAEAirway, Oropharyngeal, Anesthesiology
82CAFNebulizer (Direct Patient Interface)
83CAGCirculator, Breathing-Circuit
84CAICircuit, Breathing (W Connector, Adaptor, Y Piece)
85CALLaryngoscope, Non-Rigid
86CAMYoke Assembly, Medical Gas
87CANRegulator, Pressure, Gas Cylinder
88CAOAirway, Esophageal (Obturator)
89CAPMonitor, Airway Pressure (Includes Gauge And/Or Alarm)
90CATCannula, Nasal, Oxygen
91CAWGenerator, Oxygen, Portable
92CAXFlowmeter, Tube, Thorpe, Back-Pressure Compensated
93CAZAnesthesia Conduction Kit
94CBAMonitor, Air Embolism, Ultrasonic
95CBFChamber, Hyperbaric
96CBGSpreader, Cuff
97CBHDevice, Fixation, Tracheal Tube
98CBITube, Tracheal/Bronchial, Differential Ventilation (W/Wo Connector)
99CBKVentilator, Continuous, Facility Use
100CBLAbsorbent, Carbon-Dioxide
101CBNApparatus, Gas-Scavenging
102CBOAttachment, Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (Imv)
103CBPValve, Non-Rebreathing
104CBQAnalyzer, Gas, Enflurane, Gaseous-Phase (Anesthetic Concentration)
105CBRAnalyzer, Gas, Nitrous-Oxide, Gaseous Phase (Anesthetic Conc.)
106CBSAnalyzer, Gas, Halothane, Gaseous-Phase (Anesthetic Conc.)
107CBTArterial Blood Sampling Kit
108CBZAnalyzer, Ion, Hydrogen-Ion (Ph), Blood-Phase, Indwelling
109CCCAnalyzer, Gas, Carbon-Dioxide, Partial Pressure, Blood-Phase, Indwelling
110CCEAnalyzer, Gas, Oxygen, Partial Pressure, Blood-Phase, Indwelling
111CCIAnalyzer, Gas, Nitrogen, Gaseous-Phase
112CCJAnalyzer, Gas, Carbon-Monoxide, Gaseous-Phase
113CCKAnalyzer, Gas, Carbon-Dioxide, Gaseous-Phase
114CCLAnalyzer, Gas, Oxygen, Gaseous-Phase
115CCMPlethysmograph, Pressure
116CCNFlowmeter, Nonback-Pressure Compensated, Bourdon Gauge
117CCOBed, Rocking, Breathing Assist
118CCQNebulizer, Medicinal, Non-Ventilatory (Atomizer)
119CCTApplicator (Laryngo-Tracheal), Topical Anesthesia
120CCWLaryngoscope, Rigid
121CCXSupport, Patient Position
122ECXCylinder, Compressed Gas, And Valve
123EPEBrush, Cleaning, Tracheal Tube
124FLSMonitor, Apnea, Facility Use
125FNCTent, Pediatric Aerosol
126FOGHood, Oxygen, Infant
128JAYSupport, Breathing Tube
129JEDAnalyzer, Oxyhemoglobin Concentration, Blood-Phase, Indwelling
130JEFAnalyzer, Gas, Neon, Gaseous-Phase
131JEGAnalyzer, Gas, Argon, Gaseous-Phase
132JEHPlethysmograph, Volume
133JEZMonitor, Lung Water Measurement
134JFEValve, Switching (Ploss)
135JOHTube Tracheostomy And Tube Cuff
136KFZHumidifier, Non-Direct Patient Interface (Home-Use)
137KGBMask, Oxygen, Non-Rebreathing
138KGKGas, Collecting Vessel
139KHAMask, Scavenging
140KLKMonitor, Oxygen, Cutaneous, For Infant Not Under Gas Anesthesia
141KOIStimulator, Nerve, Peripheral, Electric
142LKDMonitor, Carbon-Dioxide, Cutaneous
143LNZChanger, Tube, Endotracheal
144LPPMonitor, Oxygen, Cutaneous, For Uses Other Than For Infant Not Under Gas Anesthesia
145MIANeedle, Spinal, Short Term
146MNRVentilatory Effort Recorder
147MNSVentilator, Continuous, Non-Life-Supporting
148MNTVentilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Facility Use
149MODAccessory To Continuous Ventilator (Respirator)
150MRNApparatus, Nitric Oxide Delivery
151MROApparatus, Nitric Oxide, Backup Delivery
152MRPAnalyzer, Nitric Oxide
153MRQAnalyzer, Nitrogen Dioxide
154MZTDevice, Heimlich Maneuver Assist
155NFBConserver, Oxygen
156NHJDevice, Positive Pressure Breathing, Intermittent
157NHKResuscitator, Manual, Non Self-Inflating
158NHOAnalyzer, Gas, Desflurane, Gaseous-Phase (Anesthetic Concentration)
159NHPAnalyzer, Gas, Sevoflurane, Gaseous-Phase (Anesthetic Concentration)
160NHQAnalyzer, Gas, Isoflurane, Gaseous-Phase (Anesthetic Concentration)
161NMATube, Tracheal, Reprocessed
162NMCMask, Ventilator, Non-Continuous, Reprocessed
163NMRNeedle, Spinal, Short Term, Reprocessed
164NNHNeedle, Conduction, Anesthesia, Reprocessed
165NOUContinuous, Ventilator, Home Use
166NPFMonitor, Apnea, Home Use
167NQYVentilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Home Use
168NVOSpacer, Direct Patient Interface
169NVPHolding Chambers, Direct Patient Interface
170NXATracheotomy Care Kit
171OBNHumidifier, Respiratory, Mask (Direct Patient Interface)
172OFOAirway Suction Kit
173OFQAnesthesia Kit
174OFRTracheobronchial Suction Catheter Kit
175OFSTracheal Suction Set
176OFTSpinal Epidural Anesthesia Kit
177OFUSpinal Anesthesia Kit
178OFVRegional Anesthesia Kit
179OFZBlood Specimen Collection Kit (Excludes Hiv Testing)
180OGABrachial Plexus Anesthesia Kit
181OGBCaudal Anesthesia Kit
182OGCContinuous Brachial Plexus Block Tray
183OGDCustom Anesthesia Tray
184OGEEpidural Anesthesia Kit
185OGFGlossopharyngeal Anesthesia Kit
186OGGHumidifier Nebulizer Kit
187OGHLaryngoscope Kit
188OGINasal Endotracheal Tube Holder Kit
189OGJNerve Block Tray
190OGKOrotracheal Intubation Guide Kit
191OGLOxygen Administration Kit
192OLFMedevac Use Oxygen Generator
193ONZMechanical Ventilator
194OQUAirway Monitoring System
195OYINon-Bronchoscopic Bronchoalveolar Lavage Catheter
196PHSOral Airway Assist
197PHZAbnormal Breath Sound Device
198PMBExternal Airway
199PNVImpedance Measuring Device Utilizing Oscillation Techniques
200PRKDevice Indicating An Exhalation Event
201PUGAnalyzer, Nitrogen Dioxide, Exempt
202PXEPressure Monitoring (Air/Gas) Kit
203QAVHigh Flow/High Velocity Humidified Oxygen Delivery Device
204QBYPositive Airway Pressure System
205QCXRetrograde Intubation Set
206QEBVentilatory Electrical Impedance Tomograph
207DPZOximeter, Ear
209DWMApparatus, Suction, Patient Care
210NLFOximeter, Reprocessed
211OCRLung Sound Monitor
212PGJOximeter, Wellness
213OZRIntraoral Pressure Gradient Device
214LLOLaser, Neodymium:Yag, Pulmonary Surgery
215NQVCatheter, Suction, Tracheobronchial, Reprocessed
216QECForceps, Biopsy, Electric Surgical Hemostasis Within Tracheobronchial Tree
217QFBIsocapnic Ventilation Device
218GZEImplanted Diaphragmatic/Phrenic Nerve Stimulator
219PCMPortable Liquid Oxygen Unit Stand
220JCTProsthesis, Tracheal, Expandable
221OMTAbsorbable Lung Biopsy Plug
222BSDAnalyzer, Gas, Nitrogen, Partial Pressure, Blood-Phase, Non-Indwelling
223LSZVentilator, High Frequency
224LXOAnalyzer, Hydrogen Gas
225LYMDevice, Cpr Assist
226MNQStimulator, Hypoglossal Nerve, Implanted, Apnea
227NJKValve, Pulmonary
228OAZOne-Way Air-Leak Valve
229OIRDiaphragmatic/Phrenic Nerve Laparoscopically-Implanted Stimulator
230OOYBronchial Thermoplasty System
231PDRComputer-Assisted Personalized Sedation System
232PNCCatheter Introducer
233POILung Tissue Sealant For Lung Volume Reduction
234PSRImplanted Phrenic Nerve Stimulator For Central Sleep Apnea
235QGZElectrical Tumor Treatment Fields
236QKSInhaler, Metered Dose Or Dry Powder, Cder Or Cber Led
237NDCCalculator, Drug Dose
238CCYZimmerman (Spectrophotometric), 17-Ketosteroids
239CCZZimmerman/Norymberski, 17-Ketogenic Steroids
240CDAAcid, Nitrous And Nitrosonaphthol, 5-Hydroxyindole Acetic Acid/Serotonin
241CDBPorter Silber Hydrazone, 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids
242CDCL-Leucyl B-Naphthylamide, Leucine Aminopeptidase
243CDDRadioassay, Vitamin B12
244CDEChromatographic Separation/Zimmerman, 17-Ketosteroids
245CDFAcid, Vanilmandelic, Diazo, P-Nitroaniline/Vanillin
246CDGChromatography Separation/Zimmerman 17-Ketogenic Steroids
247CDHAcid, Uric, Phosphotungstate Reduction
248CDKAcid, Vanilmandelic, Electrophoretic Separation
249CDLBerthelot Indophenol, Urea Nitrogen
250CDMDiazonium Colorimetry, Urobilinogen (Urinary, Non-Quant.)
251CDNUrease, Photometric, Urea Nitrogen
252CDOAcid, Uric, Uricase (U.V.)
253CDPRadioimmunoassay, Total Triiodothyronine
254CDQUrease And Glutamic Dehydrogenase, Urea Nitrogen
255CDR1-Nitroso-2-Naphthol (Fluorometric), Free Tyrosine
256CDSElectrode, Ion Specific, Urea Nitrogen
257CDTLipase Hydrolysis/Glycerol Kinase Enzyme, Triglycerides
258CDWDiacetyl-Monoxime, Urea Nitrogen
259CDXRadioimmunoassay, Total Thyroxine
260CDZRadioimmunoassay, Testosterones And Dihydrotestosterone
261CEATlc Chromatographic Separation Triglycerides
262CECRadioimmunoassay, Free Thyroxine
263CED5-Amp-Phosphate Release (Colorimetric Test), 5'-Nucleotidase
264CEERadioimmunoassay, Thyroxine-Binding Globulin
265CEFElectrophoretic, Protein Fractionation
266CEIUranyl Acetate/Zinc Acetate, Sodium
267CEJTetraphenyl Borate, Colorimetry, Potassium
268CEKBiuret (Colorimetric), Total Protein
269CELAmmonium Molybdate And Ammonium Vanadate, Phospholipids
270CEMElectrode, Ion Specific, Potassium
271CENDye-Indicator, Ph (Urinary, Non-Quantitative)
272CEOPhosphomolybdate (Colorimetric), Inorganic Phosphorus
273CEPRadioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone
274CEQMolybdenum Blue Method, Phospholipids
275CER2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine, Lactate Dehydrogenase
276CESChromogenesis, Phenylketones (Urinary, Non-Quant.)
277CETOlive Oil Emulsion (Turbidimetric), Lipase
278CEWRadioimmunoassay, Parathyroid Hormone
279CEXChromatographic Separation, Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes
280CFAElectrode, Ion Specific, Magnesium
281CFBChromatographic Derivative, Total Lipids
282CFDSulfophosphovanillin, Colorimetry, Total Lipids
283CFEElectrophoretic, Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes
284CFGOil Emulsion/Thymolphthalein (Titrimetric), Lipase
285CFHTetrazolium Int Dye-Diaphorase, Lactate Dehydrogenase
286CFJNad Reduction/Nadh Oxidation, Lactate Dehydrogenase
287CFLRadioimmunoassay, Human Growth Hormone
288CFMBathophenanthroline, Colorimetry, Iron (Non-Heme)
289CFOTitrimetric, Magnesium
290CFPRadioimmunoassay, Immunoreactive Insulin
291CFRHexokinase, Glucose
292CFTRadioimmunoassay, Prolactin (Lactogen)
293CFWCopper Reduction, Glucose
294CGAGlucose Oxidase, Glucose
295CGCRadioimmunoassay, Gastrin
296CGDFerricyanide, Glucose
297CGEOrthotoluidine, Glucose
298CGFRadioimmunoassay, Estrone
299CGHElectrophoretic, Globulin
300CGIRadioimmunoassay, Estriol
301CGJRadioimmunoassay, Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
302CGLElectrode, Ion Based, Enzymatic, Creatinine
303CGNAcid, Folic, Radioimmunoassay
304CGOLieberman-Burchard/Abell-Kendall, Colorimetric, Cholesterol
305CGRRadioimmunoassay, Cortisol
306CGSNad Reduction/Nadh Oxidation, Cpk Or Isoenzymes
307CGTRadioimmunoassay, Cyclic Gmp
308CGXAlkaline Picrate, Colorimetry, Creatinine
309CGZElectrode, Ion-Specific, Chloride
310CHARadioimmunoassay, Corticosterone
311CHCTitrimetric Permanganate And Bromophenol Blue, Calcium
312CHDAcid, Ferric Ion-Sulfuric, Cholesterol
313CHERadioimmunoassay, Corticoids
314CHGAcid, Phosphoric-Tungstic (Spectrophotometric), Chloride
315CHHEnzymatic Esterase--Oxidase, Cholesterol
316CHILipase-Esterase, Enzymatic, Photometric, Lipase
317CHJMercuric Thiocyanate, Colorimetry, Chloride
318CHKMercuric Nitrate And Diphenyl Carbazone (Titrimetric), Chloride
319CHLElectrode Measurement, Blood-Gases (Pco2, Po2) And Blood Ph
320CHMRadioimmunoassay, Total Estrogens In Pregnancy
321CHORadioimmunoassay, Cyclic Amp
322CHPRadioimmunoassay, Estradiol
323CHQChromatographic/Fluorometric Method, Catecholamines
324CHRTitrimetric Phenol Red, Carbon-Dioxide
325CHSCoulometric Method, Carbon-Dioxide
326CHTElectrophoretic Method, Catecholamines
327CHWTitrimetric With Edta And Indicator, Calcium
328CHZDi (O-Hydroxyphenylimine) Ethane, Calcium
329CIAMethylthymol Blue, Calcium
330CIBRadioimmunoassay, Angiotensin I And Renin
331CICCresolphthalein Complexone, Calcium
332CIDAlizarin Sulfonate, Calcium
333CIEVolumetric/Manometric, Carbon-Dioxide
334CIFVanillin Pyruvate, Ast/Sgot
335CIGDiazo Colorimetry, Bilirubin
336CIJSaccharogenic, Amylase
337CIKRadial Diffusion, Amylase
338CILCresol Red Colorimetry, Carbon-Dioxide
339CINElectrophoretic Separation, Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes
340CIOThymolphthalein Monophosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes
341CIQDiazo, Ast/Sgot
342CISHydrazone Colorimetry, Ast/Sgot
343CITNadh Oxidation/Nad Reduction, Ast/Sgot
344CIWStarch-Dye Bound Polymer, Amylase
345CIXBromcresol Green Dye-Binding, Albumin
346CIYRadioimmunoassay, Androsterone
347CIZRadioimmunoassay, Androstenedione
348CJAAmyloclastic, Amylase
349CJBChromatographic Separation/Radioimmunoassay, Aldosterone
350CJCFructose-1, 6-Diphosphate And Nadh (U.V.), Aldolase
351CJDNitrosalicylate Reduction, Amylase
352CJENitrophenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes
353CJFTetrabromophenolphthalein, Albumin
354CJGTetrabromo-M-Cresolsulfonphthalein, Albumin
355CJHThymol Blue Monophosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes
356CJIDisodium Phenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes
357CJJDiazo, Alt/Sgpt
358CJKPhenolphthalein Phosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes
359CJLBeta Glycerophosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes
360CJMRadioimmunoassay, Aldosterone
361CJNAcid Phosphatase, Nitrophenylphosphate
362CJOAlpha-Naphthyl Phosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes
363CJQRadial Immunodiffusion, Albumin
364CJRAcid Phosphatase, Thymol Blue Monophosphate
365CJTHydrazone Colorimetry, Aldolase
366CJWBromcresol Purple Dye-Binding, Albumin
367CJXAcid Phosphatase, Disodium Phenylphosphate
368CJYAzo Dye, Calcium
369CJZAcid, Hydroxyazobenzene-Benzoic, Albumin
370CKANadh Oxidation/Nad Reduction, Alt/Sgpt
371CKBAcid Phosphatase, Naphthyl Phosphate
372CKCVanillin Pyruvate, Alt/Sgpt
373CKDHydrazone Colorimetry, Alt/Sgpt
374CKEAcid Phosphatase, Thymolphthale Inmonophosphate
375CKFPhenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes
376CKGRadioimmunoassay, Acth
377CKHAcid Phosphatase, Beta Glycerophosphate
378DHASystem, Test, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
379GIMTubes, Vacuum Sample, With Anticoagulant
380GJETray, Blood Collection
381GLEMixer, Blood Tube
382JBSTimer, General Laboratory
383JFHAcid Phosphatase (Prostatic), Tartrate Inhibited
384JFJCatalytic Methods, Amylase
385JFLPh Rate Measurement, Carbon-Dioxide
386JFMEnzymatic Method, Bilirubin
387JFNAtomic Absorption, Calcium
388JFOFluorometric, Calcium
389JFPElectrode, Ion Specific, Calcium
390JFSCoulometric, Chloride
391JFTFluorometric, Cortisol
392JFYEnzymatic Method, Creatinine
393JGCTryptophan Measurement (Colorimetric), Globulin
394JGDNephelometric Method, Globulin
395JGETurbidimetric Method, Globulin
396JGFDifferential Rate Kinetic Method, Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes
397JGGL-Leucine-4-Nitroanilide (Colorimetric), Leucine Arylamidase
398JGIAtomic Absorption, Magnesium
399JGJPhotometric Method, Magnesium
400JGKFerric Chloride, Phenylketones (Urinary, Non-Quant.)
401JGMFlame Photometry, Potassium
402JGPLowry (Colorimetric), Total Protein
403JGQTurbidimetric, Total Protein
404JGRRefractometric, Total Protein
405JGSElectrode, Ion Specific, Sodium
406JGTFlame Photometry, Sodium
407JGWFluorometric Method, Triglycerides
408JGXTurbidimetric Method, Triglycerides
409JGYColorimetric Method, Triglycerides
410JGZO-Phthalaldehyde, Urea Nitrogen
411JHAAcid, Uric, Uricase (Gasometric)
412JHCAcid, Uric, Uricase (Oxygen Rate)
413JHDFluorometric Method, 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids
414JHERadioassay, 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids
415JHFColorimetric Method, Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio
416JHGChromatographic Separation, Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio
417JHHElectrophoretic Method, Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio
418JHIVisual, Pregnancy Hcg, Prescription Use
419JHJAgglutination Method, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
420JHLMicrodensitometry Method, Lipoproteins
421JHMColorimetric Method, Lipoproteins
422JHNTurbidimetric Method, Lipoproteins
423JHOElectrophoretic Separation, Lipoproteins
424JHPRadial Immunodiffusion, Lipoproteins
425JHQNephelometric Method, Lipoproteins
426JHSDifferential Rate Kinetic Method, Cpk Or Isoenzymes
427JHTChromatographic Separation, Cpk Isoenzymes
428JHWU.V. Method, Cpk Isoenzymes
429JHXFluorometric Method, Cpk Or Isoenzymes
430JHYColorimetric Method, Cpk Or Isoenzymes
431JIAEnzymatic Methods, Galactose
432JIBU.V. Method, Galactose
433JICColorimetric Method, Galactose
434JIDPhotometric Method, Ammonia
435JIEMethod, Ion-Exchange, Ammonia
436JIFEnzymatic Method, Ammonia
437JIGElectrode, Ion-Specific Method, Ammonia
438JIJWet Ash Method, Protein-Bound Iodine
439JIKDry Ash Method, Protein-Bound Iodine
440JILMethod, Enzymatic, Glucose (Urinary, Non-Quantitative)
441JIMMethod, Metallic Reduction, Glucose (Urinary, Non-Quantitative)
442JINNitroprusside, Ketones (Urinary, Non-Quant.)
443JIQTurbidimetric Method, Protein Or Albumin (Urinary, Non-Quant.)
444JIRIndicator Method, Protein Or Albumin (Urinary, Non-Quant.)
445JISCalibrator, Primary
446JITCalibrator, Secondary
447JIWCalibrator, Surrogate
448JIXCalibrator, Multi-Analyte Mixture
449JIYPhotometric Method, Iron (Non-Heme)
450JIZAtomic Absorption, Iron (Non-Heme)
451JJARadio-Labeled Iron Method, Iron (Non-Heme)
452JJBAzo-Dyes, Colorimetric, Bilirubin & Its Conjugates (Urinary, Non-Quant.)
453JJCAnalyzer, Chemistry (Sequential Multiple, Continuous Flow) Clinical Use
454JJEAnalyzer, Chemistry (Photometric, Discrete), For Clinical Use
455JJFAnalyzer, Chemistry, Micro, For Clinical Use
456JJGAnalyzer, Chemistry, Centrifugal, For Clinical Use
457JJHClinical Sample Concentrator
458JJIAnalyzer, Enzyme, For Clinical Use
459JJJCounter (Beta, Gamma) For Clinical Use
460JJKOncometer, Plasma, For Clinical Use
461JJLPlasma Viscometer For Clinical Use
462JJMOsmometer For Clinical Use
463JJNApparatus, Electrophoresis, For Clinical Use
464JJOFlame Emission Photometer For Clinical Use
465JJPElectrode, Ion Selective (Non-Specified)
466JJQColorimeter, Photometer, Spectrophotometer For Clinical Use
467JJRElectrolyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed)
468JJSControls For Blood-Gases, (Assayed And Unassayed)
469JJTEnzyme Controls (Assayed And Unassayed)
470JJWUrinalysis Controls (Assayed And Unassayed)
471JJXSingle (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed)
472JJYMulti-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed)
473JKATubes, Vials, Systems, Serum Separators, Blood Collection
474JKBRadioimmunoassay, Compound S (11-Deoxycortisol)
475JKCRadioimmunoassay, Dehydroepiandrosterone (Free And Sulfate)
476JKDRadioimmunoassay, C-Peptides Of Proinsulin
477JKFDinitrophenyl Hydrazone Measurement (Colorimetric), Hydroxybutyric Dehydroge
478JKGL-Isocitrate And Nadp (U.V.), Isocitric Dehydrogenase
479JKHHydrazone Deriv. Of Alpha-Ketogluterate (Colorimetry), Isocitric Dehydrogen
480JKJFluorometric Measurement, Porphyrins
481JKLAcid, Delta-Aminolevulinic, Ion-Exchange Columns With Colorimetry
482JKPChromium-51, Blood Volume
483JKRRadioimmunoassay, Calcitonin
484JKWN-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine Ethyl Ester (U.V.), Chymotrypsin
485JKXN-Benzoyl-L-Tyrosine Ethyl Ester (U.V.), Chymotrypsin
486JKYOxalydihydrazide (Spectroscopic), Copper
487JKZDiethyldithiocarbamate (Colorimetric), Copper
488JLAConversion To Creatinine, Creatine
489JLBAtp And Creatine Kinase (Enzymatic), Creatine
490JLCNitroprusside Reaction (Qualitative, Urine), Cystine
491JLDChromatographic, Cystine
492JLERadioimmunoassay, Desoxycorticosterone
493JLFRadioimmunoassay, Etiocholanolone
494JLGConversion To Ferric Hydroxymates (Colorimetric), Fatty Acids
495JLHTitrimetric, Fatty Acids
496JLITetrahydrofolate, Enzymatic (U.V.), Formiminoglutamic Acid
497JLJUridine-5-Diphosphoglucose, Nad (U.V.), Alpha-D Galactose-1-Phosphate
498JLKSodium Hydroxide And Phenol Red (Titrimetric), Gastric Acidity
499JLLTubeless Analysis, Gastric Acidity
500JLNChromatographic, Glutathione
501JLOEnzymatic (Glutathione Reductase), Glutathione
502JLPSpectrophotometric Method, Pregnanediol
503JLQSpectrophotometric Method, Pregnanetriol
504JLRGas Chromatography, Pregnanetriol
505JLSRadioimmunoassay, Progesterone
506JLTAcid, Pyruvic, Enzymatic (U.V.)
507JLWRadioimmunoassay, Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone
508JLXRadioimmunoassay, 17-Hydroxyprogesterone
509JLYPhosphoglycerate Mutase (Colorimetric), 2,3-Diphosphoglyceric Acid
510JLZNadh, Phosphoglycerate Mutase, Atp (U.V.) 2,3-Diphosphoglyceric Acid
511JMAAcid, Ascorbic, 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine (Spectrophotometric)
512JMDRadioimmunoassay, Total Estrogens, Nonpregnancy
513JMERadioimmunoassay, Glucagon
514JMFRadioimmunoassay, Human Placental Lactogen
515JMIChromatographic, Histidine
516JMJMicrobiological, Histidine
517JMKAcid, Alpha-Ketobutyric And Nadh (U.V.), Hydroxybutyric Dehydrogenase
518JMMColumn Chromatography & Color Development, Hydroxyproline
519JMNExtraction Plus Chromatography With Color By Ninhydrin, Hydroxyproline
520JMOFerrozine (Colorimetric) Iron Binding Capacity
521JMQM. Lysodeikticus Cells (Spectrophotometric), Lysozyme (Muramidase)
522JMRImmunochemical, Lysozyme (Muramidase)
523JMSAcid, Oxalacetic And Nadh Oxidation (U.V.), Malic Dehydrogenase
524JMTDiazo (Colorimetric), Nitrite (Urinary, Non-Quant)
525JMW2,4-Dinitrofluorobenzene (Spectroscopic), Nitrogen (Amino-Nitrogen)
526JMXNinhydrin, Nitrogen (Amino-Nitrogen)
527JMYCitrulline, Arsenate, Nessler (Colorimetry), Ornithine Carbamyl Transferase
528JMZComparison Of Freezing Points & Stds. Of Known Osmotic Pressure, Osmolality
529JNAVapor Pressure, Osmolality Of Serum & Urine
530JNBNinhydrin And L-Leucyl-L-Alanine (Fluorimetric), Phenylalanine
531JNCColumn Or Paper Chromatography Plus Ninhydrin, Phenylalanine
532JNDNadp Reduction, 6-Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase
533JNEGlucose-6-Phosphate (Colorimetric), Phosphohexose Isomerase
534JNFIon-Exchange Resin, Ehrlich'S Reagent, Porphobilinogen
535JNGRadioimmunoassay, Pregnenolone
536JNJPhosphoenol Pyruvate, Adp, Nadh, Pyruvate Kinase
537JNKBeta-D-Fructose & Nadh Oxidation (U.V.), Sorbitol Dehydrogenase
538JNNP-Toluenesulphonyl-L-Arginine Methyl Ester (U.V.), Trypsin
539JNON-Benzoyl-L-Arginine Ethyl Ester (U.V.), Trypsin
540JNPInfrared Spectroscopy Measurement, Urinary Calculi (Stone)
541JNQQualitative Chemical Reactions, Urinary Calculi (Stone)
542JNSStannous Chloride - Hydrazine, Phospholipids
543JNTChromatographic, Phospholipids
544JNXMembrane Osmometry, Plasma Oncometry
545JNYGlyceralde-3-Phosphate, Nadh (Enzymatic), Triose Phosphate Isomerase
546JNZFluorometric, Uroporphyrin
547JOAAcid, Trifluoroacetic, Vitamin A, Hexane Extraction
548JOBHexane Extraction, Fluorescence, Vitamin E
549JOCColorimetric, Xylose
550JPZColorimetric Method, Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase
551JQAElectrophoretic, Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase Isoenzymes
552JQBKinetic Method, Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase
553JQCCentrifuges (Micro, Ultra, Refrigerated) For Clinical Use
554JQDResin, Ion-Exchange, Thioglycolic Acid, Colorimetry, Iron Binding Capacity
555JQEResin, Ion-Exchange, Ascorbic Acid, Colorimetry, Iron Binding Capacity
556JQFBathophenanthroline, Iron Binding Capacity
557JQGRadiometric, Fe59, Iron Binding Capacity
558JQHTrinitrobenzene Sulfonate (Spectroscopic), Nitrogen (Amino-Nitrogen)
559JQIRotating Disc, Plasma Viscometry
560JQJDensitometeric, Protein Fractionation
561JQKImmunodiffusion, Protein Fractionation
562JQLSpectrophotometric, Uroporphyrin
563JQMP-Bromoaniline, Xylose
564JQNColorimetric, Mucopolysaccharides
565JQOBalance, Analytical
566JQPCalculator/Data Processing Module, For Clinical Use
568JQTDensitometer/Scanner (Integrating, Reflectance, Tlc, Radiochromat.) Clinica
569JQWStation, Pipetting And Diluting, For Clinical Use
570JQXNephelometer, For Clinical Use
571JQYPh Meter
573JRAMicrotitrator, For Clinical Use
574JRBMicro Mixer
575JRCMicro Pipette
576JRERefractometer For Clinical Use
577JRGBlock, Heating
578JRICuvette, Thermostated
579JRJUnit, Drying
581JRLUnit, Filter, Membrane
585JRRRegulator, Temperature
586JRSPurifier, Water (Absorption, Deionization, Membrane Filter, Reverse Osmosis)
587KHMNephelometric, Amylase
588KHOFluorometer, For Clinical Use
589KHPAcid, Lactic, Enzymatic Method
590KHQRadioassay, Triiodothyronine Uptake
591KHSEnzymatic, Carbon-Dioxide
592KLIEnzyme Immunoassay, Non-Radiolabeled, Total Thyroxine
593KLJNad Reduction (U.V.), Phosphohexose Isomerase
594KMSPhenolphthalein Colorimetry, Carbon-Dioxide
595KNKAcid, Uric, Uricase (Colorimetric)
596KQNRadioassay, Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
597KQOAutomated Urinalysis System
598KQPFluorescent Proc. (Qual.), Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyl Transferase
599KWWRadioimmunoassay, Cholyglycine, Bile Acids
600KWXRadioimmunoassay, Conjugated Sulfalithocholic (Slcg) Acid, Bile Acids
601LBRLdl & Vldl Precipitation, Hdl
602LBSLdl & Vldl Precipitation, Cholesterol Via Esterase-Oxidase, Hdl
603LBTElectrophoresis, Cholesterol Via Esterase-Oxidase, Hdl
604LCHTonometer (Calibration And Q.C. Of Blood-Gas Instruments), Clinical
605LCIAutomated Radioimmunoassay Systems, For Clinical Use
606LCXKit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter
607LFPConductivity Rate, Urea Nitrogen
608LFQAcid, Uric, Acid Reduction Of Ferric Ion
609LFRGlucose Dehydrogenase, Glucose
610LFSRadioreceptor Assay, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
611LIGRadioassay, Intrinsic Factor Blocking Antibody
612LPSUrinary Homocystine (Nonquantitative) Test System
613LPTSystem, Test, Urinary Methylmalonic Acid
614LPWSystem, Test, Oxalate
615LXGEquipment, Laboratory, General Purpose, Labeled Or Promoted For A Specific Medical Use
616MMIImmunoassay Method, Troponin Subunit
617MPGUrinary Carbohydrate Analysis Kit
618MQMBilirubin (Total And Unbound) In The Neonate Test System
619MRGSystem, Test, Vitamin D
620MRRSystem, Test, Low Density, Lipoprotein
621MRVDrink, Glucose Tolerance
623MSMSystem, Test, Lipoprotein(A)
624MYTBiosensor, Immunoassay, Cpk Or Isoenzymes
625MZUSystem, Test, Sodium, Enzymatic Method
626MZVTest, System, Potassium, Enzymatic Method
627NAKSystem, Test, Biotinidase
628NALTest, Immunoassay, Biosensor, Hcg
629NAOTest, Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin
630NAQLipoprotein, High Density, Hdl, Over The Counter
631NBCTest, Natriuretic Peptide
632NBWSystem, Test, Blood Glucose, Over The Counter
633NDREnzyme Immunoassay, Inhibin-A
634NDYTest, Cystatin C
635NEOSystem, Test, Osteocalcin
636NHGEnzyme Immunoassay, Cortisol, Salivary
637NJVTest, Albumin Cobalt Binding
638NQLSystem, Test, Amino Acids, Free Carnitines And Acylcarnitines Tandem Mass Spectrometry
639NQMImmunoassay For Detection Of Amniotic Fluid Protein(S).
640NRHSystem, Breath Measurement
641NSUInstrumentation For Clinical Multiplex Test Systems
642NVVDigital Image, Storage And Communications, Non-Diagnostic, Laboratory Information System
643OAMImmunoassay, Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1
644OHQMulti-Analyte Controls Unassayed
645OLDInternal Polymerase Chain Reaction Control, Not Assay Specific
646ONDOsmolality Of Tears
647OOIReal Time Nucleic Acid Amplification System
648OSXGalectin-3 In Vitro Diagnostic Assay
649OTAMass Spectrometer For Clinical Multiplex Test Systems
650OULThermocycler, Generic
651OVAComplete Gene Expression Profiling Accessory Reagents
652OYGSt2 Assay
653OYJDna Specimen Collection, Saliva
654PCADna Genetic Analyzer
655PDJHemoglobin A1c Test System
656PDSAmniotic Fluid Protein Immunoassay
657PEGNucleic Acid Quantitation Kit
658PERAutomated Pipetting, Diluting And Specimen Processing Workstations For Flow Cytometric Analysis
659PFQMmp-9 Test System
660PHGDroplet Digital Pcr System
661PHVContinuous Glucose Monitor Retrospective Data Analysis Software
662PIGAcute Kidney Injury Test System
663PJCNewborn Screening Specimen Collection Paper
664PJDOral Fluid Drugs Of Abuse And Alcohol Test Specimen Collection Device
665PJEBlood/Plasma Collection Device For Dna Testing
666PJTContinuous Glucose Monitor Secondary Display
667PKUInsulin Pump Secondary Display
668PQDBlood Specimen Collection Convenience Kit (Excludes Hiv)
669PQTAlpha-L-Iduronidase (Idua) Newborn Screening Test System
670PQUAlpha-D-Glucosidase (Gaa) Newborn Screening Test System
671PQVß-Glucocerebrosidase (Gba) Newborn Screening Test System
672PQWAlpha-D-Galactosidase A (Gla) Newborn Screening Test System
673PRJCapillary Blood Collection Device For Alternative Site Collection
674PSL25-Oh-Vitamin D Mass Spectrometry Test System
675PSMRefractometer For Donor Testing
676PTCUric Acid Test System For At Home Prescription Use
677PYPLow-Density Lipoprotein (Ldl) Cholesterol Sub-Fraction Test
678PYVHospital Continuous Glucose Monitoring System
679PZIPrescription Use Blood Glucose Meter For Near-Patient Testing
680QBJIntegrated Continuous Glucose Monitoring System, Factory Calibrated
681QBZAutomated Platform Consisting Of Software And Instrumentation For Pooling And/Or Lysing Donor Blood, Serum, Or Plasma
682QCCInsulin Pump Therapy Adjustment Calculator For Healthcare Professionals
683QCLAcid-Sphingomyelinase (Asm) Newborn Screening Test System
684QCMß-Galactocerebrosidase (Galc) Newborn Screening Test System
685QDHMenopause Test System
686QDKIntegrated Continuous Glucose Monitoring System For Non-Intensive Diabetes Management
687QDLIntegrated Continuous Glucose Monitoring System For Professional Retrospective Use
688QEIBreast Milk Macronutrients Test System
689QFGAlternate Controller Enabled Insulin Infusion Pump
690QIIIntegrated Continuous Glucose Monitoring System For Professional Directed Retrospective Or Real-Time Use
691QJEMuscular Dystrophy Newborn Screening Test
692QJIInteroperable Automated Glycemic Controller
693QJSInteroperable Automated Glycemic Controller, Insulin Suspend
694OJQCardiac Allograft Gene Expression Profiling Test System
695LPIKit, Assay, Progesterone Receptor
696LPJKit, Assay, Estrogen Receptor
697LZFPump, Infusion, Analytical Sampling
698LZGPump, Infusion, Insulin
699JMGRadioimmunoassay (Two-Site Solid Phase), Ferritin
700QDJDirect-To-Consumer Access Pharmacogenetic Assessment System
701MXBTest, Vaginal, Bacterial Sialidase
702OIDSex Crimes / Sexual Assault / Suspect Evidence Collection Kit (Excludes Hiv Testing)
703MPQContainer, Specimen, Urine, Drugs Of Abuse, Over The Counter
704MXTDevice, Accessory, Cooling Plate For Tissue Embedding Station
705OHZUrine Transport Kit (Excludes Hiv Testing)
706OIANeonatal Blood Collection Kit And Screening Form (Excludes Hiv Testing)
707OIBBlood And Urine Collection Kit (Excludes Hiv Testing)
708OIEUrine Collection Kit (Excludes Hiv Testing)
709MXASystem, Test, Breath Nitric Oxide
710OICBlood Alcohol Kit (Excludes Hiv Testing)
711LHEController, Closed-Loop Blood Glucose
712LKVEnzyme Immunoassay, Fetal Fibronectin
713LMYMonitor, Skin Resistance/Skin Temperature, For Insulin Reactions
714LTCHyaline Membrane Disease Assay
715MDSSensor, Glucose, Invasive
716MWQSystem, Test, Total Antioxidant Status
717NCTInstrument, Glucose, Noninvasive Technology
718NQCTest, Breath Analysis, Volatile Organic Compounds
719NUKFor Export Only - Antigen, Anti-Cardiac, Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test System
720NULFor Export Only - Antigen, Anti-Skeletal, Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test System
721OTVResearch Use Only/Clinical Chemistry Devices
722OYCPump, Infusion, Insulin, To Be Used With Invasive Glucose Sensor
723OZOAutomated Insulin Dosing , Threshold Suspend
724OZPAutomated Insulin Dosing Device System, Single Hormonal Control
725OZQAutomated Insulin Dosing Device System, Bihormonal Control
726PAQTest, Nr2 Antibody
727PARTest, Volatile Organic Compounds Breath Analysis
728PDAInvestigational Use Only - Clinical Chemistry
729PEJSalivary Estriol Test
730PHKTest, Cell Mediated Immune Response, Liver And Small Bowel Transplant/Transplantation
731PQFSensor, Glucose, Invasive, Non-Adjunctive
732PZESensor, Glucose, Invasive, Non-Adjunctive, Factory-Calibrated, User-Initiated
733QCDContinuous Glucose Monitor, Implanted, Adjunctive Use
734QHJSensor, Glucose, Implanted, Non-Adjunctive Use
735CACApparatus, Autotransfusion
736OEVCardiopulmonary Resuscitation Aid Kit
737BYSOxygenator, Long Term Support Greater Than 6 Hours
739DPTProbe, Blood-Flow, Extravascular
740DPWFlowmeter, Blood, Cardiovascular
741DQBPhlebograph, Impedance
743DQDStethoscope, Electronic
744DQECatheter, Oximeter, Fiber-Optic
745DQGMicrosphere, Trace
746DQHCardiograph, Apex (Vibrocardiograph)
747DQKComputer, Diagnostic, Programmable
748DQOCatheter, Intravascular, Diagnostic
749DQPKit, Balloon Repair, Catheter
750DQRCannula, Catheter
751DQTOccluder, Catheter Tip
752DQXWire, Guide, Catheter
753DQYCatheter, Percutaneous
754DRACatheter, Steerable
755DRBStylet, Catheter
757DREDilator, Vessel, For Percutaneous Catheterization
758DRFCatheter, Electrode Recording, Or Probe, Electrode Recording
759DRGTransmitters And Receivers, Physiological Signal, Radiofrequency
760DRIMonitor, Line Isolation
761DRJSystem, Signal Isolation
762DRKDc-Defibrillator, High Energy, (Including Paddles)
763DRLTester, Defibrillator
764DRMCompressor, Cardiac, External
765DRNDevice, Counter-Pulsating, External
766DROPacemaker, Cardiac, External Transcutaneous (Non-Invasive)
767DRPTourniquet, Automatic Rotating
768DRQAmplifier And Signal Conditioner, Transducer Signal
769DRRAmplifier And Signal Conditioner, Biopotential
770DRSTransducer, Blood-Pressure, Extravascular
771DRTMonitor, Cardiac (Incl. Cardiotachometer & Rate Alarm)
772DRWAdaptor, Lead Switching, Electrocardiograph
773DRXElectrode, Electrocardiograph
774DRYMonitor, Blood-Gas, On-Line, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
776DSACable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector)
777DSBPlethysmograph, Impedance
778DSFRecorder, Paper Chart
779DSHRecorder, Magnetic Tape, Medical
780DSIDetector And Alarm, Arrhythmia
781DSJAlarm, Blood-Pressure
782DSKComputer, Blood-Pressure
783DSMAlarm, Leakage Current, Portable
784DSPSystem, Balloon, Intra-Aortic And Control
785DSRStimulator, Carotid Sinus Nerve
786DSSClip, Vascular
787DSTClip, Vena-Cava
788DSWBag, Polymeric Mesh, Pacemaker
789DSYProsthesis, Vascular Graft, Of 6mm And Greater Diameter
790DSZPacemaker Battery
791DTATester, Pacemaker Electrode Function
792DTBPermanent Pacemaker Electrode
793DTCAnalyzer, Pacemaker Generator Function
794DTDPacemaker Lead Adaptor
795DTEPulse-Generator, Pacemaker, External
796DTFTools, Pacemaker Service
797DTGMagnet, Test, Pacemaker
798DTISizer, Heart-Valve, Prosthesis
799DTJHolder, Heart-Valve, Prosthesis
800DTKFilter, Intravascular, Cardiovascular
801DTLAdaptor, Stopcock, Manifold, Fitting, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
802DTMFilter, Blood, Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Arterial Line
803DTNReservoir, Blood, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
804DTPDefoamer, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
805DTQConsole, Heart-Lung Machine, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
806DTRHeat-Exchanger, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
807DTSSucker, Cardiotomy Return, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
808DTWMonitor And/Or Control, Level Sensing, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
809DTXGas Control Unit, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
810DTYSensor, Blood-Gas, In-Line, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
811DTZOxygenator, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
812DWAControl, Pump Speed, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
813DWBPump, Blood, Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Roller Type
814DWCController, Temperature, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
815DWDSuction Control, Intracardiac, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
816DWETubing, Pump, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
817DWFCatheter, Cannula And Tubing, Vascular, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
818DWJSystem, Thermal Regulating
819DWPDilator, Vessel, Surgical
820DWQStripper, Vein, External
821DWSInstruments, Surgical, Cardiovascular
822DWXStripper, Artery, Intraluminal
823DWZDevice, Biopsy, Endomyocardial
824DXCClamp, Vascular
825DXECatheter, Embolectomy
826DXFCatheter, Septostomy
827DXGComputer, Diagnostic, Pre-Programmed, Single-Function
828DXHTransmitters And Receivers, Electrocardiograph, Telephone
829DXJDisplay, Cathode-Ray Tube, Medical
831DXLInjector, Indicator
833DXNSystem, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive
834DXOTransducer, Pressure, Catheter Tip
835DXPTransducer, Vessel Occlusion
836DXQBlood Pressure Cuff
838DXSGauge, Pressure, Coronary, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
839DXTInjector And Syringe, Angiographic
840DXWSystem, Phonocatheter, Intracavitary
841DXXSystem, Catheter Control, Steerable
842DXYImplantable Pacemaker Pulse-Generator
843DXZPatch, Pledget And Intracardiac, Petp, Ptfe, Polypropylene
844DYBIntroducer, Catheter
846DYEReplacement Heart-Valve
847DYFProsthesis, Vascular Graft, Of Less Then 6mm Diameter
848DYGCatheter, Flow Directed
849IZQInjector, Contrast Medium, Automatic
850JODFilter, Blood, Cardiotomy Suction Line, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
851JOMPlethysmograph, Photoelectric, Pneumatic Or Hydraulic
852JONTransducer, Apex Cardiographic
853JOOTransducer, Heart Sound
854JOPTransducer, Ultrasonic
855JOQGenerator, Pulse, Pacemaker, External Programmable (For Electrophysiological Studies Only)
856JORGenerator, Pulsatile Flow, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
857JOWSleeve, Limb, Compressible
858KFJMaterials, Repair Or Replacement, Pacemaker
859KFMPump, Blood, Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Non-Roller Type
860KRACatheter, Continuous Flush
861KRBProbe, Thermodilution
862KRCTester, Electrode, Surface, Electrocardiographic
863KRDDevice, Vascular, For Promoting Embolization
864KREAnalyzer, Pacemaker Generator Function, Indirect
865KRFCharger, Pacemaker
866KRGProgrammer, Pacemaker
867KRHRing, Annuloplasty
868KRIAccessory Equipment, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
869KRJFilter, Prebypass, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
870KRKManometer, Blood-Pressure, Venous
871KRLDetector, Bubble, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
872LDDDc-Defibrillator, Low-Energy, (Including Paddles)
873LDEStethoscope, Manual
874LDFElectrode, Pacemaker, Temporary
875LHXTrousers, Anti-Shock
876LITCatheter, Angioplasty, Peripheral, Transluminal
877LIXAid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
878LOXCatheters, Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty, Percutaneous
879LXNProbe, Test, Heart-Valve
880MABMarker, Cardiopulmonary Bypass (Vein Marker)
881MALGraft, Vascular, Synthetic/Biologic Composite
882MAVSyringe, Balloon Inflation
883MCWCatheter, Peripheral, Atherectomy
884MFXVessel Guard Or Cover, To Facilitate Revision Surgeries
885MFYEndothelial Cell Harvesting Kit
887MHXMonitor, Physiological, Patient(With Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms)
888MJJCpb Check Valve, Retrograde Flow, In-Line
889MJNCatheter, Intravascular Occluding, Temporary
890MKJAutomated External Defibrillators (Non-Wearable)
891MLCMonitor, St Segment
892MLDMonitor, St Segment With Alarm
893MLNElectrode, Electrocardiograph, Multi-Function
894MLOElectrocardiograph, Ambulatory, With Analysis Algorithm
895MMXDevice, Percutaneous Retrieval
896MNJValve, Pressure Relief, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
897MOPRotator, Prosthetic Heart Valve
898MPCAtrial Defibrillator
899MPDAuxiliary Power Supply (Ac Or Dc) For Low-Energy Dc-Defibrillator
900MPEAuxiliary Power Supply (Acor Dc) For External Transcutaneous Cardiac Pacemaker
901MSXSystem, Network And Communication, Physiological Monitors
902MTDCatheter, Intracardiac Mapping, High-Density Array
903MUDOximeter, Tissue Saturation
904MWIMonitor, Physiological, Patient (Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms)
905MWJElectrocardiograph, Ambulatory (Without Analysis)
906MWSStabilizer, Heart
907MXCRecorder, Event, Implantable Cardiac, (Without Arrhythmia Detection)
908MXDRecorder, Event, Implantable Cardiac, (With Arrhythmia Detection)
909MZYGraft, Vascular, Stainless Steel Tunneler
910NCPCannula, Arterial, Cardiopulmonary Bypass (Cpb), Embolism Protection
911NFATemporary Coronary Saphenous Vein Bypass Graft For Embolic Protection
912NHWElectrode, Pacing And Cardioversion, Temporary, Epicardial
913NKOSystem, Balloon, Intra-Aortic And Control, Reprocessed
914NKPInjector, Contrast Medium, Automatic, Reprocessed
915NKQGuidewire, Catheter, Reprocessed
916NKRSystem, Catheter Control, Reprocessed
917NKSCatheter, Steerable, Reprocessed
918NKTInjector And Syringe, Angiographic, Reprocessed
919NKUInjector And Syringe, Angiographic, Balloon Inflation, Reprocessed
920NKWActuator, Syringe, For Injector, Reprocessed
921NLGCatheter, Intracardiac Mapping, High-Density, Reprocessed
922NLHCatheter, Recording, Electrode, Reprocessed
923NLICatheter, Angiography, Reprocessed
924NLJStripper, Vein, External, Reprocessed
925NMBCatheter, Oximeter, Fiber Optic, Reprocessed
926NMDOximeter, Tissue Saturation, Reprocessed
927NMFClamp, Vascular, Reprocessed
928NMKTrocar, Reprocessed
929NMMCatheter, Angioplasty, Peripheral, Transluminal, Reprocessed
930NPPReprocessed Blood Pressure Cuff
931NQGStabilizer, Heart, Non-Compression, Reprocessed
932NQHSensor, Pressure, Aneurysm, Implantable
933NSAOver-The-Counter Automated External Defibrillator
934NTETemporary Carotid Catheter For Embolic Capture
935NVMCatheter, Angioplasty, Peripheral, Transluminal, Dual-Balloon
936NZEHyperthermia Monitor
937OBICatheter, Pressure Monitoring, Cardiac
938OBJCatheter, Ultrasound, Intravascular
939OCHOximeter, Infrared, Sporting, Aviation
940OEDAntimicrobial Blood Pressure Cuff
941OEQAngiography/Angioplasty Kit
942OERAngioscopic Valvulotome Kit
943OESCardiac Catheterization Kit
944OETCardioplegia Solution Administration Kit
945OEUCardiopulmonary Bypass Catheter Kit
946OEXCardiovascular Catheter Sheath Introducer Kit
947OEYSingle Lead Over-The-Counter Electrocardiograph
948OEZCardiovascular Procedure Kit
949OFACardiovascular Surgical Instruments Tray
950OFBCatheter Guide Wire Kit
951OFCCatheter Introducer Kit
952OFDCatheter Introducer Kit
953OFECentral Venous Blood Pressure Kit
954OFFCentral Venous Catheter Tray
955OFGCt Biopsy Tray
956OFHDigital Angiography Tray
957OFILaser Blood Flow Kit
958OFJLead Introducer Kit
959OFKPercutaneous Atrial Catheter Kit
960OFLPercutaneous Sheath Introducer Kit
961OFNWinged Intravenous Catheterization Kit
962OGZCatheter, Intravascular, Plaque Morphology Evaluation
963OKRVentricular Bypass (Assist) Device
964OMHPericardial Patch To Facilitate Revision Surgeries
965OMRVessel Guard Or Cover
966OMZPulmonary (Pulmonic) Valvuloplasty Catheters/Percutaneous Valvuloplasty Catheter
967ORDOptical Coherence Tomography, Intravascular Catheter
968OTDEndovascular Suturing System
969OVJPulse Generator, External Pacemaker, Dual Chamber
970OWQReprocessed Intravascular Ultrasound Catheter
971OZTBalloon Aortic Valvuloplasty
972PALPulmonic Replacement Heart Valve
973PBLTemporary Cardiac Support Blood Pump
974PCKPediatric Ventricular Assist Device
975PDUCatheter For Crossing Total Occlusions
976PFANon-Invasive Central Venous Manometer
977PFYLow Patient Acuity Monitoring System
978PJACoronary Vascular Physiologic Simulation Software
979PJBCatheter Remote Control System
980PLAEsophageal Thermal Regulation And Gastric Suctioning Device
981PLBMultivariate Vital Signs Index
982PMJCpr Aid Feedback Device (No Software)
983PMKCpr Aid Device Without Feedback
984PNEReprocessed Catheter Introducer
985PNJLeadless Pacemaker
986PNOCatheter, Percutaneous, Cutting/Scoring
987PNQApical Closure Device
988PNSShort-Term Intravascular Filter Catheter
989PPNPercutaneous Catheter, Ultrasound
990PPSSleeve, Head And Neck, Compressible
991PPWAdjunctive Cardiovascular Status Indicator
992PQKPercutaneous Catheter For Creation Of An Arteriovenous Fistula For Hemodialysis Access
993PSQIntracardiac Patch Or Pledget, Biologically Derived
994PSTAortic Annuloplasty Ring
995PTLWire, Guide, Catheter, Exempt
996PTMSyringe, Balloon Inflation, Exempt
997PTNReservoir, Blood, Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Exempt
998PUMTemporary Catheter, Embolic Protection, Transcatheter Intracardiac Procedures
999PYXTemporary Non-Roller Type Right Heart Support Blood Pump
1000PZSDual Lumen Ecmo Cannula
1001QABPacing System Analyzer
1002QAQAdjunctive Predictive Cardiovascular Indicator
1003QDAElectrocardiograph Software For Over-The-Counter Use
1004QDBPhotoplethysmograph Analysis Software For Over-The-Counter Use
1005QEKAngiographic Coronary Vascular Physiologic Simulation Software
1006QEWPeripheral Mechanical Thrombectomy With Aspiration
1007QEXCoronary Mechanical Thrombectomy With Aspiration
1008QEYMechanical Thrombolysis Catheter
1009QEZAspiration Thrombectomy Catheter
1010QFJIntravascular Bleed Monitor
1011QJHReverse Central Venous Recanalization System
1012QJZExtracorporeal System For Long-Term Respiratory / Cardiopulmonary Failure
1014PZOSoftware For Visualization Of Vascular Anatomy And Intravascular Devices
1015KPKMarker, Ostia, Aorto-Saphenous Vein
1016OCLSurgical Device, For Cutting, Coagulation, And/Or Ablation Of Tissue, Including Cardiac Tissue
1017PAWNonabsorbable Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene Surgical Suture For Chordae Tendinae Repair Or Replacement
1018PZXLeft Atrial Appendage Clip, Implantable
1019DSQVentricular (Assist) Bypass
1020FZCProsthesis, Arterial Graft, Bovine Carotid Artery
1021LOTPulse-Generator, Program Module
1022LOZArtificial Heart
1023LPASystem, Esophageal Pacing
1024LPBCardiac Ablation Percutaneous Catheter
1025LPCDevice, Angioplasty, Laser, Coronary
1026LWOPulse-Generator, Single Chamber, Sensor Driven, Implantable
1027LWPImplantable Pulse Generator, Pacemaker (Non-Crt)
1028LWQHeart-Valve, Mechanical
1029LWRHeart-Valve, Non-Allograft Tissue
1030LWSImplantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (Non-Crt)
1031LWTOccluder, Balloon, Vena-Cava
1032LWWPulse-Generator, Single Chamber, Single
1033LWXDevice. Laser Peripheral Angioplasty
1034LWZTissue Graft Of Less Than 6mm
1035LXATissue Graft Of 6mm And Greater
1036MADCatheter, Percutaneous (Valvuloplasty)
1037MAEOccluder, Patent Ductus, Arteriosus
1038MAFStent, Coronary
1039MCXCatheter, Coronary, Atherectomy
1040MFADevice, Removal, Pacemaker Electrode, Percutaneous
1041MGBDevice, Hemostasis, Vascular
1042MIEHeart-Valve, Allograft
1043MIHSystem, Endovascular Graft, Aortic Aneurysm Treatment
1044MIRShunt, Portosystemic, Endoprosthesis
1045MLVTranscatheter Septal Occluder
1046MNOSystem, Laser, Transmyocardial Revascularization
1047MOMSystem, Hemodynamic, Implantable
1048MOUIntravascular Radiation Delivery System
1049MOXBatteries, Rechargeable, For Class 2 Devices
1050MOYBatteries, Rechargeable, For Class 3 Devices
1051MRMDefibrillator, Implantable, Dual-Chamber
1052MTESystem, Pacing, Temporary, Acute, Internal Atrial Defibrillation
1053MUQGlue, Surgical, Arteries
1054MVKWearable Automated External Defibrillator
1055MWGSystem, Oxygen, Aqueous
1056MWHPulmonic Valved Conduit
1057NAPCardiac Support Mesh Wrap
1058NAVGraft, Bypass, Coronary Artery
1059NGVSystem, Appendage Closure, Left Atrial
1060NIKDefibrillator, Automatic Implantable Cardioverter, With Cardiac Resynchronization (Crt-D)
1061NIMStent, Carotid
1062NINStent, Renal
1063NIOStent, Iliac
1064NIPStent, Superficial Femoral Artery
1065NIQCoronary Drug-Eluting Stent
1066NIUStent, Superficial Femoral Artery, Drug-Eluting
1067NIVCoronary Covered Stent
1068NKEPulse Generator, Pacemaker, Implantable, With Cardiac Resynchronization (Crt-P)
1069NKMMitral Valve Repair Devices
1070NPTAortic Valve, Prosthesis, Percutaneously Delivered
1071NPUProsthesis, Mitral Valve, Percutaneously Delivered
1072NPVPulmonary Valve Prosthesis Percutaneously Delivered
1073NVNDrug Eluting Permanent Right Ventricular (Rv) Or Right Atrial (Ra) Pacemaker Electrodes
1074NVYPermanent Defibrillator Electrodes
1075NVZPulse Generator, Permanent, Implantable
1076NWXCatheter, Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (Ptca), Cutting/Scoring
1077OADCatheter, Percutaneous, Cardiac Ablation, For Treatment Of Atrial Flutter
1078OAECatheter, Percutaneous, Cardiac Ablation, For Treatment Of Atrial Fibrillation
1079OBCOccluder, Internal Vessel, Temporary
1080OBDBarrier, Adhesion, Cardiovascular
1081OCMSurgical Cardiac Ablation Device, For Treatment Of Atrial Fibrillation
1082ODTTissue Adhesive, Aortic Aneurysmorrhaphy
1083OHAHeart Valve, More Than Minimally Manipulated Allograft
1084OJERight Ventricular Bypass (Assist) Device
1085OJXDrug Eluting Permanent Left Ventricular (Lv) Pacemaker Electrode
1086ONUDrug-Eluting Peripheral Transluminal Angioplasty Catheter
1087OSRPacemaker/Icd/Crt Non-Implanted Components
1088OZDTemporary Non-Roller Type Left Heart Support Blood Pump
1089OZGTranscatheter Septal Occluder (Atrial)
1090OZHTranscatheter Septal Occluder (Ventricular)
1091PAPAortic Heart Valve, More Than Minimally Manipulated Allograft
1092PCWImplantable Pulse Generator, Programmer And Battery Charger
1093PCXArtificial Chordae Tendinae Delivery System
1094PFVSystem, Endovascular Graft, Arteriovenous (Av) Dialysis Access Circuit Stenosis Treatment
1095PIZCombination Compression/Decompression Manual Chest Pump With Impedance Respiratory Valve
1096PJQAgent, Occluding, Vascular, Permanent
1097PKKStent Delivery System
1098PNFAortic Stent
1099PNYAbsorbable Coronary Drug-Eluting Stent
1100PRCDrug-Coated Peripheral Transluminal Angioplasty Catheter
1101PRLIliac Covered Stent, Arterial
1102QANStent, Iliac Vein
1103QBIAcute Coronary Syndrome Event Detector
1104QCTScaffold, Dissection Repair
1105QFVImplantable Pulse Generator
1106DYHAdhesive, Bracket And Tooth Conditioner, Resin
1107DYJRetainer, Screw Expansion, Orthodontic
1108DYNMouthpiece, Saliva Ejector
1109DYOBand, Material, Orthodontic
1110DYTMaintainer, Space Preformed, Orthodontic
1111DYWBracket, Plastic, Orthodontic
1112DYXLock, Wire, And Ligature, Intraoral
1113DZADrill, Dental, Intraoral
1114DZBHeadgear, Extraoral, Orthodontic
1115DZCWire, Orthodontic
1116DZDTube, Orthodontic
1117DZEImplant, Endosseous, Root-Form
1118DZHSaw, Bone, Ac-Powered
1119DZIDrill, Bone, Powered
1120DZJDriver, Wire, And Bone Drill, Manual
1121DZKWire, Fixation, Intraosseous
1122DZLScrew, Fixation, Intraosseous
1123DZMNeedle, Dental
1124DZNInstruments, Dental Hand
1125DZPInstrument, Diamond, Dental
1126DZSCapsule, Dental, Amalgam
1127EAQDetector, Ultraviolet
1128EASGel, Electrode, For Pulp Tester
1129EATTester, Pulp
1130EAXMirror, Mouth
1131EAYLight, Fiber Optic, Dental
1132EAZLight, Operating, Dental
1133EBALight, Surgical Headlight
1134EBCSealant, Pit And Fissure, And Conditioner
1135EBDCoating, Filling Material, Resin
1136EBECoating, Denture Hydrophilic, Resin
1137EBFMaterial, Tooth Shade, Resin
1138EBGCrown And Bridge, Temporary, Resin
1139EBHMaterial, Impression Tray, Resin
1140EBIResin, Denture, Relining, Repairing, Rebasing
1141EBLPin, Retentive And Splinting, And Accessory Instruments
1142EBODenture Repair Kit
1143EBPReliner, Denture, Over The Counter
1144EBRUnit, Suction Operatory
1145EBWController, Foot, Handpiece And Cord
1146EBZActivator, Ultraviolet, For Polymerization
1147ECBUnit, Syringe, Air And/Or Water
1148ECCSterilizer, Glass Bead
1149ECGSterilizer, Boiling Water
1150ECIBand, Elastic, Orthodontic
1151ECMBand, Preformed, Orthodontic
1152ECNClamp, Wire, Orthodontic
1153ECOSpring, Orthodontic
1154ECPInstrument, Ligature Tucking, Orthodontic
1155ECQAligner, Bracket, Orthodontic
1156ECRSetter, Band, Orthodontic
1157ECSPusher, Band, Orthodontic
1158ECTDriver, Band, Orthodontic
1159EEAPlate, Base, Shellac
1160EEFClamp, Rubber Dam
1161EEGHeat Source For Bleaching Teeth
1162EEJGuard, Disk
1163EFAHandpiece, Belt And/Or Gear Driven, Dental
1164EFBHandpiece, Air-Powered, Dental
1165EFCWarmer, Anesthetic Tube
1166EFDAmalgamator, Dental, Ac-Powered
1167EFHPaper, Articulation
1168EFKForceps, Articulation Paper
1169EFLForceps, Dressing, Dental
1170EFNCotton, Roll
1171EFSUnit, Oral Irrigation
1172EFTCleanser, Denture, Over The Counter
1173EFWToothbrush, Manual
1174EFXProtector, Silicate
1175EGDWax, Dental, Intraoral
1176EGGAttachment, Precision, All
1178EGMInjector, Jet, Mechanical-Powered
1179EGNScissors, Surgical Tissue, Dental
1180EGQInjector, Jet, Gas-Powered
1181EGSHandpiece, Contra- And Right-Angle Attachment, Dental
1182EGZHolder, Film, X-Ray
1183EHAAligner, Beam, X-Ray
1184EHEDispenser, Mercury And/Or Alloy
1185EHJDisk, Abrasive
1186EHKCup, Prophylaxis
1187EHLPoint, Abrasive
1188EHMStrip, Polishing Agent
1189EHOBar, Preformed
1190EHPClasp, Preformed
1191EHQCusp, Preformed
1192EHRPad, Denture, Over The Counter
1193EHSCushion, Denture, Over The Counter
1194EHYTray, Impression, Preformed
1195EHZEvacuator, Oral Cavity
1196EIAUnit, Operative Dental
1197EIBSyringe, Irrigating (Dental)
1198EICSyringe, Periodontic, Endodontic, Irrigating
1199EIDSyringe, Restorative And Impression Material
1200EIEDam, Rubber
1201EIFAccessories, Retractor, Dental
1202EIGRetractor, All Types
1203EIHPowder, Porcelain
1204EIKCarver, Wax, Dental
1205EILGauge, Depth, Instrument, Dental
1206EIRScissors, Collar And Crown
1207EISRemover, Crown
1208EITApplicator, Rapid Wax, Dental
1209EIXProbe, Periodontic
1210EIYInstrument, Filling, Plastic, Dental
1211EJBHandle, Instrument, Dental
1212EJEFrame, Rubber Dam
1213EJFBracket, Metal, Orthodontic
1214EJGForceps, Rubber Dam Clamp
1215EJHAlloy, Metal, Base
1216EJISyringe, Cartridge
1217EJJAlloy, Amalgam
1218EJKLiner, Cavity, Calcium Hydroxide
1219EJLBur, Dental
1221EJQWheel, Polishing Agent
1222EJRAgent, Polishing, Abrasive, Oral Cavity
1223EJSAlloy, Other Noble Metal
1224EJTAlloy, Gold-Based Noble Metal
1225EJWClasp, Wire
1226EJXAnchor, Preformed
1227EJYPliers, Operative
1228EJZKnife, Margin Finishing, Operative
1229EKAFile, Margin Finishing, Operative
1230EKBExplorer, Operative
1231EKCExcavator, Dental, Operative
1232EKDInstrument, Cutting, Operative
1233EKECurette, Operative
1234EKFInstrument, Contouring, Matrix, Operative
1235EKGCondenser, Amalgam And Foil, Operative
1236EKHCarver, Dental Amalgam, Operative
1237EKICarrier, Amalgam, Operative
1238EKJBurnisher, Operative
1239EKKSpreader, Pulp Canal Filling Material, Endodontic
1240EKLPoint, Silver, Endodontic
1242EKNPoint, Paper, Endodontic
1243EKODenture Preformed (Partially Prefabricated Denture)
1244EKPReamer, Pulp Canal, Endodontic
1245EKQPreparer, Root Canal Endodontic
1246EKRPlugger, Root Canal, Endodontic
1247EKSFile, Pulp Canal, Endodontic
1248EKTCurette, Endodontic
1249EKWBroach, Endodontic
1250EKXHandpiece, Direct Drive, Ac-Powered
1251EKYHandpiece, Water-Powered
1252EKZUnit, Electrosurgical, And Accessories, Dental
1253ELAInstrument, Hand, Calculus Removal
1254ELBScaler, Rotary
1255ELCScaler, Ultrasonic
1256ELEImplant, Subperiosteal
1257ELJTeeth, Artificial, Posterior With Metal Insert
1258ELKTeeth, Artificial, Backing And Facing
1259ELLTeeth, Porcelain
1260ELMDenture, Plastic, Teeth
1261ELNTeeth, Preformed Gold Denture
1262ELOCusp, Gold And Stainless Steel
1263ELRPost, Root Canal
1264ELSSplint, Endodontic Stabilizing
1265ELWMaterial, Impression
1267ELZCrown, Preformed
1268EMACement, Dental
1269EMBZinc Oxide Eugenol
1270EMDHemostat, Surgical
1271EMEPunch, Biopsy, Surgical
1272EMGForceps, Tooth Extractor, Surgical
1273EMHForceps, Rongeur, Surgical
1274EMIFile, Bone, Surgical
1275EMJElevator, Surgical, Dental
1276EMKCurette, Surgical, Dental
1277EMLChisel, Bone, Surgical
1278EMMChisel, Osteotome, Surgical
1279EMNScaler, Periodontic
1280EMOKnife, Periodontic
1281EMPMarker, Periodontic
1282EMQHoe, Periodontic
1283EMRFile, Periodontic
1284EMSCurette, Periodontic
1285JEOMeasurer, Gingival Fluid
1286JEPRetainer, Matrix
1287JEQToothbrush, Powered
1288JERCleaner, Denture, Mechanical
1289JESFloss, Dental
1290JETPick, Massaging
1291JEWTip, Rubber, Oral Hygiene
1292JEXPlier, Orthodontic
1293JEYPlate, Bone
1294KCQTube Impression And Matrix
1297KHRAbsorber, Saliva, Paper
1298KIFResin, Root Canal Filling
1299KKORing, Teething, Fluid-Filled
1300KLCChair, Dental, With Operative Unit
1301KLEAgent, Tooth Bonding, Resin
1302KMTTray, Fluoride, Disposable
1303KMWHandpiece, Rotary Bone Cutting
1304KMYPositioner, Tooth, Preformed
1306KOKSterilizer, Endodontic Dry Heat
1307KOLAdhesive, Denture, Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium (32%) And Ethylene-Oxide Homopolymer
1308KOMAdhesive, Denture, Acacia And Karaya With Sodium Borate
1309KONAdhesive, Denture, Polyacrylamide Polymer (Modified Cationic)
1310KOOAdhesive, Denture, Polyvinyl Methylether Maleic Acid Calcium-Sodium Double Salt
1311KOPAdhesive, Denture, Karaya
1312KOQAdhesive, Denture, Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium (40-100&)
1313KORAdhesive, Denture, Karaya With Sodium Borate
1314KOSAdhesive, Denture, Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium And Cationic Polyacrylamide Polymer
1315KOTCarboxymethylcellulose Sodium Or Polyvinyl Methylether Maleic Acid Calcium-Sodium
1316KXRApplicator, Resin
1317KXWAdhesive, Denture, Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium (49%) And Ethylene-Oxide Homopolymer
1318KXXAdhesive, Denture, Karaya And Ethylene-Oxide Homopolymer
1319KXYPolyvinyl Methylether Maleic Anhydride &/Or Acid Copolymer & Carboxymethylce
1320KZNScanner, Color
1321KZOInk, Arch Tracing
1322KZPSolution, Cement Dissolving
1323LBHVarnish, Cavity
1324LCNScraper, Tongue
1325LFCDevice, Caries Detection
1326LPKBone Grafting Material, For Dental Bone Repair
1327LQZDevice, Jaw Repositioning
1328LRKDevice, Anti-Snoring
1329LTFStimulator, Salivary System
1330LYCBone Grafting Material, Synthetic
1331LZDJoint, Temporomandibular, Implant
1332MAUEraser, Dental Stain
1333MCFUnit, Ultraviolet Sanitation/Sterilization (For Toothbrushes), Sterile
1334MDLImplant, Transmandibular
1335MEFRing, Teething, Non-Fluid Filled
1336MMDToothbrush, Ionic, Battery-Powered
1337MMTResin, Root Canal Filling Containing Chloroform
1338MMUAdhesive, Denture, Acacia And Karaya With Sodium Borate > 12% By Weight
1339MPIGlenoid Fossa Prosthesis
1340MPJInterarticular Disc Prosthesis (Interpositional Implant)
1341MPLMandibular Condyle Prosthesis
1342MQNExternal Mandibular Fixator And/Or Distractor
1343MVHDevice, Detection, Sulfide
1344MXFSystem, Dental, Hydrokinetic, Caries Removal & Cavity Preparation
1345MZWDental Cement W/Out Zinc-Oxide Eugenol As An Ulcer Covering For Pain Relief
1346NBLLaser, Fluorescence Caries Detection
1347NDPAccessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous
1348NEIProsthesis, Condyle, Mandibular, Temporary
1349NFEMaterials, Polytetrafluoroethylene Vitreous Carbon, For Maxillofacial Alveolar Ridge Augmentation
1350NFPDevice, Dental Sonography, For Diagnosis Of Tmj / Mpd Disorders
1351NFQDevice, Dental Sonography, For Monitoring Jaw Sounds
1352NFRDevice, Jaw Tracking, For Diagnosis Of Tmj / Mpd Disorders
1353NFSDevice, Jaw Tracking, For Monitoring Jaw Positions
1354NHAAbutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous
1355NJMBracket, Ceramic, Orthodontic
1356NKJCushion, Pad, Denture, Wax Impregnated Cotton, Over The Counter
1357NLCBracket, Plastic, Orthodontic, Reprocessed
1358NLDInstrument, Diamond, Dental, Reprocessed
1359NMEBur, Diamond Coated, Reprocessed
1360NMWNeedle, Dental, Reprocessed
1361NOBUnit, Ultraviolet Sanitation/Sterilization (For Toothbrushes), Non-Sterile
1362NOFSystem, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) Of Dental Restorations
1363NPKBarrier, Synthetic, Intraoral
1364NPLBarrier, Animal Source, Intraoral
1365NPMBone Grafting Material, Animal Source
1366NPZBone Grafting Material, Dental, With Biologic Component
1367NQABiologic Material, Dental
1368NQSBracket, Metal, Orthodontic, Reprocessed
1369NRDUnit, Operative Dental, Accessories
1370NRQBlade-Form Endosseous Dental Implant
1371NRUChair, Dental, Without Operative Unit
1372NTKCaries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission
1373NTORinse, Oral, Antibacterial (By Physical Means)
1374NUNBone Grafting Material, Human Source
1375NUXCleanser, Denture, Prescription
1376NXCAligner, Sequential
1377NXVDiagnostic Light, Soft Tissue Detector
1378NXZDental Hygiene Kit
1379NYCDental Prophylaxis Kit
1380NYDEndodontic Kit
1381NYEFixture Mount Kit
1382NYFGingival Retraction Kit
1383NYGLapping Tool Kit
1384NYHPlaque Disclosing Kit
1385NYLHandpiece, Air-Powered, Root Canal Irrigation
1386OATImplant, Endosseous, Orthodontic
1387OFWRestorative Instrument And Component Tray
1388OFXGeneral Purpose Dental Tray
1389OFYDental Implant Surgical Tray
1390OHPExpiratory Resistance Valve, Intranasal, For Obstructive Sleep Apnea
1391OIVDental Amalgam
1392ORYPrelude Tongue Suspension System
1393OYHOrthodontic Vibratory Accessory
1394PFLIntraoral, Dental Foam Protector
1395PHRDiammine Silver Fluoride Dental Hypersensitivity Varnish
1396PIPProphy Powder, Airbrush Accessory
1397PLCSleep Appliances With Patient Monitoring
1398PLHOrthodontic Led Accessory
1399PLVDental Stereotaxic Instrument
1400PMEExternal Cleaning Solution
1401PNNOrthodontic Software
1402PNPDental Abutment Design Software For Dental Laboratory
1403POWCrown And Bridge, Long-Term Temporary, Resin
1404PWLOral Surgery Tray
1405PZYAdditively Manufactured, Preformed, Resin Denture Tooth
1406QCJClosed Loop Auto Titration Device For Oral Appliances
1407QGOComposite Resin Warmer
1408QIAPowered Tongue Scraper
1409QJCPlaque Disclosing Agent
1410QJJIndirect Bonding Tray
1411QJKIntraoral Camera
1412LFESolution, Cold Sterilizing
1413ONKOral Lubricant
1414KZMDevice, Muscle Monitoring
1415LQXDevice, Finger-Sucking
1416NUWStimulator, Muscle, Powered, Dental
1417NVKLaser, Dental, Soft Tissue
1418OAJCatheter, Drainage, Intraoral/Extraoral
1419PEMDental Barriers And Sleeves
1420KJJCleanser, Root Canal
1421LFDSaliva, Artificial
1422LMWSolution, Removal, Carries
1423LPGMaterial, Dressing, Surgical, Polylactic Acid
1424LQYLocator, Root Apex
1425LTGPaste, Injectable For Vocal Cord Augmentation
1426LWMDevice, Electrical Dental Anesthesia
1427LYBLaser, Dental
1428MCLKit, Test, In Vitro Periodontal
1429MQCMouthguard, Prescription
1430MVLCord, Retraction
1431NSJRestoration, Noble Metal
1432NSKDentures, Partial
1433NSLDentures, Full
1434NSMRestoration, Resin
1435NSNRestoration, Resin, Crown And Bridge
1436NSORestoration, Porcelain-Fused-To-Metal
1437NSPRestoration, Porcelain
1438NSQRestoration, Base Metal
1439NSRProsthesis, Orthodontic
1440NXJDenture, Cosmetic Only
1441OBRMouthguard, Over-The-Counter
1442OCOMouthguard, Migraine/Tension Headache
1443OLROral Wound Dressing
1444OLSOral Wound Dressing W/Drug And/Or Biologic
1445PKJCrown & Bridge Material, Resin Based
1446OGPCricothyrotomy Kit
1447OGVTracheostomy Cleaning Tray
1448OGWTracheostomy Kit
1449MYBPillow, Cervical (For Mild Sleep Apnea)
1450NEACement, Ear, Nose And Throat
1451OGTOral Irrigation Kit
1452BSTCurette, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Non-Rigid)
1453BTGBrush, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Non-Rigid)
1454BWHForceps, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Non-Rigid)
1455EMXBalloon, Epistaxis
1456ENWCatheter, Nasopharyngeal
1457ENZTelescope, Laryngeal-Bronchial
1458EOBNasopharyngoscope (Flexible Or Rigid)
1459EOQBronchoscope (Flexible Or Rigid)
1460EOXEsophagoscope (Flexible Or Rigid)
1461EPFHearing Aid, Group And Auditory Trainer
1462EPNPump, Nebulizer, Manual
1463EPPSplint, Nasal
1464EQHSource, Carrier, Fiberoptic Light
1465EQJBur, Ear, Nose And Throat
1467EQNLaryngoscope, Nasopharyngoscope
1469ERLDrill, Surgical, Ent (Electric Or Pneumatic) Including Handpiece
1470ESDHearing Aid, Air Conduction
1471ESELarynx, Artificial (Battery-Powered)
1472ESHPolymer, Ent Synthetic-Pife, Silicon Elastomer, Polyethylene, Polyurethane
1473ESXTack, Sacculotomy (Cody Tack)
1474ESZTube, Shunt, Endolymphatic
1475ETAReplacement, Ossicular Prosthesis, Total
1476ETBProsthesis, Partial Ossicular Replacement
1477ETCMold, Middle-Ear
1478ETDTube, Tympanostomy
1479ETFUnit, Examining/Treatment, Ent
1480ETKTube, Toynbee Diagnostic
1481ETMGustometer, Sterile
1482ETNStimulator, Nerve
1483ETPStimulator, Caloric-Water
1484ETRAdaptor, Short Increment Sensitivity Index (Sisi)
1485ETSGenerator, Electronic Noise (For Audiometric Testing)
1486ETTCushion, Earphone (For Audiometric Testing)
1487ETWCalibrator, Hearing Aid / Earphone And Analysis Systems
1488ETYTester, Auditory Impedance
1489EWASet, Audiometer Calibration
1490EWCChamber, Acoustic (For Audiometric Testing)
1491EWGLaser, Ent Microsurgical Carbon-Dioxide
1492EWLProsthesis, Laryngeal (Taub)
1494EWQSaw, Surgical, Ent (Electric Or Pneumatic)
1495EWTDevice, Antichoke, Suction
1496EWWDevice, Antichoke, Tongs
1497EWYMediastinoscope, Surgical
1498FWNProsthesis, Larynx (Stents And Keels)
1499JAZProsthesis, Facial, Mandibular Implant
1500JEIClaw, Foreign Body, Bronchoscope (Non-Rigid)
1501JEJTubing, Instrumentation, Bronchoscope (Brush Sheath A/O Aspirating)
1502JEKForceps, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Rigid)
1503JELCurette, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Rigid)
1504JOFPolymer, Ent Synthetic, Porous Polyethylene
1505JPWPump, Nebulizer, Electrically Powered
1506JXSBlock, Cutting, Ent, Sterile
1507JXTCrimper, Wire, Ent, Sterile
1508JXWDie, Wire Bending, Ent, Sterile
1509JXXForceps, Wire Closure, Ent, Sterile
1510JXYJig, Piston Cutting, Ent, Sterile
1511JXZPunch, Gelfoam, Sterile
1512JYAScissors, Wire Cutting, Ent, Sterile
1513JYBVise, Ossicular Finger, Sterile
1514JYEChisel, Middle-Ear
1515JYFClamp, Ossicle Holding
1516JYGCurette, Ear
1517JYHExcavator, Ear
1518JYIGauge, Mastoid
1519JYJGauge, Measuring
1520JYLHook, Microsurgical Ear
1521JYMInserter, Myringotomy Tube
1522JYNInserter, Sacculotomy Tack
1523JYOKnife, Ear
1524JYPKnife, Myringotomy
1525JYQLoop, Wire
1526JYRNipper, Malleus
1527JYSPerforator, Ear-Lobe
1528JYTPick, Microsurgical Ear
1529JYWPress, Vein
1530JYXPunch, Attic
1531JYYRasp, Ear
1532JYZRod, Measuring Ear
1533JZARongeur, Mastoid
1534JZBScissors, Ear
1535JZCSearcher, Mastoid
1536JZDSnare, Ear
1537JZESpoon, Ear
1538JZFTube, Ear Suction
1539JZYKnife, Laryngeal
1540JZZSaw, Laryngeal
1541KAASet, Laryngeal Injection
1542KABTrocar, Laryngeal
1543KACTube, Laryngectomy
1544KADElevator, Ent
1545KAEForceps, Ent
1546KAHMicrorule, Ent
1547KAIMirror, Ent
1548KAJMobilizer, Ent
1549KAKProbe, Ent
1550KALRetractor, Ent
1551KAOCurette, Ethmoid
1552KAPCurette, Nasal
1553KAQGouge, Nasal, Ent
1554KARIrrigator, Sinus
1555KASKnife, Nasal
1556KATPerforator, Antrum
1557KAWPunch, Antrum
1558KAXPunch, Ethmoid
1559KAYPunch, Nasal
1560KAZRasp, Frontal-Sinus
1561KBARasp, Nasal
1562KBBRongeur, Nasal
1563KBCSaw, Nasal
1564KBDScissors, Nasal
1565KBESnare, Nasal
1566KBFTrephine, Sinus
1567KBGTrocar, Sinus
1569KBIBougie, Eustachian
1570KBJCurette, Adenoid
1571KBKCurette, Salpingeal
1572KBLDepressor, Metal Tongue, Surgical
1573KBMDissector, Tonsil
1574KBNGag, Mouth
1575KBOGuillotine, Tonsil
1576KBPHook, Tonsil Suturing
1577KBQKnife, Tonsil
1578KBRNeedle, Tonsil Suturing
1579KBSPunch, Adenoid
1580KBTPunch, Tonsil
1581KBWScrew, Oral
1582KBXScrew, Tonsil
1583KBYSet, Filliform, Eustachian
1584KBZSnare, Tonsil
1586KCBTube, Tonsil Suction
1587KCCBistoury, Tracheal
1588KCDBougie, Esophageal, Ent
1589KCFDilator, Esophageal, Ent
1590KCGDilator, Tracheal
1591KCHHook, Tracheal
1592KCITrocar, Tracheal
1593KCJApplicator, Ent
1594KCLBlower, Powder, Ent
1595KCMDropper, Ent
1596KCNEar Wick
1597KCONasal Spray, Ent Delivery
1598KCPSyringe, Ent
1599KHHStimulator, Caloric-Air
1600KHJPolymer, Ent Synthetic-Polyamide (Mesh Or Foil Material)
1601KHLHearing Aid, Master
1602KLWMasker, Tinnitus
1604KLZTube, Shunt, Endolymphatic With Valve
1605KMAIrrigator, Powered Nasal
1606KQLTube, Tympanostomy With Semi-Permeable Membrane
1607KTETrocar, Ent
1608KTFPunch, Ent
1609KTGKnife, Ent
1610KTHDevice, Anti-Stammering
1611KTIBronchoscope Accessory
1612KTRTube, Aspirating, Bronchoscope, Rigid
1613LBLTube, Tympanostomy, Porous Polyethylene
1614LBMPorous Polyethylene Ossicular Replacement
1615LBNReplacement, Total Ossicular, Prosthesis, Porous, Polyethylene
1616LBPReplacement, Ossicular (Stapes) Using Absorbable Gelatin Material
1617LDGKit, Earmold, Impression
1619LMSLaser, Microsurgical Argon, For Uses Other Than Otology, Including Laryngology & General Use In Otolaryngology
1620LRBFace Plate Hearing Aid
1621LRCInstrument, Ent Manual Surgical
1622LRDApplicator, Ent Drug
1623LREInstrument, Prosthesis Modification For Ossicular Replacement Surgery, Sterile
1624LWFDilator, Nasal
1625LXBHearing Aid, Bone Conduction
1626LXRLaser, Microsurgical Argon, For Use In Otology
1627LYASplint, Intranasal Septal
1628LYNApparatus, Visual Reinforcement Audiometric
1629LZIDevice, Assistive Listening
1630MAHHearing Aid, Bone Conduction, Implanted
1631MCKDevice, Voice Amplification
1632MIXSystem, Vocal Cord Medialization
1633MMOTray, Surgical, Ent
1634MQWTransilluminator, Fiber Optic
1635MXPBone Particle Collector
1637NHBPolymer, Ear, Nose And Throat, Synthetic, Absorbable
1638NIXHearing Aid, Air Conduction, Transcutaneous System
1639NLBTrocar, Tracheal, Laryngeal, Sinus, Reprocessed
1640NLEForceps, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Non-Rigid), Reprocessed
1641NLYMicrodebrider, Ent, High Speed, Single Use, Reprocessed
1642NLZBur, Ent, Diamond Coated, Single Use, Reprocessed
1643NNJGustometer, Non-Sterile
1644NNNCrimper, Wire, Ent, Non-Sterile
1645NNOJig, Piston Cutting, Ent, Non-Sterile
1646NNPDie, Wire Bending, Ent, Non-Sterile
1647NNQForceps, Wire Closure, Ent, Non-Sterile
1648NNRBlock, Cutting, Ent, Non-Sterile
1649NNSInstrument, Prosthesis Modification For Ossicular Replacement Surgery, Non-Sterile
1650NNTPunch, Gelfoam, Non-Sterile
1651NNUScissors, Wire Cutting, Ent, Non-Sterile
1652NNVVise, Ossicular Finger, Non-Sterile
1653NRKKit, Test, Olfactory
1654OGREar, Nose, And Throat Surgical Tray
1655OGSMyringotomy Procedure Kit
1656OGUPierced Ear/Entry Cleaning Tray
1657OSMHearing Aid, Air Conduction With Wireless Technology
1658PFOActive Implantable Bone Conduction Hearing System
1659PKAExternal Upper Esophageal Sphincter (Ues) Compression Device
1660PLKTympanic Membrane Direct Contact Hearing Aid
1661PNZEustachian Tube Balloon Dilation Device
1662PTOTester, Auditory Impedance, Exempt
1663PTPTympanometer, Exempt
1664QDDSelf-Fitting Air-Conduction Hearing Aid
1665QGKBalloon, Nasal Airway
1666QJLSplint, Intranasal Septal, Cber Led
1667NUPCream, Nasal, Topical, Mechanical Allergen Particle Barrier
1668OGQEar Irrigation Kit
1669PGWEar, Nose, And Throat Stereotaxic Instrument
1670LWIUltrasound, Sinus
1671PSVUltrasound Bronchoscope
1672QJGDevice System, Imaging, Tympanic Membrane And Middle Ear
1673OLLSeptal Stapler/Absorbable Staples
1674EPGStimulator, Transdermal
1675ESIPolymer, Natural-Absorbable Gelatin Material
1676EWDProtector, Hearing (Insert)
1677EWEProtector, Hearing (Circumaural)
1678LEZAids, Speech Training For The Hearing Impaired (Ac-Powered And Patient-Contact)
1679LFAAids, Speech Training For The Hearing Impaired (Battery-Operated Or Non-Patient)
1680LFBButton, Nasal Septal
1681LRAHearing Aid, Tactile
1682LXVApparatus, Vestibular Analysis
1683MCMImplant, Cochlear
1684MHEImplant, Auditory Brainstem
1685MJVDevice, Inflation, Middle Ear
1686MPVImplant, Hearing, Active, Middle Ear, Partially Implanted
1687MRKSystem, Imaging, Fluorescence
1688OAAAid, Visual, For Nausea
1689OAFImplant, Hearing, Active, Middle Ear, Totally Implanted
1690OAQElectronic Media, Hyperacusis
1691OWODrug-Eluting Sinus Stent
1692PGQCochlear Implant With Combined Electrical Stimulation And Acoustic Amplification
1693QJATympanostomy Tube Delivery Product With Drug
1694MNWAnalyzer, Body Composition
1695OBHMonitor, Extracellular Fluid, Lymphedema, Extremity
1696OMVUltrasonic Body Composition Analyzer
1697PUHAnalyzer, Body Composition, Exempt
1698QJBAdjunct Monitor, Protein Calorie Malnutrition
1699BSSTube, Nasogastric
1700EXASelector, Size, Ostomy
1701EXBCollector, Ostomy
1702EXDIrrigator, Ostomy
1703EXEProtector, Ostomy
1704EXFBag, Bile Collecting
1705EXGBag, Urine Collecting, Ureterostomy
1706EXHBag, Urinary, Ileostomy
1707EXIDevice, Paste-On For Incontinence, Sterile
1708EXJDevice, Incontinence, Urosheath Type, Sterile
1709EXNSupport, Hernia
1710EXQCystometer, Electrical Recording
1711EXRUrinometer, Mechanical
1712EXSUrinometer, Electrical
1713EXWPill, Radio
1714EXXProbe, Rectal, Non-Powered
1716EXZEquipment, Photographic, For Physiologic Function Monitor
1717EYAStylet, Ureteral
1718EYBCatheter, Ureteral, Gastro-Urology
1719EYCCatheter, Upper Urinary Tract
1721EYHTable, Cysto, Non-Electrical
1722EYIAdaptor, Ureteral Catheter
1723EYJHolder, Ureteral Catheter
1724EYKConnector, Ureteral Catheter
1725EYQGarment, Protective, For Incontinence
1727EYTSheath, Corrugated Rubber, For Nonindwelling Catheter, Sterile
1728EYZSystem, Urine Drainage, Closed, For Nonindwelling Catheter, Sterile
1729EZBStylet For Catheter, Gastro-Urology
1730EZCCatheter, Coude
1731EZDCatheter, Straight
1732EZKCatheter, Retention Type
1733EZLCatheter, Retention Type, Balloon
1734EZMDilator, Esophageal (Metal Olive) Gastro-Urology
1735EZNDilator, Catheter, Ureteral
1737EZPRod, Colostomy
1738EZQPouch, Colostomy
1739EZRCement, Stomal Appliance, Ostomy
1740EZSAppliance, Colostomy, Disposable
1741EZTPacemaker, Bladder
1742EZWStimulator, Electrical, Implantable, For Incontinence
1743EZYDevice, Incontinence, Mechanical/Hydraulic
1744FADStent, Ureteral
1745FAEProsthesis, Penile
1746FAFProsthesis, Testicular
1747FAHDilator, Urethral, Mechanical
1748FAJCystoscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid
1749FAKPanendoscope (Gastroduodenoscope)
1750FALPanendoscope (Urethroscope)
1751FAMSigmoidoscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid
1752FANSigmoidoscope, Rigid, Electrical
1753FAPCystometric Gas (Carbon-Dioxide) On Hydraulic Device
1754FAQBag, Urine Collection, Leg, For External Use, Sterile
1755FARUnit, Electrosurgical
1756FASElectrode, Electrosurgical, Active, Urological
1757FATBougie, Esophageal, And Gastrointestinal, Gastro-Urology
1758FAXBougie, Urological
1759FBIRongeur, Cystoscopic
1760FBJCord, Electric For Transurethral Surgical Instrument
1761FBKEndoscopic Injection Needle, Gastroenterology-Urology
1762FBMCannula And Trocar, Suprapubic, Non-Disposable
1763FBNCholedochoscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid
1765FBPTelescope, Rigid, Endoscopic
1767FBSSound, Metal, Interconnected
1768FBWFiliform And Filiform Follower
1769FBXSound, Urethral, Metal Or Plastic
1770FCBBag, Hemostatic
1771FCCEndoscopic Magnetic Retriever
1772FCEEnema Kit
1773FCFInstrument, Biopsy, Mechanical, Gastrointestinal
1774FCGBiopsy Needle
1775FCHTray, Biopsy, Without Biopsy Instruments
1776FCIPunch, Biopsy
1777FCKInstrument, Biopsy, Suction
1778FCLForceps, Biopsy, Non-Electric
1779FCMTray, Catheterization, Sterile Urethral, With Or Without Catheter (Kit)
1780FCNUrinary Drainage Collection Kit, For Indwelling Catheter
1781FCOBox, Battery, Rechargeable
1782FCPBox, Battery, Pocket
1783FCQLight Source, Incandescent, Diagnostic
1784FCRLight Source, Photographic, Fiberoptic
1785FCSLight, Catheter, Fiberoptic, Glass, Ureteral
1786FCWLight Source, Fiberoptic, Routine
1787FCXInsufflator, Automatic Carbon-Dioxide For Endoscope
1788FCYBulb, Inflation, For Endoscope
1789FCZTube, Smoke Removal, Endoscopic
1790FDAEnteroscope And Accessories
1791FDBPlate, Patient
1792FDCResectoscope, Working Element
1793FDELaparoscopy Kit
1794FDFColonoscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid
1795FDGRetractor, Fiberoptic
1796FDISnare, Flexible
1797FDJSnare, Rigid Self-Opening
1798FDLWristlet, Patient Return
1800FDSGastroscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid
1801FDTDuodenoscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid
1802FDWEsophagoscope, Rigid, Gastro-Urology
1803FDXEndoscopic Cytology Brush
1804FDYDevice, Measuring, For Panendoscope
1805FDZAttachment, Eyepiece, For Insertion Of Prescription Lens
1806FEAAttachment, Teaching, For Endoscope
1807FECObturator, For Endoscope
1808FEDEndoscopic Access Overtube, Gastroenterology-Urology
1809FEFTube, Single Lumen, With Mercury Wt Balloon For Intestinal Intubation And / Or Decompression
1810FEGTube, Double Lumen For Intestinal Decompression And/Or Intubation
1811FEHElectrode, Flexible Suction Coagulator
1812FEIInstrument, Special Lens, For Endoscope
1813FEJAttachment, Binocular, For Endoscope
1814FEMAccessories, Photographic, For Endoscope (Exclude Light Sources)
1815FENDevice, Cystometric, Hydraulic
1816FEOLithotriptor, Ultrasonic
1817FEQPump, Air, Non-Manual, For Endoscope
1818FERAnoscope And Accessories
1819FESRecorder, External, Pressure, Amplifier & Transducer
1820FETEndoscopic Video Imaging System/Component, Gastroenterology-Urology
1821FEWCatheter, Malecot
1822FEXInstrument, Catheter, Punch
1823FEZCatheter And Tube, Suprapubic
1824FFATube, Drainage, Suprapubic
1825FFDEvacuator, Bladder, Manually Operated
1826FFESystem, Water Jet Catheter, Renal
1827FFFCover, Biopsy Forceps
1828FFGDevice, Urine Flow Rate Measuring, Non-Electrical, Disposable
1829FFHCollector, Urine, Pediatric, For Indwelling Catheter
1830FFISystem, Alarm, Electrosurgical
1831FFKLithotriptor, Electro-Hydraulic
1832FFLDislodger, Stone, Basket, Ureteral, Metal
1833FFNClamp, Non-Electrical
1834FFORetractor, Self-Retaining
1835FFPDilator, Rectal
1836FFQSpeculum, Rectal
1837FFRDevice, Locking, For Intestinal Clamp
1838FFSImage, Illumination, Fiberoptic, For Endoscope
1839FFTElectrode, Ph, Stomach
1840FFWString And Tubes, Gastrointestinal, To Locate Internal Bleeding
1841FFXSystem, Gastrointestinal Motility (Electrical)
1842FFYAdaptor, Bulbs, Miscellaneous, For Endoscope
1843FFZCord, Electric, For Endoscope
1844FGAKit, Nephroscope
1845FGBUreteroscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid
1847FGDCatheter, Retention, Barium Enema With Bag
1848FGEStents, Drains And Dilators For The Biliary Ducts
1849FGFCatheter, Ureteral Disposable (X-Ray)
1850FGHCatheter, Double Lumen Female Urethrographic
1851FGICatheter, Urethrographic, Male
1852FGKTripsor, Stone, Bladder
1853FGMProbe And Director, Gastro-Urology
1854FGNRetractor, Non-Self-Retaining
1855FGODislodger, Stone, Flexible
1856FGSCarrier, Sponge, Endoscopic
1857FGWClamp, Electrical
1858FGXSnare, Non-Electrical
1859FHAClamp, Penile
1860FHBHook, Gastro-Urology
1861FHCAdaptor To The Cord, For Transurethral Surgical Instrument
1862FHFSystem, Evacuator, Fluid
1863FHHCrusher, Spur, Colostomy
1864FHIRing, Laparotomy
1865FHKSpreader, Bladder Neck
1867FHNLigator, Hemorrhoidal
1868FHOPneumoperitoneum Needle
1869FHPNeedle, Pneumoperitoneum, Simple
1870FHQHolder, Needle, Gastroenterologic
1871FHSDialyzer, Single Coil
1872FHTSet, Gavage, Infant, Sterile
1873FHWDevice, Impotence, Mechanical/Hydraulic
1874FHXJelly, Lubricating, For Transurethral Surgical Instrument
1875FHYJelly, Contact, For Transurethral Surgical Instrument
1876FHZDesiccator, Transurethral
1877FIAChair, Dialysis, Unpowered, Without Scales
1878FIBProtector, Transducer, Dialysis
1879FIDTubing, Dialysate
1880FIENeedle, Fistula
1881FIFSet, Dialysis, Single Needle With Uni-Directional Pump
1882FIGClamp, Tubing, Blood, Automatic
1883FIHPump, Infusion Or Syringe, Extra-Luminal
1884FIISystem, Dialysate Delivery, Sealed
1885FIJSystem, Dialysate Delivery, Recirculating, Single Pass
1886FIKSystem, Dialysate Delivery, Recirculating
1887FILSystem, Dialysate Delivery, Single Pass
1888FINTank, Holding, Dialysis
1889FIPSubsystem, Water Purification
1890FIQCannula, A-V Shunt
1891FIRPump, Blood, Extra-Luminal
1892FISFlowmeter, Dialysate
1893FIWAlarm, Pillow Pressure
1894FIZMeter, Conductivity, Non-Remote
1895FJAManometer, Water
1896FJBDetector, Dialysate Level
1897FJCDetector, Blood Level
1898FJDDetector, Leak, Blood
1899FJFDetector, Air Bubble
1900FJGDialyzer, Parallel Flow
1901FJHDialyzer, Disposable
1902FJIDialyzer, Capillary, Hollow Fiber
1903FJJDialyzer, Twin Coil
1904FJKSet, Tubing, Blood, With And Without Anti-Regurgitation Valve
1906FJMGuard, Shunt
1907FJNStabilizer, Shunt
1908FJOPlier, Tube
1909FJPAdaptor, Y
1910FJQConnector, Shunt
1911FJRForceps, Disconnect
1912FJSCatheter, Peritoneal, Long-Term Indwelling
1913FJTIntracatheter, Dialysis
1914FJWRing, Joint
1915FJXRing, Crimp
1916FJYPlier, Crimp
1917FJZDeclotting Tray, Kit (Including Contents)
1918FKADilator, Vessel
1919FKBConnector, Blood Tubing, Infusion T
1920FKCClamp, Cannula
1921FKDCanister, Coil
1922FKETie, Dialysis
1923FKFGun, Tie, Dialysis
1924FKGTray, Start/Stop (Including Contents), Dialysis
1925FKHSolution-Test Standard-Conductivity, Dialysis
1926FKISet, Dialyzer Holder
1927FKJFilter, Blood, Dialysis
1928FKKClamp, Line
1929FKLInsert, Pump, Blood
1930FKMAdaptor, Fistula
1931FKNAdaptor, Shunt
1932FKOCatheter, Peritoneal Dialysis, Single Use
1933FKPSystem, Dialysate Delivery, Single Patient
1934FKQSystem, Dialysate Delivery, Central Multiple Patient
1935FKRSubsystem, Proportioning
1936FKTSystem, Dialysate Delivery, Sorbent Regenerated
1937FKWTip, Vessel
1938FKXSystem, Peritoneal, Automatic Delivery
1939FKYConnector, Tubing, Dialysate
1940FLAMonitor, Temperature, Dialysis
1941FLBMeter, Conductivity, Induction, Remote Type
1942FLCStation, Dialysis Control, Negative Pressure Type
1943FLDApparatus, Hemoperfusion, Sorbent
1944FOCBag, Urine Collection, Newborn
1945FONBag, Drainage, With Adhesive, Ostomy
1946FPDTube, Feeding
1947FRQTube, Levine
1948FTILamp, Endoscope, Incandescent
1949FTJColonoscope, General & Plastic Surgery
1950FTOProsthesis, Testicle
1951FTQProsthesis, Penis, Rigid Rod
1952GBLCatheter, Ureteral, General & Plastic Surgery
1953GBMCatheter, Urethral
1954GBTCatheter, Rectal
1955GCABiliary Catheter For Stone Removal That May Also Allow For Irrigation And Contrast Injection
1957GCKGastroscope, General & Plastic Surgery
1958GCLEsophagoscope, General & Plastic Surgery
1959GCMEndoscope, Rigid
1960GCNEndoscope, Prism
1961GCOEndoscope, Mirror
1962GCPEndoscope, Ac-Powered And Accessories
1963GCQEndoscope, Flexible
1964GCSEndoscope, Battery-Powered And Accessories
1965GCTLight Source, Endoscope, Xenon Arc
1966GCWTransformer, Endoscope
1967GDBEndoscope, Fiber Optic
1968GDSBag, Stomal
1969JCWProsthesis, Penis, Inflatable
1970KDHCatheter (Gastric, Colonic, Etc.), Irrigation And Aspiration
1971KDIDialyzer, High Permeability With Or Without Sealed Dialysate System
1972KDJSet, Administration, For Peritoneal Dialysis, Disposable
1973KDKContainer, Transport, Kidney
1974KDLSet, Perfusion, Kidney, Disposable
1975KDMSigmoidoscope, Rigid, Non-Electrical
1976KDNSystem, Perfusion, Kidney
1977KDORongeur, Cystoscopic, Hot
1978KGCTube, Gastro-Enterostomy
1979KGDScissors For Cystoscope
1980KGEForceps, Biopsy, Electric
1981KLAMonitor, Esophageal Motility, And Tube
1982KNQDilator, Esophageal
1983KNRAdapter, A-V Shunt Or Fistula
1984KNSUnit, Electrosurgical, Endoscopic (With Or Without Accessories)
1985KNTTubes, Gastrointestinal (And Accessories)
1986KNWInstrument, Biopsy
1987KNXCollector, Urine, (And Accessories) For Indwelling Catheter
1988KNYAccessories, Catheter, G-U
1989KNZAccessories, A-V Shunt
1990KOASurgical Instruments, G-U, Manual (And Accessories)
1991KOBCatheter, Suprapubic (And Accessories)
1992KOCAccessories, Blood Circuit, Hemodialysis
1993KODCatheter, Urological
1994KOEDilator, Urethral
1995KPFSystem, Dialysate Delivery, Semi-Automatic, Peritoneal
1996KPHCatheter, Rectal For Continent Ileostomy
1997KPIStimulator, Electrical, Non-Implantable, For Incontinence
1998KPLColonic Irrigation System
1999KPMShunt, Peritoneal
2000KPNAlarm, Conditioned Response Enuresis
2001KPODialysate Concentrate For Hemodialysis (Liquid Or Powder)
2002KPPPeritoneal Dialysate Filter
2003KQQTubing, Dialysate (And Connector)
2004KQRDetector, Air Or Foam
2005KQSTable, Cystometric, Non-Electric And Accessories
2006KQTEvacuator, Gastro-Urology
2007KXMSystem Accessories, Extracorporeal
2008LBWSet, Dialysis, Single Needle (Co-Axial Flow)
2009LCGIntestinal Splinting Tubes
2010LFJCatheter, Subclavian
2011LFKCatheter, Femoral
2012LIFDialyzer Reprocessing System
2013LJHSystem, Irrigation, Urological
2014LKYDevice, External Penile Rigidity
2015LLBSystem, Blood, Extracorporeal And Accessories
2016LNSLithotriptor, Extracorporeal Shock-Wave, Urological
2017LQCLithotriptor, Biliary Mechanical
2018LQRDislodger, Stone, Biliary
2019LRIPh Meter For Dialysis Hydrogen Ion Concentration
2020MJCCatheter, Urological (Antimicrobial) And Accessories
2021MLWWarmer, Peritoneal Dialysate
2022MMZTable, Cystometric, Electric
2023MNDLigator, Esophageal
2024MNGExternal Urethral Occluder, Urinary Incontinence-Control, Female
2025MNKEndoscopic Bite Block
2026MNLAccessories, Cleaning Brushes, For Endoscope
2027MNVStrip, Dialysate Ph Indicator
2028MONSystem, Hemodialysis, Remote Accessories
2029MPBCatheter, Hemodialysis, Non-Implanted
2030MQSSystem, Hemodialysis, Access Recirculation Monitoring
2031MSBSystem And Accessories, Isolated Heart, Transport And Preservation
2032MSDCatheter, Hemodialysis, Implanted
2033MSEHemodialyzer, Re-Use, Low Flux
2034MSFHemodialyzer, Re-Use, High Flux
2035MSYStrip, Test, Reagent, Residuals For Dialysate, Disinfectant
2036MSZStrip, Test, Reagent, Residuals For Dialysate
2037MYESystem, Electrogastrography (Egg)
2038NAMStimulator, Peripheral Nerve, Non-Implanted, For Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
2039NBGMarker, Colon
2040NDSMedia, Culture, Ex Vivo, Tissue And Cell
2041NEZSystem, Imaging, Gastrointestinal, Wireless, Capsule
2042NFKKit, Repair, Catheter, Hemodialysis
2043NHVSystem, Water Purification, General Medical Use
2044NIECatheter, Hemodialysis, Triple Lumen, Non-Implanted
2045NIFCatheter, Hemodialysis, Triple Lumen, Implanted
2046NLMLaparoscope, General & Plastic Surgery, Reprocessed
2047NLRUnit, Electrosurgical, Endoscopic (With Or Without Accessories), Reprocessed
2048NLSInstrument, Biopsy, Reprocessed
2049NLTSnare, Flexible, Reprocessed
2050NLUForceps, Biopsy, Electric, Reprocessed
2051NLVElectrode, Flexible Suction Coagulator, Reprocessed
2052NLWElectrode, Electrosurgical, Active, Urological, Reprocessed
2053NLXNeedle, Pneumoperitoneum, Spring Loaded, Reprocessed
2054NMLCatheter, Biliary, Reprocessed
2055NMXNeedle And Needle Set, Gastro-Urology, Reprocessed
2056NMYNeedle, Endoscopic, Reprocessed
2057NNENeedle, Fistula, Reprocessed
2058NNGSet, Dialysis, Single Needle With Uni-Directional Pump, Reprocessed
2059NNWBag, Urine Collection, Leg, For External Use, Non-Sterile
2060NNXDevice, Incontinence, Urosheath Type, Non-Sterile
2061NNYSheath, Corrugated Rubber, For Non-Indwelling Catheter, Non-Sterile
2062NNZSystem, Urine Drainage, Closed, For Non-Indwelling Catheter, Non-Sterile
2063NOADevice, Paste-On For Incontinence, Non-Sterile
2064NONForceps, Biopsy, Non-Electric, Reprocessed
2065NOOClamp, Dialysis Arm
2066NOYAgents, Embolic, For Treatment Of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
2067NQJCatheter, Hemodialysis, Non-Implanted, Ultrafiltration, For Peripheral Use
2068NQTDislodger, Stone, Flexible, Ureteral, Reprocessed
2069NQUDislodger, Stone, Basket, Ureteral, Metal, Reprocessed
2070NSISystem, Imaging, Esophageal, Wireless, Capsule
2071NTNLed Light Source
2072NTZStrip, Dialysate, Ph, Bicarbonate, Glucose, Acid, Indicator
2073NUBColonic Irrigation System, General Well Being
2074NWBEndoscope, Accessories, Narrow Band Spectrum
2075NWIElectrosurgical Electrode Kit
2076NWOKit, Catheter, Urinary (Exludes Hiv Testing)
2077NWPSuprapubic Cystostomy Catheter Kit
2078NWQKit, Catheter, External, Male (Excludes Hiv Testing)
2079NWRKit, Catheter, Foley (Excludes Hiv Testing)
2080NWSKit, Choledochoscope, Flexible And Rigid
2081NWTEndoscopic Cholangiogram Kit
2082NWUEndoscope Introducer Kit
2083NYUCatheter, Hemodialysis, Implanted, Coated
2084NYVGastrointestinal Motility System, Capsule
2085NZUCollector, Urine, Powered, Non Indwelling Catheter
2086OCSEndoscopic Video Imaging System/Component, Gastroenterology-Urology
2087OCTAnti Fog Solution And Accessories, Endoscopy
2088OCUEndoscopic Storage Cover
2089OCVEndoscope Holder
2090OCWEndoscopic Tissue Approximation Device
2091OCXEndoscopic Irrigation/Suction System
2092OCYEndoscopic Guidewire, Gastroenterology-Urology
2093OCZEndoscopic Grasping/Cutting Instrument, Non-Powered
2094ODAEndoscopic Central Control Unit
2095ODBEndoscopic Contamination Prevention Sheath
2096ODCEndoscope Channel Accessory
2097ODDEndoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (Ercp) Cannula
2098ODEEndoscopic Suture/Plication System, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (Gerd)
2099ODFMini Endoscope, Gastroenterology-Urology
2100ODGEndoscopic Ultrasound System, Gastroenterology-Urology
2101ODNUltrafiltration-Controlled Nocturnal Dialysate Delivery System
2102ODXAutonomous Extracorporeal Blood Leak Detector/Alarm
2103OHRCatheter Care Tray
2105ONJDissolvable Gel For Preventing Ureteral Stone Migration
2106ONWHemodialysis System For Home Use
2107ONYOral Removable Retainer For Weight Management
2108OOWApplicator For Rectal Suppository
2109OQTProstate Lesion, Documentation, System
2110PBPRectal Insert
2111PCUPancreatic Stent, Covered, Metallic, Removable
2112PCVEndoscopic Leak Tester
2113PEAEndoscope, Accessories, Image Post-Processing For Color Enhancement
2114PEHHemodialysis Catheter Luer End Cap
2115PEVDialysis Administration Kit
2116PEWImplantable Transprostatic Tissue Retractor System
2117PFHVenous Window Needle Guide
2118PGDColon Capsule Imaging System
2119PGUSpatial Imaging For Display Of Endoscope Position
2120PHTBasin For Endoscope Reprocessing
2121PIAVibrator For Climax Control Of Premature Ejaculation
2122PIDEsophageal Dilator Balloon With Or Without Electrode Sensors
2123PIEEsophageal Dilator With Balloon And Electrode Sensors
2124PIFGastrointestinal Tubes With Enteral Specific Connectors
2125PIHUrethral Insert With Pump For Bladder Drainage
2126PINKidney Perfusion Kit
2127PIOEnteral Specific Transition Connectors
2128PJHDynamic Rectal Control System
2129PKIFully Subcutaneous Implanted Hemodialysis Catheter
2130PKLHemostatic Metal Clip For The Gi Tract
2131PLIGastrointestional Tube Holder
2132PLLSubmucosal Injection Agent
2133PLPHigh Intensity Ultrasound System For Prostate Tissue Ablation
2134PLQEnzyme Packed Cartridge
2135PNBBiliary Stent System For Benign Strictures
2136PNGPeritoneal, Drainage Catheter For Refractory Ascites, Long-Term Indwelling
2137PNREnteral Syringes With Enteral Specific Connectors
2138POZBiopsy Needle Kit
2139PPABladder Irrigation Kit
2140PPBFoley Catheter Kit (Excludes Hiv Testing)
2141PPCMale External Catheterization Kit (Excludes Hiv Testing)
2142PPDUniversal Drainage Tray
2143PPENephroscope Set
2144PPFUrinary Irrigation Kit
2145PPGUrinary Drainage Collection Kit
2146PPHSingle Needle With Uni-Directional Pump Kit
2147PPIHemodialysis Tray (Not A Start/Stop Kit)
2148PPJPeritoneal Dialysis Administration Kit
2149PPKPeritoneal Dialysis Tubing Kit
2150PPLSingle Needle (Co-Axial Flow) Dialysis Kit
2151PPOMulti-Lumen Hemodialysis Catheterization Kit
2152PQEOstomy Care Kit
2153PRMEnteral Administration Kit (Adult & Pediatric)
2154PROAnti-Regurgitation Blood Tubing Kit
2155PRPBalloon Gastrostomy Tube Kit
2156PRQEsophageal Dilator Kit
2157PRRFeeding Tube Kit
2158PRSGastric Colonic Catheter Irrigation Kit
2159PRTGastric Irrigation And Aspiration Kit
2160PRUGastric Lavage Kit (Adult Or Pediatric Use)
2161PRVGastro-Urology Biopsy Kit
2162PRWGastrointestinal Tube Kit
2163PRXGastrostomy Guide Wire Placement Kit
2164PRYGastrostomy Jejunostomy Feeding Tube Kit
2165PRZGastrostomy Tube Kit
2166PSALaparoscopic Jejunostomy Kit
2167PSBNasogastric Feed Tube Kit
2168PSCNasogastric-Gastrojejunal Kit
2169PSDLaparoscopic Gastrostomy Kit
2170PSENeedle Catheter Jejunostomy Kit
2171PSFNon-Balloon Replacement Gastrostomy System
2172PSGPercutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Kit
2173PSHPercutaneous Replacement Gastrostomy Tube Kit
2174PSJRectal Dilator Kit
2175PSKReplacement Gastrostomy Feeding Catheter Tray
2176PSXChlorine Meter
2177PTKPediatric Esophageal Atresia Anastomosis Device
2178PTQEndoscopic Magnetic Retriever, Exempt
2179PTRScissors For Cytoscope, Exempt
2180PTSEndoscopic Grasping/Cutting Instrument, Non-Powered, Exempt
2181PTTBiliary Catheter For Irrigation And Contrast Injection, Exempt
2182PTUCatheter, Peritoneal, Long-Term Indwelling, Exempt
2183PTVCatheter, Peritoneal Dialysis, Single Use, Exempt
2184PTWSystem, Peritoneal, Automatic Delivery, Exempt
2185PVYVasovasostomy Set
2186QAJCutaneous Electrode Stimulator For Urinary Incontinence
2187QEFPressure Ulcer Management Tool
2188QFQIngested, Transient, Space Occupying Device For Weight Management And/Or Weight Loss
2189QFZGastroenterology-Urology Accessories To A Biopsy Instrument
2190QGAPenile Implant Surgical Accessories
2191QGBUreteral Stent Accessories
2192QGCSuprapubic Catheter Accessories
2193QGDImplanted Mechanical/Hydraulic Urinary Continence Device Surgical Accessories
2194QGEBiliary Stent, Drain, And Dilator Accessories
2195QGGEsophageal Sheath With Distal Balloon Anchor
2196QIJEndoscopic Transhepatic Venous Access Needle
2197QIRPediatric Hemodialysis System
2198QISEsophageal, Mucosal, Electrical Characterization
2199QJNLaparoscopic Accessories, Esophageal Sizing
2200QKATemporarily-Placed Urethral Opening System For Symptoms Of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
2201OZWIngestible Event Marker
2202GZDStimulator, Spinal-Cord, Implanted, For Bladder Evacuation
2204OCQLaparoscopic Bladder-Neck Suspension Instrument, Stress Urinary Incontinence
2205PTEEndoscopic Morcellator Gastroenterology
2206PWJInstrumentation, Surgical Mesh, Urogynecologic, Stress Urinary Incontinence
2207QAGEndoscopic Electrosurgical Clip Cutting System
2208OAGGarment, Storage, Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter
2209ESWProsthesis, Esophageal
2210LNKLaser For Gastro-Urology Use
2211MQRStent, Colonic, Metallic, Expandable
2212MUKElectrosurgical Radiofrequency System, Stress Urinary Incontinence, Female, Transvaginal Or Laparoscopic, Pelvic Tissue
2213MUMStent, Metallic, Expandable, Duodenal
2214NEJSystem, Cryosurgical, Liquid Nitrogen, For Gastroenterology
2215OTMMesh, Surgical, For Stress Urinary Incontinence, Male
2216OTNMesh, Surgical, Synthetic, Urogynecologic, For Stress Urinary Incontinence, Retropubic Or Transobturator
2217PAGMesh, Surgical, Non-Synthetic, Urogynecologic, For Stress Urinary Incontinence, Retropubic Or Transobturator
2218PAHMesh, Surgical, Synthetic, Urogynecologic, For Stress Urinary Incontinence, Female, Mini-Sling
2219PZPFluid Jet Removal System
2220EZZProsthesis, Vas Deferens
2221FAAReplacer, Urethral
2222FABReplacer, Ureteral
2223FACValve, Ureterovesicle
2224FAGProsthesis, Urethral Sphincter
2225FAODevice, Cystometric, Air
2226FBYCooler, Esophageal And Gastric
2227FBZCooler, Prostatic
2228LEIImplant, Anti-Gastroesophageal Reflux
2229LILMonitor, Penile Tumescence
2230LJECatheter, Nephrostomy
2231LKNSeparator, Automated, Blood Cell And Plasma, Therapeutic
2232LKXDevice, Thermal, Hemorrhoids
2233LNLStimulator, Electrical For Sperm Collection
2234LNMAgent, Bulking, Injectable For Gastro-Urology Use
2235LNQIntestinal Stimulator
2236LNRSystem, Photopheresis, Extracorporeal
2237LOADevice, Testicular Hypothermia
2238LQQColumns, Immunoadsorption In Extracorporeal Systems
2239LQSSpermatocele, Alloplastic
2240LRLCushion, Hemorrhoid
2241LSTDevice, Erectile Dysfunction
2242LTIImplant, Intragastric For Morbid Obesity
2243LXWColumn, Adsorption, Low Density, Lipoprotein
2244MDPSeparator For Therapeutic Purposes, Membrane Automated Blood Cell/Plasma
2245MEQSystem, Hyperthermia, Rf/Microwave (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia),Thermotherapy
2246MERStent, Urethral, Prostatic, Permanent Or Semi-Permanent
2247MESStent, Urethral, Bulbous, Permanent Or Semi-Permanent
2248MIKDevice, Ultrasonic, Thermal Ablation
2249MIPImplanted Fecal Incontinence Device
2250MMYLipoprotein, Low Density, Removal
2251MOAAnalyzer, Diagnostic, Fiber Optic (Colon)
2252MRESolution, Sodium Hyaluronate
2253MXQStent, Urethral, External Sphincter, Permanent
2254NAZStimulator, Bladder
2255NCVLithotripter, Shockwave (For Treating Gallbladder Stones)
2256NZCStent, Urethral, Prostatic, Semi-Permanent
2257OAYLight Source System, Diagnostic Endoscopic
2258OCKTransurethral Occlusion Insert, Urinary Incontinence-Control, Female
2259ODHImplantable Bladder-Evacuation Electrical Stimulation System
2260OKNHyperthermia System, Bladder Cancer Treatment, With Chemotherapy
2261OVLHemodialyzer, High Cut-Off
2262OYFAspiration Therapy System
2263PATBladder System
2264PAZElectrical Stimulation Bladder System
2265PBNApheresis For Focal Glomerulosclerosis In Adult And Pediatric Patients
2266PDIBeta 2-Microglobulin Apheresis Column
2267PFEGastrointestinal Liner System
2268PHNProtective Coating, Mucoadhesive Application, For The Rectal Mucosa
2269PHONormothermic Preservation System For Transplantation Of Initially Unacceptable Donor Lungs
2270PIKMetabolic Neuromodulation System
2271PIMNeuromodulator For Obesity
2272PMHMechanical Compression Device Fecal Incontinence (Non-Manually Operated)
2273QBANormothermic Machine Perfusion System For The Preservation Of Standard Criteria Donor Lungs Prior To Transplantation
2274PHYSparse Sample Pk Profile And Dosing Software
2275QBVCentrifuge For Preparation Of Cell Concentrate And/Or Plasma Concentrate
2276BSAWarmer, Blood, Electromagnetic Radiation
2277BSBWarmer, Blood, Non-Electromagnetic Radiation
2278DAPFibrinogen And Fibrin Split Products, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2279DARFibrinogen And Split Products, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2280DATFibrinogen And Split Products, Peroxidase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2281DAXFibrinogen And Split Products, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2282DAZFibrinogen And Split Products, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2283DDQAntigen, Antiserum, Control, Antithrombin Iii
2284GFKFibrinogen Determination Standards And Controls
2285GFOActivated Partial Thromboplastin
2286GFSStandards And Controls, Hemoglobin, Normal And Abnormal
2287GFTProtamine Sulphate
2288GFXFibrinogen Standard
2289GGCControl, Plasma, Abnormal
2290GGFAcid Hematin
2291GGGGuaiac Reagent
2292GGJFluid, Diluting, White-Cell
2293GGKProducts, Red-Cell Lysing Products
2294GGLControl, White-Cell
2295GGMControl, Hemoglobin
2296GGNPlasma, Coagulation Control
2297GGOReagent, Thromboplastin And Control
2298GGPTest, Qualitative And Quantitative Factor Deficiency
2299GGQTest, Prothrombin Consumption
2300GGTAssay, Erythropoietin
2301GGWTest, Time, Partial Thromboplastin
2302GGXPipette, Sahli
2303GGYPipette, Diluting
2305GHAHemoglobin, Alkali Resistant
2306GHCTube, Sedimentation Rate
2307GHDTest, Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase
2308GHHFibrin Split Products
2309GHKCentrifuge, Microsedimentation
2310GHMTest, Sickle Cell
2312GHQStain, Fetal Hemoglobin
2313GHRReagent, Platelet Aggregation
2314GHSAssay, Carboxyhemoglobin
2315GHYHematocrit, Tube, Rack, Sealer, Holder
2317GIFDiluent, Blood Cell
2319GIIGlutathione, Red-Cell
2320GILPlasma, Fibrinogen Control
2321GIOTube, Collection, Capillary Blood
2322GIQHemoglobin S
2323GIRReagent, Russel Viper Venom
2324GISTest, Fibrinogen
2325GITReagent & Control, Partial Thromboplastin Time
2326GIZPlasma, Control, Normal
2327GJATest, Thrombin Time
2329GJCAssay, Sulfhemoglobin
2330GJGPipette, Quantitative, Hematology
2331GJHStain, Reticulocyte
2332GJJStains, Heinz Body
2333GJLRomanowsky Stains
2334GJNFluid, Diluting, Red-Cell
2335GJPControl, Platelet
2336GJRControl, Red-Cell
2337GJSTest, Time, Prothrombin
2338GJTPlasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient
2339GJWPipette, Pasteur
2340GJZCyanomethemoglobin Reagent And Standard Solution
2341GKAAbnormal Hemoglobin Quantitation
2342GKBDevice, Automated Sedimentation Rate
2343GKEOsmotic Fragility Testing
2344GKFInstrument, Hematocrit, Automated
2345GKGCentrifuge, Hematocrit
2346GKHApparatus, Automated Blood Cell Diluting
2347GKJSpinner, Slide, Automated
2349GKLCounter, Cell, Automated (Particle Counter)
2350GKMHand-Tally, Differential
2351GKNTimer, Clot, Automated
2352GKPInstrument, Coagulation, Automated
2353GKQTest, Thromboplastin Generation
2354GKRSystem, Hemoglobin, Automated
2355GKTSeparator, Automated, Blood Cell, Diagnostic
2356GKWAggregometer, Platelet, Thrombokinetogram
2357GKXInstrument, Automated Platelet Counting
2358GKZCounter, Differential Cell
2359GLGPlatelet Counting, Manual
2360GLKControl, Hematocrit
2361GLQMixture, Control, White-Cell And Red-Cell Indices
2362GLYOximeter To Measure Hemoglobin
2363JBBSolubility, Hemoglobin, Abnormal
2364JBDSystem, Analysis, Electrophoretic Hemoglobin
2365JBECell Enzymes (Erythrocytic And Leukocytic)
2366JBFGlucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Erythrocytic), Screening
2367JBGGlucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Erythrocytic), Spot
2368JBHGlucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Erythrocytic), Micromethod
2369JBIGlucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Erythrocytic), Catalase Inhibition
2370JBJGlucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Erythrocytic), Methemoglobin Reduction
2371JBKGlucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Erythrocytic), U.V. Kinetic
2372JBLGlucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Erythrocytic), Quantitative
2373JBMGlucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Erythrocytic), Electrophoresis
2374JBNFibrin Monomer Paracoagulation
2375JBOTest, Euglobulin Lysis
2376JBPActivated Whole Blood Clotting Time
2377JBQAntithrombin Iii Quantitation
2378JBRTest, Heparin Neutralization
2379JBTTimer, Coagulation
2380JBWRed-Cell Indices, Measured
2381JBXAggregrometer, Platelet
2382JBYAggregometer, Platelet, Photo-Optical Scanning
2383JBZStudy, Platelet Adhesive
2384JCADevice, Bleeding Time
2385JCFLymphocyte Separation Medium
2386JCGFluid, Diluting, Manual Cell
2387JCJAlkaline Phosphatase
2388JCMControl, Hemoglobin, Abnormal
2389JCNControl, Cell Counter, Normal And Abnormal
2390JCOBothrops Atrox Reagent
2391JIOBlood, Occult, Colorimetric, In Urine
2392JIPBlood, Occult, Enzymatic Method, In Urine
2393JLMIsoenzymes, Electrophoretic, Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
2394JMBVisual, Semi-Quant. (Colorimetric), Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
2395JMCNadp Reduction (U.V.), Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
2396JMHFluorescence, Visual Observation (Qual., U.V.), Glutathione Reductase
2397JOXAnalyzer, Heparin, Automated
2398JOYDevice, Automated Cell-Locating
2399JOZSystem, Automated Platelet Aggregation
2400JPASystem, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies
2401JPBHemoglobin M
2402JPCHemoglobin F Quantitation
2403JPDHemoglobin A2 Quantitation
2404JPEAntithrombin Iii, Two Stage Clotting Time Assay
2405JPFProthrombin-Proconvertin And Thrombotest
2406JPHTest, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
2407JPIDevice, Hematocrit Measuring
2408JPJRed-Cell Indices, Calculated
2409JPKMixture, Hematology Quality Control
2410JWODevice, Blood Volume Measuring
2411JWRAtp Release (Luminescence)
2412KFFAssay, Heparin
2413KHEReagent, Occult Blood
2414KHFAdenine Nucleotide Quantitation
2415KHGWhole Blood Hemoglobin Determination
2416KQEAssay, Erythrocytic Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
2417KQFAssay, Glutathione Reductase
2418KQGInstrument, Coagulation
2419KQHRed-Cell Indices
2420KQIAssay, Fetal Hemoglobin
2421KQJSystem, Fibrinogen Determination
2422KRXCalibrator For Cell Indices
2423KRYCalibrator For Platelet Counting
2424KRZCalibrator For Hemoglobin And Hematocrit Measurement
2425KSACalibrator For Red-Cell And White-Cell Counting
2426KSBSet, Transfer (Blood/Plasma)
2427KSDDevice, Heat-Sealing
2428KSERefrigerator, Freezer, Blood Storage
2429KSFKit, Quality Control For Blood Banking Reagents
2430KSGMedia, Potentiating For In Vitro Diagnostic Use
2431KSHChamber, Environmental For The Storage Of Platelet Concentrate
2432KSILectins And Protectins
2433KSKSolution, Stabilized Enzyme
2434KSLSolution, Copper Sulfate For Specific Gravity Determinations
2435KSMSystem, Test, Combs, Automated
2436KSNCentrifuge, Cell-Washing, Automated For Immuno-Hematology
2437KSOCentrifuge, Blood-Bank For In Vitro Diagnostic Use
2438KSPApparatus, Cell-Freezing And Reagents
2439KSQDevice, Blood Mixing And Blood Weighing
2440KSRContainer, Empty, For Collection & Processing Of Blood & Blood Components
2441KSSSupplies, Blood-Bank
2442KSTSystem, Blood Collection, Vacuum-Assisted, Manual
2443KSWSystem, Processing For Frozen Blood
2444KSXSubstance, Blood Grouping Of Non-Human Origin For In Vitro Diagnostic Use
2445KSYBoxes, View, Blood Grouping
2446KSZSystem, Test, Automated Blood Grouping And Antibody
2447KZLDevice, Warming. Blood And Plasma
2448LCOPlatelet Factor 4 Radioimmunoassay
2449LCPAssay, Glycosylated Hemoglobin
2450LGLAssay, Bart'S, Hemoglobin
2451LGOTest, Leukocyte Typing
2452LGPAssay, Alpha-2-Antiplasmin
2453LIMTest, Screening, For D Positive Fetal Rbc'S
2454LJXTest, Urine Leukocyte
2455LKMCounter, Urine Particle
2456LKZRed-Cell Count By Photometry
2457LLGKit, Igg, Platelet Associated
2458MAMDna-Probe, B And T Lymphocyte
2459MIFProthrombin Fragment 1.2
2460MLLHemoglobin C (Abnormal Hemoglobin Variant)
2461MMHBlood Establishment Computer Software And Accessories
2462MYJDevice, Mixing And Weighing, Semi-Automated
2463MYXSystem, Blood Collection, Vacuum-Assisted, Automated
2464MZGTest, Residual, Wbc In Leukoreduced Blood
2465NOZAssay, 1,5-Anhydroglucitol (15ag)
2466NRFMaterial, Quality Control, Semen Analysis
2467NRSControl Material, Blood Circulating Epithelial Cancer Cell
2468NVGTissue Culture, Accessories, Dental
2469OAOCord Blood Processing System And Storage Container
2470OBW11-Dehydro Thromboxane B2 Kit, Urinary
2471ODVVitamin K Epoxide Reductase Complex Subunit One (Vkorc1) Genotyping System
2472OMMTest 5, 10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Mutations, Genomic Dna Pcr
2473OOFCryogenic Cord Blood Storage Container
2474OOXAutomated Occult Blood Analyzer
2475OQXSelf-Contained Blood Grouping
2476ORGPlatelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling
2477OSLControl, Fecal Occult Blood
2478OYEFlow Cytometric Reagents And Accessories.
2479PBCManual Blood Grouping And Antibody Test Systems
2480PGFRed Cell Thawer, Microwave
2481PGGPlasma Thawer
2482PKGBone Marrow Processing Device To Support Hematopoietic Reconstitution
2483PMGAutomated Multicolor Fluorescent Imaging Cytometric Analysis System
2484PMQPeripheral Blood Processing Device For Wound Management
2485POVSemen Analysis Device
2486PWDFlow Cytometric Test System For Hematopoietic Neoplasms
2487QFRCoagulation System For The Measurement Of Whole Blood Viscoelastic Properties
2488QGUHemoglobin For Donor Testing
2489QHRBlood Grouping Reagent
2490QHSAnti-Human Globulin
2491QHTReagent Red Blood Cells
2492MZMFibrin Sealant Preparation Device
2493DBTFactor Xiii A, S, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2494DDECarbonic Anhydrase C, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2495DDFProthrombin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2496DDHCarbonic Anhydrase B, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2497DDXPlasminogen, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2498DGBSeminal Fluid, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2499DGQWhole Blood Plasma, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2500DGRWhole Human Serum, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2501KTKReagent, Immunoassay, Carbonic Anhydrase B And C
2502LOQDevice, General Purpose, Hematology
2503MVSKit, Typing, Hla-Dqb
2505IFOSolution, Newcomer'S
2506IFSSolution, Helly
2507IGKSolution, Clarke'S
2508IJZOil, Clearing
2509MVUReagents, Specific, Analyte
2510KSJSystem, Identification, Hepatitis B Antigen
2511MTHTray, Leukocyte Typing
2512MTKKit, Sample Collection, Hiv
2514MTNTest, Syphilis, Treponemal
2515MTOSoftware, Management, Microplate Assay
2516MTPAntibody To Htlv-1, Elisa
2517MTQSoftware, Blood Virus Applications
2518MTRProgenitor Cell Enumeration
2519MTSVials, Challenge, Endotoxin
2520MVWKit, Western Blot, Hiv-1
2521MVXAntibody, Monoclonal Blocking, Hiv-1
2522MVYMonoclonal, Hiv-1
2523MVZSystem, Test, Home, Hiv-1
2524MWBKit, Test, Saliva, Hiv-1&2
2525MWOReagent, Blood Bank, Quality Control
2526MYKKit, Cord Blood Collection
2527MYPTest, Platelet Antibody
2528MYQKit, Antibody, Elution
2529MYSDevice, Ahf, Automated Cryoprecipitation
2530MYWIrradiation, Blood Indicators
2531MYYSeparator, Semi-Automated, Blood Component
2532MZHTest, Quantitative, For Hla, Non-Diagnostic
2533MZITest, Qualitative, For Hla, Non-Diagnostic
2534MZJSystem, Concentration, Hematopoietic Stem Cell
2535MZKSystem, Separation, Hematopoietic Stem Cell
2536NDVTest, Ecarin Clotting Time (Ect)
2537NJNPlatelets, Photochemical Treatment System
2538OTQResearch Use Only/Hematology Devices
2539OVGMagnetic Cell Selection System For Cd34+ Cells From Hpc-Apheresis Used In Treatment Of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (Aml)
2540OYTBlood Establishment Computer Software, User Developed
2541PBAEcarin Clotting Time
2542PCZInvestigational Use Only - Immunology
2543PDCInvestigational Use Only - Hematology
2544PEPMolecular Erythrocyte Typing Test
2545PJFIlluminator System For Blood Products
2546PZTPeripheral Blood Processing Device For Osteoarthritis
2547PZUBone Marrow Processing Device For Clinical Use
2548PZVPeripheral Blood Processing Device For Clinical Use
2549QBGAssay, Oral Direct Thrombin Inhibitor
2550QCZMechanical And Enzymatic Autologous Skin Processor For Cell Suspension, With Applicator
2551CAHFilter, Bacterial, Breathing-Circuit
2552MAJCatheter, Percutaneous, Intraspinal, Short Term
2553OFPAnesthesia Breathing Circuit Kit (Adult & Pediatric)
2554DQFActuator, Syringe, Injector Type
2555DQIWithdrawal/Infusion Pump
2556OFMPhlebotomy Blood Collection Kit
2557NSBPatient Personal Hygiene Kit
2558FEBAccessories, Cleaning, For Endoscope
2559LEYSet, Oral Administration
2560NIHDisinfectant, Subsystem, Water Purification
2561NIIDisinfectant, Dialysate Delivery System
2562NVEWasher, Cleaner, Automated, Endoscope
2563NZAAccessories, Germicide, Cleaning, For Endoscopes
2564PUPEndoscope Maintenance System
2565BRTRestraint, Patient, Conductive
2566BRZSet, Blood Transfusion
2567BWJLocator, Acupuncture Point
2568BYYTube, Aspirating, Flexible, Connecting
2569BYZTrap, Sterile Specimen
2570CAKMicrofilter, Blood Transfusion
2571CARMonitor, Spinal-Fluid Pressure, Electrically Powered
2572CBCBottle, Collection And Trap, Breathing System (Uncalibrated)
2573CBDBottle, Collection, Breathing System (Calibrated)
2574DWLStocking, Medical Support (To Prevent Pooling Of Blood In Legs)
2575FLESterilizer, Steam
2576FLFSterilizer, Ethylene-Oxide Gas
2577FLGCleaner, Ultrasonic, Medical Instrument
2578FLHWasher Of Body Waste Receptacles
2579FLICabinet, Ethylene-Oxide Gas Aerator
2580FLKThermometer, Clinical Mercury
2581FLLThermometer, Electronic, Clinical
2582FLNMonitor, Electric For Gravity Flow Infusion Systems
2583FMADepressor, Tongue, Non-Surgical
2584FMCPatient Examination Glove
2585FMEGown, Examination
2586FMFSyringe, Piston
2587FMGStopcock, I.V. Set
2588FMINeedle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen
2589FMJManometer, Spinal-Fluid
2590FMLChair, Blood Donor
2591FMPProtector, Skin Pressure
2592FMQRestraint, Protective
2593FMRDevice, Transfer, Patient, Manual
2594FMSBed, Pediatric Open Hospital
2595FMTWarmer, Infant Radiant
2596FMWCover, Mattress (Medical Purposes)
2597FMZIncubator, Neonatal
2598FNGLift, Patient, Ac-Powered
2599FNJBed, Manual
2600FNKBed, Hydraulic, Adjustable Hospital
2601FNLBed, Ac-Powered Adjustable Hospital
2602FNMMattress, Air Flotation, Alternating Pressure
2603FNNNipple, Lambs Feeding
2605FNSRing Cutter
2606FNYBasin, Emesis
2607FOABoard, Cardiopulmonary
2609FODDevice, Occlusion, Umbilical
2610FOHMattress, Water, Temperature Regulated
2611FOKPad, Neonatal Eye
2612FOSCatheter, Umbilical Artery
2613FOXStand, Infusion
2614FOZCatheter, Intravascular, Therapeutic, Short-Term Less Than 30 Days
2615FPASet, Administration, Intravascular
2616FPBFilter, Infusion Line
2617FPFBottle, Hot/Cold Water
2618FPKTubing, Fluid Delivery
2619FPLIncubator, Neonatal Transport
2620FPOStretcher, Wheeled
2621FPPStretcher, Hand-Carried
2622FPSBoard, Bed
2623FQAScale, Surgical Sponge
2624FQHLavage, Jet
2625FQJSupport, Scrotal, Therapeutic
2626FQKBinder, Perineal
2627FQLStocking, Medical Support (For General Medical Purposes)
2628FQMBandage, Elastic
2629FQZThermometer, Clinical Color Change
2630FRAPurifier, Air, Ultraviolet, Medical
2631FRCIndicator, Biological Sterilization Process
2632FRFCleaner, Air, Medical Recirculating
2633FRGWrap, Sterilization
2634FRIScale, Stand-On, Patient
2635FRJChair, Geriatric
2636FRKChair, Examination And Treatment
2637FRLFiber, Medical, Absorbent
2638FRNPump, Infusion
2639FRPHolder, Infant Position
2640FRRChamber, Reverse Isolation, Patient Care
2641FRWScale, Patient
2642FRZDevice, Patient Transfer, Powered
2643FSALift, Patient, Non-Ac-Powered
2644FSDBinder, Abdominal
2645GAZTubing, Noninvasive
2646GCXApparatus, Suction, Operating-Room, Wall Vacuum Powered
2647HEFBinder, Breast
2648HFSShield, Nipple
2649IKYMattress, Flotation Therapy, Non-Powered
2650JOJIndicator, Physical/Chemical Sterilization Process
2651JOKScissors, Medical, Disposable
2652JOLCatheter And Tip, Suction
2653KCTSterilization Wrap Containers, Trays, Cassettes & Other Accessories
2654KDPRegulator, Vacuum
2655KDQBottle, Collection, Vacuum
2656KIACover, Cast
2657KMEBedding, Disposable, Medical
2658KMGPurifier, Water, Ultraviolet, Medical
2659KMHSterilizer, Dry Heat
2660KMIMonitor, Bed Patient
2661KMJLubricant, Patient
2662KMKDevice, Intravascular Catheter Securement
2663KMNChair And Table, Medical
2664KMOBinder, Elastic
2665KPDStrip, Temperature, Forehead, Liquid Crystal
2666KPEContainer, I.V.
2667KXFApplicator, Absorbent Tipped, Non-Sterile
2668KXGApplicator, Absorbent Tipped, Sterile
2669KYPSnake Bite Suction Kit
2670KYQKit, Chemical Snake-Bite
2671KYRBag, Ice
2672KYSInsoles, Medical
2673KYTLight, Examination, Medical, Battery Powered
2674KYWContainer, Liquid Medication, Graduated
2675KYXDispenser, Liquid Medication
2676KYZSyringe, Irrigating (Non Dental)
2677KZADevice, Vein Location, Liquid Crystal
2678KZDInfusor, Pressure, For I.V. Bags
2679KZEInjector, Fluid, Non-Electrically Powered
2680KZFDevice, Medical Examination, Ac Powered
2681KZHIntroducer, Syringe Needle
2682LBIUnit, Neonatal Phototherapy
2683LBJDevice, Vein Stabilization
2684LDRController, Infusion, Intravascular, Electronic
2685LDSDevice, Pasteurization, Hot Water
2686LGMChamber, Patient Isolation
2687LGNChamber, Patient Transport Isolation
2688LGZWarmer, Thermal, Infusion Fluid
2689LHBTimer, Apgar
2690LHFWarmer, Microwave, Infusion Fluid
2691LHISet, I.V. Fluid Transfer
2692LJLDetectors And Removers, Lice, (Including Combs)
2693LJSCatheter, Intravascular, Therapeutic, Long-Term Greater Than 30 Days
2694LJTPort & Catheter, Implanted, Subcutaneous, Intravascular
2695LLIBed, Therapeutic, Ac-Powered, Adjustable Home-Use
2696LLKLegging, Compression, Non-Inflatable
2697LRJDisinfectant, Medical Devices
2698LRTIndicator, Sterilization
2699LYYLatex Patient Examination Glove
2700LYZVinyl Patient Examination Glove
2701LZAPolymer Patient Examination Glove
2702LZBFinger Cot
2703LZCPatient Examination Glove, Specialty
2704LZHPump, Infusion, Enteral
2705MDRBinder, Medical, Therapeutic
2706MDZCleaners, Medical Devices
2707MEAPump, Infusion, Pca
2708MEBPump, Infusion, Elastomeric
2709MECDisinfector, Medical Devices
2710MEDSterilant, Medical Devices
2711MEGSyringe, Antistick
2712MHCNeedle, Interosseous
2713MHDPump, Infusion, Gallstone Dissolution
2714MJFCheck Valve, Retrograde Flow (In-Line)
2715MKBDevice, Germicidal, Ultraviolet
2716MLRSterilizer, Chemical
2717MMKContainer, Sharps
2718MMSLubricant, Vaginal, Patient
2719MQXNeedle, Acupuncture, Single Use
2720MRBIndicator, Biological, Liquid Chemical Sterilization Process
2721MRLScale, Sponge, Surgical, Electrically-Powered
2722MRZAccessories, Pump, Infusion
2723MTCIndicator, Chemical, Enzymatic, Sterilization Process
2724MTVSharps Needle Destruction Device
2725MZRTopical Approximation System
2726NEPSystem/Device, Pharmacy Compounding
2727NGTSaline, Vascular Access Flush
2728NKKNeedle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen, Reprocessed
2729NKNSyringe, Piston, Reprocessed
2730NRVImplantable Radio Frequency Transponder System
2731NRWStimulator, Intramuscular, Automatic
2732NSCInjector, Pen
2733NTCNursing Pad, Hydrogel
2734NTXNursing Pad, Polyurethane Pad With Starch Copolymer, Glycerin, And Surfactant (F-68)
2735NXHNursing Pad, Cohesive Gel
2736NZDStretcher, Patient Restraint
2737NZGBassinet, Hospital
2738NZHMedication Management System, Remote
2739NZJRespirator, N95, For Use By The General Public In Public Health Medical Emergencies
2740NZWHeparin, Vascular Access Flush
2741NZXWater, Vascular Access Flush
2742OBKPort, Protector/Cushion
2743OCIIndicator, Physical/Chemical, Storage Temperature
2744ODIAdministration Set Docking Station
2745ODYTunneled Catheter Remover
2746OHYPill Crusher/Cutter
2747OIGPowder-Free Guayle Rubber Examination Glove
2748OJAIntravenous Extension Tubing Set
2749OKCImplanted Subcutaneous Securement Catheter
2750OKEPort Introducer Kit
2751OKLIntravascular Administration Set, Automated Air Removal System
2752OMFPercutaneous, Implanted, Long-Term Intravascular Catheter Accessory For Catheter Position
2753ONBClosed Antineoplastic And Hazardous Drug Reconstitution And Transfer System
2754ONMRadiant Infant Warmer Cabinet
2755OPCPowder-Free Polychloroprene Patient Examination Glove
2756OPHRadiation Attenuating Medical Glove
2757OPIAntimicrobial Medical Glove
2758OPJMedical Gloves With Chemotherapy Labeling Claims - Test For Use With Chemotherapy Drugs
2759OPPPump, Infusion, Insulin Bolus
2760ORWN95 Respirator With Antimicrobial/Antiviral Agent For Use By The General Public In Public Health Medical Emergencies
2761OSIBariatric Bed
2762OSZAntimicrobial Keyboard
2763OUGMedical Device Data System
2764OUWInfant Positioner, Rx, Use In Highly Monitored Setting
2765OVYLiquid Chemical Processing System
2766OWLPeripheral Catheter Insertion Kit
2767OWPBiological Sterilization Process Indicator With Recombinant-Dna Plasmid
2768OYSPatient Bed With Canopy/Restraints
2769OZKThermometer, Exhaled Breath
2770PADChest Drainage Kit
2771PDHBlanket, Neonatal Phototherapy
2772PECSterilizer Automated Loading System
2773PEFHeparin Flush In 0.45% Sodium Chloride
2774PEQAccessories To Examination Light
2775PEZCentral Venous Catheter Dressing Change Kit
2776PHCInfusion Safety Management Software
2777PJJTwo Or More Sterilant Sterilizer
2778PJOFall Prevention Alarm/Sensor Combination Attached Or Unattached
2779PJPFall Prevention Alarm/Sensor Attached Only
2780PKPImmunoglobulin G (Igg) Infusion System
2781PMSPeripheral Intravenous (Piv) Infiltration Monitor
2782PNDMidline Catheter
2783POQBlood Transfusion Kit
2784PORParenteral Administration Kit
2786PQHIodinated Contrast Media Transfer Tubing Set
2787PQXEpinephrine Syringe
2788PRNPediatric Position Holder
2789PTDSubcutaneous Implanted Apheresis Port
2790PTINon-Coring (Huber) Needle
2791PUKAdministration Set Securement Device
2792PUNLice Removal Kit Containing A Solution
2793PURVacuum Syringe
2794PVZNon-Stainless Steel Needle
2795PWHAdministrations Sets With Neuraxial Connectors
2796PWMAdmission Kit (Patient Utensil)
2797PWNBaby Care Kit
2798PWOBlood Administration Kit
2799PWPBlood Borne Pathogen Response Kit
2800PWQBuret Administration Intravenous Kit
2801PWRCatheter Repair Kit
2802PWSChemotherapy Administration Kit
2803PWTChemotherapy Spill Clean-Up Kit
2804PWUClean-Up Kit
2805PWVDelivery Room Apparel Kit
2806PWWFever Monitoring Kit
2807PWXInsect Sting Emergency Kit
2808PWYLumbar Puncture Tray (Adult & Pediatric)
2809PWZMid-Stream Collection Kit
2810PXAOral Administration Set
2811PXBPercutaneous Introducer Kit
2812PXCPersonal Protection Kit
2813PXDPrep Kit
2814PXFSitz Bath Kit
2815PXGSpill Kit
2816PXHThermometer Kit
2817PXIThoracentesis Tray
2818PXJUmbilical Catheter Insertion Tray
2819PXKVascular Access Port Kit
2820PXLVenipuncture Kit
2821PXMVomitus Clean-Up Kit
2822PYQRfid Chip For Dental Appliance
2823PYRNeuraxial Administration Set - Intrathecal Delivery
2824PZWCatheter Access Cover, Tamper-Resistant
2825QBLPiston Syringe Lever
2826QDMMidazolam Syringe
2827QDOFentanyl And Other Opioid Protection Glove
2828QEHPiston Syringe With Neuraxial Connector - Epidural And Peripheral Delivery
2829QJYInfusion Pump, Drug Specific, Pharmacy-Filled
2830QKMA Chemical Vapor Sterilization Multivariable Chemical Indicator
2831LKGPort & Catheter, Implanted, Subcutaneous, Intraventricular
2832FMHContainer, Specimen, Sterile
2833NNIContainer, Specimen, Non-Sterile
2834IQGAdaptor, Holder, Syringe
2835LHCWarmer, Irrigation Solution
2836NXBDispenser, Solid Medication
2837NXQReminder, Medication
2838OIZFoot Examination Tool For Inflammatory Changes
2839OJLInsulin Vial Protector/Holder
2840OUJHigh Level Disinfection Reprocessing Instrument For Ultrasonic Transducers, Mist
2841PSWHigh Level Disinfection Reprocessing Instrument For Ultrasonic Transducers, Liquid
2842ERYDrape, Surgical, Ent
2843EYXDrape, Pure Latex Sheet, With Self-Retaining Finger Cot
2844EYYDrape, Urological, Disposable
2845FLJUnit, Airflow, Laminar
2846FRTUnit, Isolation, Surgical
2847FXOSuit, Surgical
2848FXPCover, Shoe, Operating-Room
2849FXXMask, Surgical
2850FXYHood, Surgical
2851FXZHelmet, Surgical
2852FYAGown, Surgical
2853FYBGown, Patient
2854FYCGown, Isolation, Surgical
2855FYDApparatus, Exhaust, Surgical
2856FYHSplint, Extremity, Noninflatable, External, Sterile
2857HMTDrape, Patient, Ophthalmic
2858HMWDrape, Microscope, Ophthalmic
2859KGOSurgeon'S Gloves
2860KGQCream, Gloving, Surgeon'S
2861KGTDrape, Adhesive, Aerosol
2862KKXDrape, Surgical
2863LGXTable, Examination, Medical, Powered
2864LYUAccessory, Surgical Apparel
2865MACDecontamination Kit
2866MMPCover, Barrier, Protective
2867MSHRespirator, Surgical
2868NZPSealant, Microbial
2869OEANon-Surgical Isolation Gown
2870OKFBody Fluid Disposal Kit
2871OKGBody Fluid Clean Up Kit
2872OKHBody Fluids Barrier Kit
2873OKIEmergency Response Safety Kit
2874ONTN95 Respirator With Antimicrobial/Antiviral Agent
2875OPAPowder-Free Non-Natural Rubber Latex Surgeon'S Gloves
2876ORCAir Filter Portable Apparatus
2877OUKSurgical Mask With Antimicrobial/Antiviral Agent
2878OVRKit, First Aid, Talking
2879OXZPediatric/Child Facemask
2880PIRMercy Tape 2d And 3d Models
2881PLYAntimicrobial Drapes
2882PQMSurgical Smoke Precipitator
2883QGIAir-Handling Apparatus Accessory
2884LDHSystem, Delivery, Allergen And Vaccine
2885LKBPad, Alcohol, Device Disinfectant
2886LKKPump, Infusion, Implanted, Programmable
2887LLCContainer, Supplementary Nitroglycerin
2888LLDPort & Catheter, Implanted, Subcutaneous, Intraperitoneal
2889LMQDevice, Peritoneal Access, Subcutaneous, Implanted
2890LNXMedical Computers And Software
2891LNYCatheter, Percutaneous, Long Term, Intraspinal
2892LPZContainer, Frozen Donor Tissue Storage
2893LSXController, Closed-Loop, Blood-Pressure
2894LWEBone Marrow Collection/Transfusion Kit
2895MQTPump, Drug Administration, Closed Loop
2896NSXSoftware, Transmission And Storage, Patient Data
2897OSSDiabetes Take Home Kit
2898PGOAnti-Stick Glass Syringe
2899PWCGeneral Wellness Product
2900QBPCap, Device Disinfectant
2901QIXSystem, Transdermal Delivery, Cder Or Cber Led
2902QIYNasal Spray, Systemic Delivery, Cder Or Cber Led
2903QIZMaterial, Implantable For Controlled Release, Cder Or Cber Led
2904QKRFace Mask (Except N95 Respirator) For General Public/Healthcare Personnel Per Iie Guidance
2905QKUNon-Niosh-Approved Disposable Filtering Facepiece Respirators (Ffrs)
2906QKYDecontamination Systems For N95 Respirators
2907QLADecontamination Systems For Facemasks, Surgical Masks, Face Shields, And Safety Glasses
2908QLBDecontamination Systems For Gloves, Gowns, And Other Apparel Excluding Masks, Respirators, Face Shields, Safety Goggles
2909OUEMicro Total Analysis Instrument System
2910LIZAssay, T Lymphocyte Surface Marker
2911LJDAssay, B Lymphocyte Marker
2912NIDAssay, Proliferation, In Vitro, T Lymphocyte
2913PDXFlow Cytometry Calibrator
2914CFFImmunoelectrophoretic, Immunoglobulins, (G, A, M)
2915CFNMethod, Nephelometric, Immunoglobulins (G, A, M)
2916CFQRadioimmunoassay, Immunoglobulins (G, A, M)
2917CGMMethod, Immunodiffusion, Immunoglobulins (G, A, M)
2918CHNImmunochemical, Ceruloplasmin
2919CZJIgd, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2920CZKIga, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2921CZLIga, Peroxidase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2922CZMIga, Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2923CZNIga, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2924CZOInter-Alpha Trypsin Inhibitor, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2925CZPIga, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2926CZQBence-Jones Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2927CZRHemopexin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2928CZSRetinol-Binding Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2929CZTHemopexin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2930CZWComplement C3, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2931CZXHemopexin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2932CZYComplement C1s, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2933CZZHaptoglobin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2934DABHaptoglobin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2935DACComplement C3b Activator, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2936DADHaptoglobin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2937DAEComplement C9, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2938DAFGamma Globulin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2939DAGComplement C8, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2940DAHGamma Globulin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2941DAIComplement C1r, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2942DAJFree Secretory Component, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2943DAKComplement C1q, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2944DALFraction Iv-5, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2945DAMHemoglobin, Chain Specific, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2946DANFibrinopeptide A, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2947DAOIgm (Mu Chain Specific), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2948DAQIgg (Fd Fragment Specific), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2949DASIgg (Fc Fragment Specific), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2950DAWAlpha-2-Ap-Glycoprotein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2951DAYComplement C5, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2952DBAComplement C1 Inhibitor (Inactivator), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2953DBCAlpha 2, 2n-Glycoprotein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2954DBEAntismooth Muscle Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control
2955DBFFerritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2956DBHFc, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2957DBIComplement C4, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2958DBJAntiparietal Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control
2959DBKFc, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2960DBLMultiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control
2961DBMAntimitochondrial Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control
2962DBNFc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2963DBYFab, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2964DCBFab, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2965DCEFab, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2966DCFAlbumin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2967DCHSystem, Test, C-Reactive Protein, Rhodamine
2968DCJBeta-Globulin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2969DCKC-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control
2970DCNSystem, Test, C-Reactive Protein
2971DCOAlpha-Globulin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2972DCTCeruloplasmin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2973DCYCeruloplasmin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2974DDBCeruloplasmin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2975DDCThyroglobulin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2976DDDTransferrin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2977DDGTransferrin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2978DDITransferrin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2979DDJThyroglobulin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2980DDKBeta-2-Glycoprotein Iii, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2981DDLThyroglobulin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2982DDNBeta-2-Glycoprotein I, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2983DDOMyoglobin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2984DDRMyoglobin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2985DDSPrealbumin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2986DDTAlpha-2-Macroglobulin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2987DDYAlpha-2-Macroglobulin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2988DDZAlbumin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2989DEAMyoglobin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2990DEBAlpha-2-Macroglobulin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2991DECInter-Alpha Trypsin Inhibitor, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2992DEFAlpha-2-Hs-Glycoprotein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2993DEGLactoferrin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2994DEHLambda, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2995DEIAlpha-1-Antitrypsin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2996DEJAlpha-2-Glycoproteins, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2997DEKKappa, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2998DELLipoprotein X, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
2999DEMAlpha-1-Antitrypsin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3000DENAlpha-1-T-Glycoprotein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3001DEOKappa, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3002DERAlpha-1-Lipoprotein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3003DESLambda, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3004DETLactic Dehydrogenase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3005DEWIgg, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3006DEXAlpha-1-B-Glycoprotein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3007DEZIgm, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3008DFBAlpha-1-Antitrypsin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3009DFCLipoprotein, Low-Density, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3010DFFAlpha-1-Antichymotrypsin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3011DFGLambda, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3012DFHKappa, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3013DFITotal Spinal-Fluid, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3014DFJAlbumin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3015DFKIgg (Fab Fragment Specific), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3016DFLIgm, Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3017DFMIge, Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3018DFOIgg, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3019DFQSperm, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3020DFSIgm, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3021DFTIgm, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3022DFXSperm, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3023DFZIgg (Gamma Chain Specific), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3024DGACohn Fraction Ii, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3025DGCIge, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3026DGDIgg, Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3027DGEIgd, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3028DGGIgd, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3029DGIBreast Milk, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3030DGJColostrum, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3031DGKIgg, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3032DGLIge, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3033DGMBreast Milk, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3034DGNBreast Milk, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3035DGPIge, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3036DGWSystem, Test, Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
3037DGXNg1m(A), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3038DHBSystem, Test, Radioallergosorbent (Rast) Immunological
3039DHCSystem, Test, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
3040DHINg3m(Bo), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3041DHLProtein, Complement, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3042DHNAntinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control
3043DHQNg3m(G), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3044DHRSystem, Test, Rheumatoid Factor
3045DHXSystem, Test, Carcinoembryonic Antigen
3046DHYNg4m(A), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3047JFQP-Phenyl-Enediamine/Edta (Spectrophotometric), Ceruloplasmin
3048JFRIndirect Copper Assay, Ceruloplasmin
3049JHRRadioimmunoassay, Immunoglobulins (D, E)
3050JKMImmunochemical, Bence-Jones Protein
3051JNLImmunochemical, Thyroglobulin Autoantibody
3052JNMImmunochemical, Transferrin
3053JZGSystem, Test, Beta-2-Microglobulin Immunological
3054JZHFactor B, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3055JZJPrealbumin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3056JZOSystem, Test, Thyroid Autoantibody
3057JZPPlates, Ouchterlony Agar
3058JZQPlates And Equipment, Radial Immunodiffusion
3059JZRSupport Gels
3060JZSElectrophoresis Instrumentation
3063JZXEquipment, Rocket Immunoelectrophoresis
3064KHTFraction V, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3065KTLAnti-Dna Indirect Immunofluorescent Solid Phase
3066KTMC3-Indirect Immunofluorescent Solid Phase
3067KTOReagent, Immunoassay, Igg
3068KTPComplement C3b Activator Immunoassay Reagents
3069KTQReagent, Complement
3070KTSSecond Antibody (Species Specific Anti-Animal Gamma Globulin)
3071LJMAntinuclear Antibody (Enzyme-Labeled), Antigen, Controls
3072LKJAntinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control
3073LKLAlpha-1-Acid-Glycoprotein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3074LKOAnti-Rnp Antibody, Antigen And Control
3075LKPAnti-Sm Antibody, Antigen And Control
3076LLLExtractable Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen And Control
3077LOJKit, Test,Alpha-Fetoprotein For Testicular Cancer
3078LRMAnti-Dna Antibody (Enzyme-Labeled), Antigen, Control
3079LSWAnti-Dna Antibody, Antigen And Control
3080LTJProstate-Specific Antigen (Psa) For Management Of Prostate Cancers
3081LTKTest, Epithelial Ovarian Tumor-Associated Antigen (Ca125)
3082MGAAlpha-1 Microglobulin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
3083MIDSystem, Test, Anticardiolipin Immunological
3084MLEEnzyme Immunoassay, Antiparietal Cell Antibody, Antigen, Control
3085MLHStrip, Hama Igg, Elisa, In Vitro Test System
3086MMWSystem, Test, Tumor Marker, Monitoring, Bladder
3087MOBTest System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca)
3088MOISystem, Test, Immunological, Antigen, Tumor
3089MQAAnti-Ribosomal P Antibodies
3090MSTAntibodies, Gliadin
3091MSVSystem,Test,Antibodies,B2 - Glycoprotein I (B2 - Gpi)
3092MSWSystem, Test, Thyroglobulin
3093MUTKit, Test For Nuclear Matrix (Numa) Protein (For Monitoring And Management Of Colorectal Cancer)
3094MVEBiosensor, Immunoassay, Myoglobin
3095MVJDevices, Measure, Antibodies To Glomerular Basement Membrane (Gbm)
3096MVMAutoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase)
3097NBOAutoantibodies, Skin (Desmoglein 1 And Desmoglein 3)
3098NBSAutoantibodies, Lkm-1 (Liver/Kidney Microsome, Type 1)
3099NBTAntibodies, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (S.Cerevisiae)
3100NCWSystem, Test, Her-2/Neu, Monitoring
3101NHSAssay, Genotype, Hiv Drug Resistance, In Vitro
3102NHXAntibodies, Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (Ccp)
3103NIGSystem, Test, Carbohydrate Antigen (Ca19-9), For Monitoring And Management Of Pancreatic Cancer
3104NIYAutoantibodies, Anti-Soluble Liver Antigen (Sla), Autoimmune Hepatitis
3105NJFAntibodies, Anti-Actin, Anti-Smooth Muscle
3106NOETest, System, Immunoassay, Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2
3107NPHAntigen, Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein (Comp)
3108NQDCardiac C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control
3109NRIAutoantibodies, Nuclear Pore Glycoprotein Gp210
3110NRXComplement 4d (C4d) And Complement Receptor 1 (Cr1)
3111NSFTest, Alpha Fetoprotein L3 Subfraction (Afp-L3%), For Hepatocellular Carcinoma Risk Assessment
3112NSTAutoantibodies, Acetylcholine Receptor, Acetylcholine Blocking And Non-Blocking
3113NTYSystem, Test, Fibrin/Fibrinogen Degradation Products For Monitoring Of Colorectal Cancer
3114NUMAutoantibodies, Nuclear Body Protein, Sp100
3115NVACancer Monitoring Test System, Soluble Mesothelin-Related Peptides, Mesothelioma
3116NWGAutoantibodies, Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (Gad)
3117NXOCalprotectin, Fecal
3118NYOAutoantibodies, Anti-Ribonucleic Acid Polymerase (Rnap) Iii Antibody
3119OAUDes-Gamma-Carboxy-Prothrombin (Dcp), Risk Assessment, Hepatocellular Carcinoma
3120OBEAnti-Ss-A 52 Autoantibodies
3121OBZAlpha-1-Antitrypsin Kit, Qualitative Phenotype
3122OCNInsulin Autoantibody Kit
3123OEGAutoantibodies, Skin (Bullous Pemphigoid 180 And Bullous Pemphigoid 230
3124OIFTyrosine Phosphatase (Ia-2) Autoantibody Assay
3125OIUTest, Epithelial Ovarian Tumor Associated Antigen (He4)
3126OKMAntibodies, Outer-Membrane Proteins
3127OPNAuto-Antibodies; Phosphatidylserine, Prothrombin, Phosphatidylserine/Prothrombin Complex
3128OPXImmunoglobulin A Kappa Heavy & Light Chain Combined
3129OPYIgal Heavy & Light Chain Combined
3130OQZAnti-Mutated Citrullinated Vimentin Igg
3131OSKAnti-Glutamate Receptor (Type Nmda) Ifa
3132OVKCytokeratin Fragments 21-1 Eia Kit
3133OYLTryptase Assay System
3134OYVInherited Nucleotide Repeat Disorder Dna Test
3135PAFVoltage Gated Calcium Channel (Vgcc) Antibody Assay
3136PCG21-Hydroxylase Antibody (21-Ohab)
3137PCNImmunoglobulin G Kappa Heavy And Light Chain Combined
3138PCOImmunoglobulin G Lambda Heavy And Light Chain Combined
3139PDEImmunoglobulin M Kappa Heavy And Light Chain Combined
3140PDFImmunoglobulin M Lambda Heavy And Light Chain Combined
3141PETAnti-Ss-A Ro60 Autoantibodies
3142PHFZinc Transporter 8 Auto-Antibody
3143PIVAutomated Indirect Immunofluorescence Microscope And Software-Assisted System For Clinical Use
3144PJISevere Combined Immunodeficiency Disorder (Scid) Newborn Screening Test System
3145PNIAquaporin-4 Autoantibody
3146PTAGenetic Variant Detection And Health Risk Assessment System
3147PUWSystem, Test, Radioallergosorbent (Rast) Immunological, Exempt Allergens
3148PZHSerpina1 Variant Detection System
3149QATBrain Trauma Assessment Test
3150MYRTest, Donor, Syphilis, Antigens, Treponemal
3151MZCSystem, Detection, Bacterial, For Platelet Transfusion Products
3152NZBQuality Control Material, Genetics, Dna
3153PGVAnti-Phospholipase A2 Receptor
3154ONXOvarian Adnexal Mass Assessment Score Test System
3155IBBPhytohemaglutinin M
3157NVIDiagnostic Software, K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm, Autoimmune Disease
3158KTJSystem, Test, Alpha-Fetoprotein, Ria
3159LOKKit, Test, Alpha-Fetoprotein For Neural Tube Defects
3160LTQCalibrator For Alpha-Fetoprotein In Mid-Pregnancy Maternal Serum
3161MANAssay, Interleukin
3162MJBAntigen, Cancer 549
3163MTFTotal, Prostate Specific Antigen (Noncomplexed & Complexed) For Detection Of Prostate Cancer
3164MTGTest, Prostate Specific Antigen, Free, (Noncomplexed) To Distinguish Prostate Cancer From Benign Conditions
3165MYZKit, Test (Donors), For Bloodborne Pathogen
3166MZATest, Equipment, Automated Bloodborne Pathogen
3167MZETest, Donor, Cmv
3168MZFTest, Hiv Detection
3169MZLKit, Test, Quality Control For Endotoxin
3170NAFAntigen(Complexed),Prostate Specific,(Cpsa)
3171NAHSystem, Test, Tumor Marker, For Detection Of Bladder Cancer
3172NYQChromogenic In Situ Hybridization, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Her2/Neu Gene, Breast Cancer
3173OAWCancer Monitoring Test System, Soluble Mesothelin-Related Peptides, Epithelioid/Biphasic Mesothelioma
3174OCBRt-Pcr Multigene Expression Test, Sentinel Lymph Node, Cancer Metastasis Detection
3175OTRResearch Use Only/Immunology Devices
3176OWDSomatic Gene Mutation Detection System
3178OYMProstrate Cancer Genes Nucleic Acid Amplification Test System
3179OYYLeukemia Translocation Panel Multiplex Test
3180PILTest For Periprosthetic Joint Infection
3181QIGQuality Control Material, Genetics, Rna
3182PMIFluorescence In Situ Hybridization, Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor, Beta Polypeptide (Pdgfrb), Rearrangement
3183PNKFluorescence In Situ Hybridization, Chromosome 17p Deletion (Tp53)
3184MJXKit, Serological, Positive Control
3185MJYKit, Serological, Negative Control
3186MJZKit, Direct Antigen, Positive Control
3187MKAKit, Direct Antigen, Negative Control
3188PQQData Acquisition Software
3189JTSStains, Microbiologic
3190KTNSystem, Test, Infectious Mononucleosis
3191OUYTrichomonas Vaginalis Nucleic Acid Amplification Test System
3192GLZAntigens, If, Toxoplasma Gondii
3193GMAAntisera, Fluorescent, Sporothrix Schenekii
3194GMBLight, Wood'S, Fluorescence
3195GMDAntisera, Latex Agglutination, Cryptococcus Neoformans
3196GMEAntisera, Fluorescent, Cryptococcus Neoformans
3197GMGAntigen, Latex Agglutination, Coccidioides Immitis
3198GMHAntiserum, Positive Control, Coccidioides Immitis
3199GMIAntigen, Cf And / Or Id, Coccidioides Immitis
3200GMJAntigens, Histoplasma Capsulatum, All
3201GMKAntiserum, Positive Control, Histoplasma Capsulatum
3202GMLAntisera, Fluorescent, Histoplasma Capsulatum
3203GMMAntigens, Iha, Toxoplasma Gondii
3204GMNAntigens, Cf, Toxoplasma Gondii
3205GMOAntigen, Latex Agglutination, Entamoeba Histolytica & Rel. Spp.
3206GMPAntisera, Control For Nontreponemal Tests
3207GMQAntigens, Nontreponemal, All
3208GMRSera, Reactive And Non-Specific Control, Fta-Abs Test
3209GMSAnti-Human Globulin, Fta-Abs Test
3210GMTAntigens, Ha, Treponema Pallidum
3211GMWTest, Sorbent, Fta-Abs
3212GMXAntisera, Fluorescent Antibody For Fta-Abs Test
3213GMYAntisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Escherichia Coli
3214GMZAntigens, All Types, Escherichia Coli
3215GNAAntisera, All Types, Escherichia Coli
3216GNBAntisera, All Types, Shigella Spp.
3217GNCAntigens, Febrile, Slide And Tube, All Groups, Salmonella Spp.
3218GNDAntigen, Iha, T. Cruzi
3219GNEAntigen, Latex Agglutination, T. Cruzi
3220GNFAntigen, Cf, T. Cruzi
3221GNGAntigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), Coxsackievirus A 1-24, B 1-6
3222GNHAntigen, Fluorescent Antibody Test, Schistosoma Mansoni
3223GNIAntisera, Neutralization, Echovirus 1-34
3224GNJAntigens, Ha, Echovirus 1-34
3225GNKAntisera, Cf, Echovirus 1-34
3226GNLAntigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), Echovirus 1-34
3227GNMAntisera, Fluorescent, Coxsackievirus A 1-24, B 1-6
3228GNNAntisera, Neutralization, Coxsackievirus A 1-24, B 1-6
3229GNOAntisera, Cf, Coxsackievirus A 1-24, B 1-6
3230GNPAntiserum, Cf, Epstein-Barr Virus
3231GNQAntigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), Epstein-Barr Virus
3232GNRAntisera, Neutralization, Influenza Virus A, B, C
3233GNSAntisera, Hai, Influenza Virus A, B, C
3234GNTAntigens, Ha (Including Ha Control), Influenza Virus A, B, C
3235GNWAntisera, Cf, Influenza Virus A, B, C
3236GNXAntigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), Influenza Virus A, B, C
3237GNYAntisera, Fluorescent, Adenovirus 1-33
3238GNZAntisera, Neutralization, Adenovirus 1-33
3239GOAAntisera, Cf, Adenovirus 1-33
3240GOBAntigens, Ha (Including Ha Control), Adenovirus 1-33
3241GOCAntisera, Hai, Adenovirus 1-33
3242GODAntigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), Adenovirus 1-33
3243GOEAntisera, Fluorescent, Poliovirus 1-3
3244GOFAntisera, Neutralization, Poliovirus 1-3
3245GOGAntisera, Cf, Poliovirus 1-3
3246GOHAntigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), Poliovirus 1-3
3247GOIAntiserum, Fluorescent, Rabies Virus
3248GOJAntisera, Neutralization, Rubella
3249GOKAntisera, Hai (Including Hai Control), Rubella
3250GOLAntigen, Ha (Including Ha Control), Rubella
3251GOMAntisera, Cf, Rubella
3252GONAntigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), Rubella
3253GOOAntisera, Fluorescent, All Globulins, Salmonella Spp.
3254GOPAntisera, C. Acnes (553, 605)
3255GOSAntiserum, Fluorescent, C. Diphtheriae
3256GOTAntigen, B. Parapertussis
3257GOWAntisera, Agglutinating, B. Parapertussis
3258GOXAntigen, B. Pertussis
3259GOYAntisera, Agglutinating, B. Pertussis, All
3260GOZAntisera, Fluorescent, B. Pertussis
3261GPDAntigen, Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test, Echinococcus Granulosus
3262GPEAntisera, Positive Control, Echinococcus Spp.
3263GPFAntigen, Agglutinating, Echinococcus Spp.
3264GPGAntigen, Latex Agglutination, Trichinella Spiralis
3265GPHAntiserum, Bentonite Flocculation, Trichinella Spiralis
3266GPIAntigen, Bentonite Flocculation, Trichinella Spiralis
3267GPJAntiserum, Fluorescent, Q Fever
3268GPKAntiserum, Rickettsial Pox
3269GPMAntiserum, Murine Typhus Fever
3270GPNAntiserum, Typhus Fever
3271GPOAntigen, Cf, Typhus Fever Group
3272GPPAntiserum, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
3273GPQAntigen, Cf, Spotted Fever Group
3274GPRAntiserum, Cf, Q Fever
3275GPSAntigen, Cf, Q Fever
3276GPTAntiserum, Cf, Psittacosis (Chlamydia Group)
3277GPWAntigen, Cf, Psittacosis (Chlamydia Group)
3278GPXAntisera, Neutralizion, Reovirus 1-3
3279GPYAntisera, Hai, Reovirus 1-3
3280GPZAntisera, Cf, Reovirus 1-3
3281GQAAntigens, Ha (Including Ha Control), Reovirus 1-3
3282GQBAntigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), Reovirus 1-3
3283GQCAntisera, Cf, Equine Encephalitis Virus, Eee, Wee
3284GQDAntigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), Equine Encephalitis Virus, Eee, Wee
3285GQEAntisera, Neutralization, All Types, Rhinovirus
3286GQFAntiserum, Neutralization, Respiratory Syncytial Virus
3287GQGAntigen, Cf (Including Cf Controls), Respiratory Syncytial Virus
3288GQHAntigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), Cytomegalovirus
3289GQIAntiserum, Cf, Cytomegalovirus
3290GQJAntiserum, Cf, Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus
3291GQKAntigen, Cf, Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus
3292GQLAntisera, Fluorescent, Herpesvirus Hominis 1,2
3293GQMAntisera, Neutralization, Herpesvirus Hominis
3294GQNAntigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), Herpesvirus Hominis 1,2
3295GQOAntisera, Cf, Herpesvirus Hominis 1,2
3296GQPAntisera, Neutralization, Parainfluenza Virus 1-4
3297GQQAntisera, Hai, Parainfluenza Virus 1-4
3298GQRAntigens, Ha (Including Ha Control), Parainfluenza Virus 1-4
3299GQSAntigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), Parainfluenza Virus 1-4
3300GQTAntisera, Cf, Parainfluenza Virus 1-4
3301GQWAntigen, Cf, (Including Cf Control), Varicella-Zoster
3302GQXAntiserum, Cf, Varicella-Zoster
3303GQYAntigen, Ha (Including Ha Control), Mumps Virus
3304GQZAntiserum, Neutralization, Mumps Virus
3305GRAAntiserum, Fluorescent, Mumps Virus
3306GRBAntiserum, Cf, Mumps Virus
3307GRCAntigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), Mumps Virus
3308GRDAntiserum, Hai, Mumps Virus
3309GREAntiserum, Fluorescent, Rubeola
3310GRFAntiserum, Cf, Rubeola
3311GRGAntiserum, Hai, Rubeola
3312GRHAntigen, Ha (Including Ha Control), Rubeola
3313GRIAntiserum, Neutralization, Rubeola
3314GRJAntigen, Cf, (Including Cf Control), Rubeola
3315GRKAntisera, Fluorescent, Echovirus 1-34
3316GRLAntigens, All Groups, Salmonella Spp.
3317GRMAntisera, All Groups, Salmonella Spp.
3318GROAntisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Hemophilus Spp.
3319GRPAntisera, All Types, H. Influenza
3320GRTAntiserum, Fluorescent, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
3321GRWAntisera, All Fluorescent, Leptospira Spp.
3322GRXAntisera, All Leptospira Spp.
3323GRYAntigens, All, Leptospira Spp.
3324GRZAntisera, Fluorescent, All, Mycoplasma Spp.
3325GSAAntisera, All Mycoplasma Spp.
3326GSBAntigens, Cf, All, Mycoplasma Spp.
3327GSDAntiserum, Fluorescent, Erysipelothrix Rhusiopathiae
3328GSEAntiserum, Erysipelothrix Rhusiopathiae
3329GSFAntigen, Erysipelothrix Rhusiopathiae
3330GSGAntisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Listeria Monocytogenes
3331GSHAntisera, All Types, Listeria Monocytogenes
3332GSIAntigens, Slide And Tube, All Types, Listeria Monocytogenes
3333GSJAntiserum, Fluorescent, Francisella Tularensis
3334GSKAntiserum, Francisella Tularensis
3335GSLAntigens, Slide And Tube, Francisella Tularensis
3336GSMAntisera, Fluorescent, Brucella Spp.
3337GSNAntiserum, Positive And Negative Febrile Antigen Control Serum
3338GSOAntigens (Febrile), Agglutination, Brucella Spp.
3339GSPAntiserum, Fluorescent, Campylobacter Fetus
3340GSQAntiserum, Vibrio Cholerae, All Varieties
3341GSRAntisera, Fluorescent, Pseudomonas Pseudomallei
3342GSSAntisera, Fluorescent, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
3343GSTAntiserum, Pseudomonas Pseudomallei
3344GSWAntiserum, Flavobacterium Meningosepticum, All Groups
3345GSXAntisera, Acinetobacter Calcoaceticus, All Varieties
3346GSYAntisera, Fluorescent, All Globulins, Proteus Spp.
3347GSZAntigens, Febrile (Weil-Felix), All Groups
3348GTAAntisera, All, Serratia Marcesans
3349GTBAntisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Klebsiella Spp.
3350GTCAntisera, All Types, Klebsiella Spp.
3351GTDAntisera, Fluorescent, All Globulins, Shigella Spp.
3352GTEAntisera, Arizona Spp., All
3353GTFAntisera, Bethesda - Ballerup Polyvalent, Citrobacter Spp.
3354GTHAntiserum, Fluorescent (Direct Test), All Groups, N. Gonorrhoeae
3355GTIAntisera, Fluorescent, All Groups, N. Meningitidis
3356GTJAntisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis
3357GTLPhages, Staphylococcal Typing, All Types
3358GTNAntisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Staphylococcus Spp.
3360GTPExoenzymes, Multiple, Streptococcal
3361GTQAntistreptolysin - Titer/Streptolysin O Reagent
3362GTRAntideoxyribonuclease, Streptococcus Spp.
3363GTXAntisera, Fluorescent, All Groups, Streptococcus Spp.
3364GTYAntigens, All Groups, Streptococcus Spp.
3365GTZAntisera, All Groups, Streptococcus Spp.
3366GWBAntisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Streptococcus Pneumoniae
3367GWCAntisera, All Types, Streptococcus Pneumoniae
3368GWDIndirect Fluorescent Antibody Test, Entamoeba Histolytica & Rel Sp
3369JRWAntisera, Fluorescent, B. Parapertussis
3370JRYAntiserum, Fluorescent, Epstein-Barr Virus
3371JRZMedia, Culture, Amino Acid Assay
3372JSACulture Media, Antibiotic Assay
3373JSBCulture Media, Vitamin Assay
3374JSCCulture Media, General Nutrient Broth
3375JSDCulture Media, Selective Broth
3376JSECulture Media, Multiple Biochemical Test
3377JSFCulture Media, Single Biochemical Test
3378JSGCulture Media, Non-Selective And Non-Differential
3379JSHCulture Media, Non-Selective And Differential
3380JSICulture Media, Selective And Differential
3381JSJCulture Media, Selective And Non-Differential
3382JSKSupplement, Culture Media
3383JSLCulture Media, Anaerobic Transport
3384JSMCulture Media, Non-Propagating Transport
3385JSNCulture Media, Propagating Transport
3386JSOCulture Media, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test, Excluding Mueller Hinton Agar
3387JSPKit, Anaerobic Identification
3388JSRKit, Identification, Dermatophyte
3389JSSKit, Identification, Enterobacteriaceae
3390JSTKit, Fastidious Organisms
3391JSWKit, Identification, Glucose Nonfermenter
3392JSXKit, Identification, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
3393JSYKit, Identification, Mycobacteria
3394JSZKit, Identification, Pseudomonas
3395JTAMonitor, Microbial Growth
3396JTBDevice, Media Dispensing/Stacking
3397JTCDevice, Microtiter Diluting/Dispensing
3398JTLPlasma, Coagulase, Human, Horse And Rabbit
3399JTMAnaerobic Box Glove
3400JTNSusceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial
3401JTODiscs, Strips And Reagents, Microorganism Differentiation
3402JTQBath, Incubators/Water, All
3403JTRKit, Quality Control For Culture Media
3404JTTSusceptibility Test Powders, Antimicrobial
3405JTWSystem, Transport, Aerobic
3406JTXTransport Systems, Anaerobic
3407JTYCulture Media, For Isolation Of Pathogenic Neisseria
3408JTZCulture Media, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test, Mueller Hinton Agar/Broth
3409JWKAntigen, Positive Control, Cryptococcus Neoformans
3410JWLAntigen, Treponema Pallidum For Fta-Abs Test
3411JWTAntigen, Cf, Aspergillus Spp.
3412JWWAntigen, Cf, B. Dermatitidis
3413JWXKit, Screening, Staphylococcus Aureus
3414JWYManual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems
3415JWZKit, Screening, Trichomonas
3416JXAKit, Screening, Urine
3417JXBKit, Identification, Yeast
3418JXCKit, Screening, Yeast
3419KFGAntiserum, Positive Control, Aspergillus Spp.
3420KFHAntiserum, Positive Control, Blastomyces Dermatitidis
3421KFIStrip, Virulence, Corynebacterium Diphtheriae
3422KHWAntigen, Id, Ha, Cep, Entamoeba Histolytica & Rel. Spp.
3423KLHAntisera, C. Acnes
3424KZBAutomated Colony Counter
3425KZCManual Colony Counter
3426KZICulture Media, Enriched
3427KZJDevice, Gas Generating
3428KZKReader, Zone, Automated
3429LFXEnzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Rubella
3430LFYEnzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Varicella-Zoster
3431LFZEnzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Cytomegalovirus
3432LGADevice, Oxidase Test For Gonorrhea
3433LGBGonococcal Antibody Tests
3434LGCEnzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Herpes Simplex Virus, Non-Specific
3435LGDEnzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Toxoplasma Gondii
3436LHJStaphylococcus Aureus Protein A Insoluble
3437LHKAntigen, Id, Candida Albicans
3438LHLReagents, Antibody, Legionella, Direct & Indirect Fluorescent
3439LHTStaphylococcus Aureus Somatic Antigens
3440LHWErythrocyte Suspension, Multi Species, Serological Reagent And Equipment
3441LIAAntigens, All Groups, Shigella Spp.
3442LIBDevice, General Purpose, Microbiology, Diagnostic
3443LICAntiserum, Coagglutination (Direct) Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
3444LIEReagent/Device, Inoculum Calibration
3445LINAntisera, Conjugated Fluorescent, Cytomegalovirus
3446LIODevice, Specimen Collection
3447LIPEnzyme Linked Immunoabsorption Assay, Treponema Pallidum
3448LIQEnzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Rotavirus
3449LIRAntigen, Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
3450LJBEnzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Rubeola Igg
3451LJCEnzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, (Chlamydiae Group)
3452LJFDevice, Antimicrobial Drug Removal
3453LJGQuality Control Slides
3454LJKAntisera, If, Toxoplasma Gondii
3455LJNAntibody Igm, If, Epstein-Barr Virus
3456LJOAntigen, Iha, Cytomegalovirus
3457LJPAntiserum, Fluorescent, Chlamydia Trachomatis
3458LJYEnzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Mumps Virus
3459LJZEnzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Mycoplasma Spp.
3460LKACulture Media, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test
3461LKCAntigens, Indirect Hemagglutination (Iha) Herpes Simplex Virus
3462LKHAntisera, Immunoperoxidase, Chlamydia Spp.
3463LKIAntisera, Fluorescent, Chlamydia Spp.
3464LKQAntibody Igm,If, Cytomegalovirus Virus
3465LKSDevice, Parasite Concentration
3466LKTRespiratory Syncytial Virus, Antigen, Antibody, Ifa
3467LLADirect Agglutination Test, Toxoplasma Gondii
3468LLHReagents, Clostridium Difficile Toxin
3469LLMTest, Antigen, Nuclear, Epstein-Barr Virus
3470LOLHepatitis A Test (Antibody And Igm Antibody)
3471LONSystem, Test, Automated, Antimicrobial Susceptibility, Short Incubation
3472LOOReagent, Leishmanii Serological
3473LOPSolution, Antimicrobial
3474LQFDna-Reagents, Mycobacterium Spp.
3475LQGDna-Reagents, Mycoplasma Spp.
3476LQHDna-Reagents, Legionella
3477LQLGram Positive Identification Panel
3478LQMGram Negative Identification Panel
3479LQNLatex Agglutination Assay, Rubella
3480LQODna-Reagents, Campylobacter Spp.
3481LQPCampylobacter Spp.
3482LRFCandida Spp., Direct Antigen, Id
3483LRGInstrument For Auto Reader & Interpretation Of Overnight Suscept. Systems
3484LRHInstrument For Auto Reader Of Overnight Microorganism Identification System
3485LSCNeisseria Controls
3486LSDRubella, Other Assays
3487LSEEpstein-Barr Virus, Other
3488LSFDna-Reagents, Epstein-Barr Virus
3489LSGCandida Species, Antibody Detection
3490LSHAntigen, Blastomyces Dermatitidis, Other
3491LSIAntiserum, Blastomyces Dermatitidis, Other
3492LSJAntigen, Rubella, Other
3493LSKDna-Reagents, Chlamydia
3494LSLDna-Reagents, Neisseria
3495LSMDna-Reagents, Salmonella Spp.
3496LSNDna-Reagents, Shigella Spp.
3497LSODna-Reagents, Cytomegalovirus
3498LSQReagent, Rickettsia Serological
3499LSRReagent, Borrelia Serological Reagent
3500LTSTest Reagents, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Biochemical
3501LTTPanels, Test, Susceptibility, Antimicrobial
3502LTWSusceptibility Test Cards, Antimicrobial
3503LTXDiscs, Elution
3504LYFPneumocystis Carinii
3505LYRHelicobacter Pylori
3506MBTDna-Probe, Reagent, Histoplasma Capsulatum
3507MCBAntigen, C. Difficile
3508MCCDna-Probe, Haemophilus Spp.
3509MCDAntigen, Ebv, Capsid
3510MCERespiratory Syncytial Virus - Elisa
3511MCGDna-Probe, Agent, Listeria
3512MCSDna-Probe, Staphylococcus Aureus
3513MCTDna-Probe, Strep Pneumoniae
3514MDBSystem, Blood Culturing
3515MDCDna-Probe - Blastomyces Dermatitidis
3516MDEDna-Probe, Reagents, Cryptococcal
3517MDFDna-Probe, Reagents, Coccidioides Immitis
3518MDJReagents, Cysticercosis
3519MDKDna-Probe, Reagents, Streptococcal
3520MDTElisa, Trichinella Spiralis
3521MDUAntigen, Elisa, Cryptococcus
3522MGMC. Trachomatis (Chlamydia Group)
3523MHIGiardia Spp.
3524MHJCryptosporidium Spp.
3525MIUEnzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, T. Cruzi
3526MIVImmunofluorescent Assay, T. Cruzi
3527MIYEnzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, Coccidioides Immitis
3528MIZEnzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Histoplasma Capsulatum
3529MJASusceptibility Test Powders, Antimycobacterial
3530MJDCulture Media, Antimycobacteria, Susceptibility Test
3531MJECulture Media, Antifungal, Susceptibility Test
3532MJHLegionella, Spp., Elisa
3533MJKDna Probe, Trichomonas Vaginalis
3534MJLEia, Blastomyces Dermatitidis
3535MJMDna Probe, Gardnerella Vaginalis
3536MKZDna Probe, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Chlamydia
3537MLADna Probe, Yeast
3538MSQTest, Urea (Breath Or Blood)
3539MWASystem, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex
3540MXJEnzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, Herpes Simplex Virus, Hsv-1
3541MYFEnzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, Herpes Simplex Virus, Hsv-2
3542MYISystem, Test, Genotypic Detection, Resistant Markers, Staphylococcus Colonies
3543NDZAssay, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Growth Identification, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
3544NGSAssay, Endotoxin Activity, Chemiluminescent
3545NGZSusceptibility Test Plate, Antifungal
3546NHTAssay, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Bacillus Anthracis
3547NHYAssay, Direct, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Respiratory Syncytial Virus
3548NHZAssay, Direct, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Parainfluenza Virus
3549NIAAssay, Direct, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Influenza Virus
3550NIJSystem, Test, Genotypic Detection, Resistant Markers, Enterococcus Species
3551NJOSystem, Mycolic Acid Analysis, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
3552NJRNucleic Acid Amplification Assay System, Group B Streptococcus, Direct Specimen Test
3553NOMAntigen, Galactomannan, Aspergillus Spp.
3554NOPElisa, Antibody, West Nile Virus
3555NPOKit, Immunochromatographic, Bacillus Anthracis Differential Antibody
3556NQXSystem, Nucleic Acid Amplification Test, Dna, Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, Direct Specimen
3557NQZAntigen, Invasive Fungal Pathogens
3558NRLEnzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Antibody, B. Anthracis
3559NTMAntigen, Inflammatory Response Marker, Sepsis
3560NVQBacteriophage And Controls, B. Anthracis Lysis
3561NWZGas Chromatography, Bacillus Anthracis Membrane Fatty Acids
3562NXDNucleic Acid Amplification, Novel Influenza A Virus, A/H5 (Asian Lineage) Rna
3563NXXFish (Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization) Kit, Protein Nucleic Acid, Rna, Staphylococcus Aureus
3564NZSFish (Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization) Kit, Protein Nucleic Acid, Rna, Yeast
3565OAHFish (Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization) Kit, Protein Nucleic Acid, Enterococcus Faecalis
3566OAIAssay, Enterovirus Nucleic Acid
3567OAXPlasmodium Spp. Detection Reagents
3568OCCRespiratory Virus Panel Nucleic Acid Assay System
3569OEHJoint Biological Agent Identification And Diagnostic System (Jbaids) Tularemia Detection Kit
3570OEMHuman Metapneumovirus (Hmpv) Rna Assay System
3571OEPInfluenza A Virus Subtype Differentiation Nucleic Acid Assay
3572OJYDevice To Detect Or Measure Nucleic Acid From Viruses Associated With Head And Neck Cancers
3573OMGAntisera, Fluorescent, Human Metapneumovirus
3574OMIMultiplex Flow Immunoassay, T. Gondii, Rubella And Cmv
3575OMNC. Difficile Nucleic Acid Amplification Test Assay
3576OMSNovel Influenza A Virus, A/H5 Ns1 Protein
3577OOUParainfluenza Multiplex Nucleic Acid Assay
3578OPLMultiplex Immunoassay For Measles Virus, Mumps Virus, Rubella And Varicella Zoster Virus
3579OPMMultiplex Immunoassay For T. Gondii, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus And Herpes Simplex Virus 1 And 2
3580OQOHerpes Simplex Virus Nucleic Acid Amplification Assay
3581OQW2009 H1n1 Influenza Virus (Swine Origin), Nucleic Acid Or Antigen, Detection And Identification
3582OSUDengue Serological Reagents
3583OTGNon-Sars Coronavirus Multiplex Nucleic Acid Assay
3584OUCNorovirus Serological Reagent
3585OUSMethicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus/Methicillin Susceptible Staphylococcus Aureus Blood Culture Test Bt
3586OUZNucleic Amplification Assays For The Detection Of Leishmania Nucleic Acids
3587OVFAssay, Direct, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Q Fever
3588OWFImmunohistochemical Assay, Helicobacter Pylori
3589OYPAnti-Jcv Antibody Detection Assay
3590OYZGroup A Streptococcus Nucleic Acid Amplification Assay System
3591OZATest, Urea Adult And Pediatric (Breath),
3592OZBDengue Nucleic Acid Amplification Assay (Naat)
3593OZEInfluenza A And Influenza B Multiplex Nucleic Acid Assay
3594OZNC. Difficile Toxin Gene Amplification Assay
3595OZXMycoplasma Pneumoniae Dna Assay System
3596OZYChlamydophila Pneumoniae Dna Assay System
3597OZZBordetella Pertussis Dna Assay System
3598PAMGram-Positive Bacteria And Their Resistance Markers
3599PBKNon-Variola Orthopoxvirus Real-Time Pcr Primer And Probe Set
3600PCHGastrointestinal Pathogen Panel Multiplex Nucleic Acid-Based Assay System
3601PCIGastrointestinal Bacterial Panel Multiplex Nucleic Acid-Based Assay System
3602PCLEnzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Rubeola Igm
3603PENGram-Negative Bacteria And Associated Resistance Markers
3604PEOFungal Organisms, Nucleic Acid-Based Assay
3605PEUSystem, Nucleic Acid-Based, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex, Resistance Marker, Direct Specimen
3606PEXSystem, Mass Spectrometry, Maldi Tof, Microorganism Identification, Cultured Isolates
3607PGHHsv-1 And Hsv-2 Cns Nucleic-Acid Based Panel
3608PGIHerpes Virus (Vzv, Hsv1, Hsv2), Dna Detection Assay For Cutaneous And Mucocutaneous Lesion Samples
3609PGXGroups A, C And G Beta-Hemolytic Streptococcus Nucleic Acid Amplification System
3610PIICandida Species Nucleic Acid Detection System
3611PIQReagents For Detection Of Norovirus Nucleic Acid
3612PITLeishmania Spp. Antigen Detection Assay
3613PLOMeningitis/Encephalitis Pathogen Multiplex Nucleic Acid Detection System
3614PMNAssayed External Control Material For Microbiology Nucleic Acid Amplification (Nat) Assays
3615PMTDevice To Detect And Measure Procalcitonin (Pct) In Human Clinical Specimens
3616PMYSystem, Nucleic Acid Amplification Test, Dna, Carbapenem Non-Susceptible Gram Negative Organism, Colony
3617POCSystem, Nucleic Acid Amplification Test, Dna, Antimicrobial Resistance Marker, Direct Specimen
3618PPUMicrobial Colony Image Assessment System
3619PQAVaginitis And Bacterial Vaginosis Nucleic Acid Detection System
3620PQZGbs Culture Media, Selective And Differential
3621PRAVariola Virus Nucleic Acid-Based Detection Assay
3622PRERt-Qpcr Assay For Mrna Transcript Immune Biomarkers
3623PRHPositive Blood Culture Identification And Ast Kit
3624PRIProcalcitonin Assay
3625PSZDevices Detecting Influenza A, B, And C Virus Antigens
3626PTFAssay To Measure Pct To Aid In The Risk Assessment Of Critically Ill Patients On Their First Day Of Icu Admission
3627PTJPhenotypic Test Kit, Non-Susceptible/Elevated Mic Organisms, Cultured Isolates
3628PUQMultiplex Flow Immunoassay, T. Gondii, Rubella, Cmv Igm
3629PVQRickettsia Spp. Nucleic Acid Based Detection Assay
3630PYNFish (Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization) Kit, Nucleic Acid, Plasmodium Sp.
3631QAACoccidioides Spp. Nucleic Acid Detection System For Respiratory Specimens
3632QBDMicrobial Nucleic Acid Storage And Stabilization Device
3633QBHLower Respiratory Microbial Nucleic Acid Detection System
3634QBNMass Spectrometry, Maldi Tof, Microorganism Identification, Cultured Isolates
3635QBQSystem, Microbial Growth Monitor Of Normally Sterile Body Fluid Culture
3636QBXDirect Blood Bacterial Nucleic Acid Detection System
3637QCHAssayed Quality Control Material For Clinical Microbiology Assays
3638QCUDengue Virus Antigen Assay
3639QDPRespiratory Panel
3640QDZQualitative Cytomegalovirus Nucleic Acid-Based Detection Device For Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection
3641QEPNucleic Acid Detection System For Non-Viral Microorganism(S) Causing Sexually Transmitted Infections
3642QFAAssay For Detection Of Proteases In Chronic Wounds
3643QFOZika Virus Serological Reagents
3644QFSMonocyte Distribution Width Quantitative Measurement For Sepsis Risk Assessment
3645QGNLateral Flow Immunochromatography Assay For Host Infection Biomarkers
3646QHMSerology Tests Used For Infectious Disease Screening Of Blood And Plasma Donations
3647QHONucleic-Acid Tests Used For Infectious Disease Screening Of Blood And Plasma Donations
3648QIDDevice To Detect Antigens Of Biothreat Microbial Agents In Human Clinical Specimens
3649QIVCulture-Based Short-Term Incubation Antimicrobial Resistance Assay
3650PZFMers-Cov And Common Respiratory Pathogens Multiplex Nucleic Acid Detection System
3651QDSMers-Cov And Common Respiratory Pathogens Semi-Quantitative And Quantitative Multiplex Nucleic Acid Detection System
3652LOMTest, Hepatitis B (B Core, Be Antigen, Be Antibody, B Core Igm)
3653LQIHepatitis Delta Serological Reagents
3654MAQKit, Dna Detection, Human Papillomavirus
3655MHRTest, Anti-Tumor Cell Susceptibility
3656MKTHepatitis Viral B Dna Detection
3657MYLAssay,Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent,Parvovirus B19 Igg
3658MYMAssay,Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent,Parvovirus B19 Igm
3659MZOAssay, Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent, Hepatitis C Virus
3660MZPAssay, Hybridization And/Or Nucleic Acid Amplification For Detection Of Hepatitis C Rna,Hepatitis C Virus
3661NCDTest, Immunity, Cell Mediated, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
3662NWYTest, Qualitative, Detection Of Dengue Igm And Igg Antibodies
3663OBFAssay, Genotyping, Hepatitis C Virus
3664OIHYersinia Spp. Reagents
3665OJNMycobacterium Tuberculosis, Cell Mediated Immune Response, Enzyme-Linked Immunospot Test
3666OJOEnzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay For The Detection Of Lipoarabinomannan Antigen Of Mycobacteria
3667ORLWhole Blood Pre-Treatment T-Cell Enrichment Reagent
3668OTTResearch Use Only/Microbiology
3669OYBKit, Rna Detection, Human Papillomavirus
3670PABCytomegalovirus (Cmv) Dna Quantitative Assay
3671PCYInvestigational Use Only - Microbiology
3672POAReagents, Zika Virus Nucleic Acid
3673POGReagents, Ebola Zaire Virus (Detected In The West Africa Outbreak In 2014) Nucleic Acid
3674PYSZika Virus Serological Reagents (Emergency Use)
3675QHVMultiple Osteoarticular Pathogen Antigen Kit
3676QICHiv-1 Genotyping Assay Using Ngs Technology
3677QIMBartonella Spp. Serological Reagents
3678QINBabesia Spp. Serological Reagents
3679QIOAnaplasma Spp. And Ehrlichia Spp. Serological Reagents
3680QIPRickettsia Spp. (Spotted Fever Group Or Typhus Group) Serological Reagents
3681QIQOrientia Spp. (Scrub Typhus) Serological Reagents
3682QJRReagents, 2019-Novel Coronavirus Nucleic Acid
3683QKOReagent, Coronavirus Serological
3684QKPCoronavirus Antigen Detection Test System.
3685MOFGuide, Wire, Catheter, Neurovasculature
3686NCXSystem, Hypothermia, Intravenous, Cooling
3687NDQSystem, Catheter Or Guidewire, Steerable (Magnetic)
3688NRYCatheter, Thrombus Retriever
3689NUIUltrasound, Infusion, System
3690QAFImpedance Plethysmograph, Cranial
3691QBECranial Sound Monitor
3692QEMCerebral Oximeter
3693QJPCatheter, Percutaneous, Neurovasculature
3694PDQNeurosurgical Nerve Locator
3695QHHNon-Implanted Nerve Stimulator For Pain Associated With Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Ibs)
3696GWEStimulator, Photic, Evoked Response
3697GWFStimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response
3698GWGEndoscope, Neurological
3699GWIDiscriminator, Two-Point
3700GWJStimulator, Auditory, Evoked Response
3701GWKConditioner, Signal, Physiological
3702GWLAmplifier, Physiological Signal
3703GWMDevice, Monitoring, Intracranial Pressure
3705GWOPlate, Cranioplasty, Preformed, Alterable
3706GWQFull-Montage Standard Electroencephalograph
3707GWRGenerator, Electroencephalograph Test Signal
3708GWSAnalyzer, Spectrum, Electroencephalogram Signal
3710GWXFork, Tuning
3714GXCDevice, Electroconvulsive Therapy
3715GXDGenerator, Lesion, Radiofrequency
3717GXHDevice, Surgical, Cryogenic
3718GXIProbe, Radiofrequency Lesion
3719GXJPunch, Skull
3720GXLScrewdriver, Skullplate
3721GXMAnvil, Skull Plate
3722GXNPlate, Cranioplasty, Preformed, Non-Alterable
3723GXOStrip, Craniosynostosis, Preformed
3724GXPMethyl Methacrylate For Cranioplasty
3725GXQDura Substitute
3726GXRCover, Burr Hole
3727GXSMonitor, Alpha
3728GXTMonitor, Lesion Temperature
3730GXXBlock, Test, Ultrasonic Scanner Calibration
3731GXYElectrode, Cutaneous
3732GXZElectrode, Needle
3733GYATester, Electrode/Lead, Electroencephalograph
3734GYBMedia, Electroconductive
3735GYCElectrode, Cortical
3736GYDTransducer, Tremor
3737GYEEncephalogram Telemetry System
3738GYKInstrument, Shunt System Implantation
3739GYZStimulator, Intracerebral/Subcortical, Implanted
3740GZAImplanted Cerebellar Stimulator
3741GZBStimulator, Spinal-Cord, Implanted (Pain Relief)
3742GZFStimulator, Peripheral Nerve, Implanted (Pain Relief)
3743GZIStimulator, Neuromuscular, External Functional
3744GZJStimulator, Nerve, Transcutaneous, For Pain Relief
3745GZKElectrode, Nasopharyngeal
3746GZLElectrode, Depth
3747GZMAnalyzer, Rigidity
3749GZODevice, Galvanic Skin Response Measurement
3750GZPStimulator, Mechanical, Evoked Response
3751GZQInstrument, Dowel Cutting
3752GZTRetractor, Self-Retaining, For Neurosurgery
3753GZXInstrument, Microsurgical
3754HADRongeur, Powered
3755HAERongeur, Manual
3756HAOInstrument, Surgical, Non-Powered
3757HASNeedle, Neurosurgical Suture
3758HAWNeurological Stereotaxic Instrument
3759HAXTong, Skull For Traction
3760HBANeurosurgical Paddie
3761HBBMotor, Drill, Pneumatic
3762HBCMotor, Drill, Electric
3763HBDHandpiece (Brace), Drill
3764HBEDrills, Burrs, Trephines & Accessories (Simple, Powered)
3765HBFDrills, Burrs, Trephines & Accessories (Compound, Powered)
3766HBGDrills, Burrs, Trephines & Accessories (Manual)
3767HBLHolder, Head, Neurosurgical (Skull Clamp)
3768HBMHeadrest, Neurosurgical
3769HBNChair, Neurosurgical
3770HBOClip, Scalp
3771HBPClip, Implanted Malleable
3772HBQInstrument, Clip Removal
3773HBRRack, Clip
3774HBSInstrument, Clip Forming/Cutting
3775HBWFastener, Plate, Cranioplasty
3776HBXInstrument, Cranioplasty Material Forming
3777HBZCatheter, Intravascular Occluding
3778HCACatheter, Ventricular
3779HCBDevice, Aversive Conditioning
3780HCCDevice, Biofeedback
3781HCDCannula, Ventricular
3782HCEClamp, Carotid Artery
3783HCGDevice, Neurovascular Embolization
3784HCHClip, Aneurysm
3785HCIApplier, Aneurysm Clip
3786HCJDevice, Skin Potential Measurement
3787HCSDevice, Temperature Measurement, Direct Contact, Powered
3788JXEDevice, Nerve Conduction Velocity Measurement
3789JXFPlethysmograph, Ocular
3790JXGShunt, Central Nervous System And Components
3791JXHMethyl Methacrylate For Aneurysmorrhaphy
3792JXICuff, Nerve
3793JXKCranial Electrotherapy Stimulator To Treat Depression
3794JXLBlock, Bite
3795LELDevice, Sleep Assessment
3796LEMHuman Lyophilized Dura Mater
3797LHGElectrode, Spinal Epidural
3798LIHInterferential Current Therapy
3799LLNDevice, Vibration Threshold Measurement
3800LQWTest, Temperature Discrimination
3801MVAOrthosis, Cranial
3802MYUAccessory, Barium Sulfate, Methyl Methacrylate For Cranioplasty
3803MZQBalloon, Detachable, For Neurovascular Occlusion
3804NCGNeuropsychiatric Interpretative Electroencephalograph Assessment Aid
3805NFOStimulator, Transcutaneous Electrical, Aesthetic Purposes
3806NHCCatheter, Ventricular (Containing Antibiotic Or Antimicrobial Agents)
3807NHIStimulator, Nerve, Electrical, Percutaneous (Pens), For Pain Relief
3808NLNDrills, Burrs, Trephines And Accessories (Simple Powered), Reprocessed
3809NLODrills, Burrs, Trephines And Accessories (Manual), Reprocessed
3810NLPDrills, Burrs, Trephines, And Accessories (Powered Compound), Reprocessed
3811NMNInstrument, Clip, Forming/Cutting, Reprocessed
3812NTUEvoked Potential Stimulator, Thermal
3813NUFCatheter, Neurovasculature, Occluding Balloon
3814NUHStimulator, Nerve, Transcutaneous, Over-The-Counter
3815NYNStimulator, Electrical, Transcutaneous, For Arthritis
3816NYWStimulator, Nerve, Electrical, Transcutaneous, With Limited Output, For Pain Relief
3817NYXStimulator, Electrical, Transcutaneous, With Limited Output, For Aesthetic Purposes
3818OANOrthosis, Cranial, Laser Scan
3819OBPTranscranial Magnetic Stimulator
3820OBVEating Disorder Conditioning Tool
3821OCFStimulator, Nerve, Electrical, Transcutaneous, Limited Output, Arthritis Pain Relief
3822OJGNeurological Tray
3823OKPTranscranial Magnetic Stimulator For The Treatment Of Migraine Headache
3824OLTNon-Normalizing Quantitative Electroencephalograph Software
3825OLUNormalizing Quantitative Electroencephalograph Software
3826OLVStandard Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph
3827OLWIndex-Generating Electroencephalograph Software
3828OLXSource Localization Software For Electroencephalograph Or Magnetoencephalograph
3830OLZAutomatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph
3831OMAAmplitude-Integrated Electroencephalograph
3832OMBAutomatic Event Detection Software For Full-Montage Electroencephalograph
3833OMCReduced- Montage Standard Electroencephalograph
3834ORRNeurological Stereotaxic Instrument, Real-Time Intraoperative Mri
3835ORTBurst Suppression Detection Software For Electroencephalograph
3836OSGPiezo-Electric Stimulator For Relief Of Mosquito Bite Itch
3837PAVCatheter, Neuro-Vasculature, Occluding Balloon
3838PBJCranial Distraction System
3839PCBExternal Cerebrospinal Fluid (Csf) Diversion
3840PCCStimulator, Nerve, Electrical, Transcutaneous, For Migraine
3841PIWBrain Injury Adjunctive Interpretive Electroencephalograph Assessment Aid
3842PIYStainless Steel Instrument, Shunt System Implantation
3843PJMFiller, Bone Void, Alterable Compound For Cranioplasty
3844PJNFiller, Bone Void, Non-Alterable Compound For Cranioplasty
3845PKQComputerized Cognitive Assessment Aid
3846PKRNon-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulator - Headache
3847PLUThermal System For Insomnia
3848PNAEvoked Photon Image Capture Device
3849POLNeurovascular Mechanical Thrombectomy Device For Acute Ischemic Stroke Treatment
3850POMComputerized Cognitive Assessment Aid For Concussion
3851POPCranial Motion Measurement Device
3852POSPhysiological Signal Based Seizure Monitoring System
3853PPTCranial Surgical Planning And Instrument Guides
3854PSPIntracranial Pressure & Temperature Monitoring Kit
3855PTBAtaxiagraph With Interpretive Software
3856PTYComputerized Cognitive Assessment Aid, Exempt
3857PUUTemporary Coil Embolization Assist Device
3858PVLEndoscopic Shunt Placement Kit
3859PVMEndoscopic Ventricular Catheter Placement Kit
3860PVOLumbar Drainage Catheter Kit
3861PVPNeurological Test Kit
3862PWEComputerized Behavioral Therapy Device For Psychiatric Disorders
3863PZRPercutaneous Nerve Stimulator For Opioid Withdrawal
3864QAKNon-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulator For Migraine Headache
3865QARThermal Vestibular Stimulator For Headache
3866QBCExternal Upper Limb Tremor Stimulator
3867QCITranscranial Magnetic Stimulation System For Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
3868QEABrain Injury Adjunctive Interpretive Oculomotor Assessment Aid
3869QFDTens For Sinus Pain
3870QFFElectromechanical Arm For A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation System
3871QFXDiagnostic Neurosurgical Microscope Filter
3872QGHElectroconvulsive Therapy Device For Catatonia, Major Depressive Disorder, And Bipolar Disorder
3873QGLTrancutaneous Nerve Stimulator For Adhd
3874QGTDistal Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulator For Treatment Of Acute Migraine
3875QJQCranial Electrotherapy Stimulator To Treat Insomnia And/Or Anxiety
3876OPTInfrared Hematoma Detector
3877HRWDynamometer, Nonpowered
3878HSTApparatus, Traction, Non-Powered
3879KQWGoniometer, Nonpowered
3880KQXGoniometer, Ac-Powered
3881LBBDynamometer, Ac-Powered
3882NKIGoniometer With Electrodes
3883IKNElectromyograph, Diagnostic
3884IKTElectrode, Needle, Diagnostic Electromyograph
3886NHHDevice, Discharge, Electrostatic (For Pain Relief)
3887OTXFoot Wrap For Treating Restless Leg Syndrome Symptoms
3888OVPVibratory Counter-Stimulation
3889PHLPowered Exoskeleton
3890ONONeurosurgical Laser With Mr Thermography
3891BWKStimulator, Electro-Acupuncture
3892KGFAdhesive, Tissue For Aneurysmorrhaphy
3893KGGTissue Adhesive For Use In Embolization Of Brain Arteriovenous Malformations
3894LBKDevice, Neurosurgical Fragmentation And Aspiration
3895LGWStimulator, Spinal-Cord, Totally Implanted For Pain Relief
3896LHYElectrode, Stabilized Epidural Spinal
3897LIIMonitor, Intracranial Pressure, Implanted
3898LKWLaser, Neurosurgical
3899LLEStimulator, Spinal-Cord, Implanted For Peripheral Vascular Disease
3900LLFLaser, Neurosurgical, Argon
3901LLPLaser For Pain Therapy
3902LMEMonitor, Blood-Flow, Cerebral, Thermal Diffusion
3903LQDRecorder, Attention Task Performance
3904LYIStimulator, Subcortical, Implanted For Epilepsy
3905LYJStimulator, Autonomic Nerve, Implanted For Epilepsy
3906MFEAgent, Injectable, Embolic
3907MFRStimulator, Brain, Implanted, For Behavior Modification
3908MHYStimulator, Electrical, Implanted, For Parkinsonian Tremor
3909MHZStimulator, Vestibular Acceleration, Therapeutic
3910MKDStimulator, Functional Walking Neuromuscular, Non-Invasive
3911MLQInhibitor, Peridural Fibrosis (Adhesion Barrier)
3912MRUImplanted Subcortical Electrical Stimulator (Motor Disorders)
3913MUZStimulator, Autonomic Nerve, Implanted (Depression)
3914MVVDevice, Acupressure
3915MXMCap, Cooling (Infants)
3916NHLStimulator, Electrical, Implanted, For Parkinsonian Symptoms
3917NJEIntracranial Neurovascular Stent
3918NPEMaterial, Embolization, Neurovascular, Polymerizing Or Precipitating
3919NQRSealant, Dural
3920NZKStimulator, Low Electric Field, Tumor Treatment
3921OBAPolymerizing, Neurovascular Embolization Material
3922OLMDeep Brain Stimulator For Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Ocd)
3923OPRIntrasaccular Flow Disruption Device
3924OUTIntracranial Aneurysm Flow Diverter
3925OUUPolymeric Neurovascular Embolization
3927OZJInhibitor, Postoperative Fibrosis (Adhesion Barrier)
3928PAXSurgical Kit
3929PCQInhibitor, Postoperative Fibrosis (Spine Adhesion Barrier)
3930PFNImplanted Brain Stimulator For Epilepsy
3931PJSStimulator, Electrical, Implanted, For Essential Tremor
3932PMPDorsal Root Ganglion Stimulator For Pain Relief
3933POHMr-Guided Focused Ultrasound System
3934QCAIntracranial Coil-Assist Stent
3935LNWPaper, Obstetric Ph
3936NAJAgents, Embolic, For Treatment Of Uterine Fibroids
3937OACPlethysmograph, Air Displacement For Body Composition Analysis
3938PSIPerineal Irrigation Kit
3939QHCInstrument, Biopsy, Core, Soft Tissue, Female Reproductive Organs
3940FHGBell, Circumcision
3941FHJShield, Circumcision
3942HCYCurette, Uterine
3943HCZForceps, Surgical, Gynecological
3944HDAForceps, Obstetrical
3945HDBExtractor, Vacuum, Fetal
3946HDCTenaculum, Uterine
3947HDDTable, Obstetrical, Ac-Powered (And Accessories)
3948HDEHook, Fibroid, Gynecological
3949HDFSpeculum, Vaginal, Metal
3950HDGSpeculum, Vaginal, Metal, Fiberoptic
3951HDHNeedle, Cerclage, Gynecological
3952HDIHook, Destructive, Obstetrical
3953HDJScissors, Umbilical
3954HDKScissors, Episiotomy
3955HDLRetractor, Vaginal
3956HDMPacker, Uterine
3957HDNDilator, Cervical, Expandable
3958HDOValve, Tubal Occlusion
3959HDPElevator, Uterine
3960HDQDilator, Cervical, Fixed Size
3961HDRCap, Cervical
3962HDTDevice, Intrauterine, Contraceptive And Introducer
3963HDWDiaphragm, Contraceptive (And Accessories)
3964HDXDilator, Vaginal
3965HDYDilator, Cervical, Hygroscopic-Laminaria
3966HDZKnife, Cervical Cone
3967HEBTampon, Menstrual, Unscented
3968HECInsufflator, Vaginal
3969HEDDouche Apparatus, Vaginal, Therapeutic
3970HEESet, Anesthesia, Paracervical
3971HEGSet, Anesthesia, Pudendal
3972HEHChamber, Decompression, Abdominal
3973HEIMonitor, Heart-Valve Movement, Fetal, Ultrasonic
3974HEJMonitor, Hemic Sound, Ultrasonic
3975HEKMonitor, Heart Sound, Fetal, Ultrasonic
3976HELMonitor, Heart Rate, Fetal, Ultrasonic
3977HEMImager, Ultrasonic Obstetric-Gynecologic
3978HENCaliper, Fetal Head, Ultrasonic
3979HEOAnalyzer, Data, Obstetric
3980HEPMonitor, Blood-Flow, Ultrasonic
3981HEQMonitor, Pressure, Arterial, Fetal, Ultrasonic
3982HERPelvimeter, External
3983HESInsufflator, Carbon-Dioxide, Uterotubal (And Accessories)
3984HETLaparoscope, Gynecologic (And Accessories)
3985HEWCuldoscope (And Accessories)
3986HEXColposcope (And Colpomicroscope)
3987HEZEndoscope, Transcervical (Amnioscope)(And Accessories)
3988HFAAmnioscope, Transabdominal (Fetoscope) (And Accessories)
3989HFBForceps, Biopsy, Gynecological
3990HFCAspirator, Endocervical
3991HFDWasher, Endometrial
3992HFEBrush, Endometrial
3993HFFAspirator, Endometrial
3994HFGCoagulator, Laparoscopic, Unipolar (And Accessories)
3995HFHCoagulator, Hysteroscopic (And Accessories)
3996HFICoagulator, Culdoscopic (And Accessories)
3997HFJProsthesis, Fallopian Tube
3998HFKMold, Vaginal
3999HFLDrain, Cervical
4000HFMMonitor, Uterine Contraction, External (For Use In Clinic)
4001HFNTransducer, Pressure, Intrauterine
4002HFORecorder, Pressure, Intrauterine
4003HFPMonitor, Phonocardiographic, Fetal
4004HFWClamp, Umbilical
4005HFXClamp, Circumcision
4006HFYBand, Tubal Occlusion
4009HGBClip, Tubal Occlusion
4010HGCClamp, Uterine
4011HGDApplicator, Vaginal
4013HGFSource, Abortion Unit, Vacuum
4014HGGController, Abortion Unit, Vacuum
4015HGHCannula, Suction, Uterine
4016HGIElectrocautery, Gynecologic (And Accessories)
4017HGKEndoscope, Fetal Blood Sampling (And Accessories)
4018HGLTransducer, Ultrasonic, Obstetric
4019HGMSystem, Monitoring, Perinatal
4020HGNStethoscope, Fetal
4021HGOMonitor, Electroencephalographic, Fetal (And Accessories)
4022HGPElectrode, Circular (Spiral), Scalp And Applicator
4023HGSCatheter, Intrauterine And Introducer
4024HGWSampler, Blood, Fetal
4025HGXPump, Breast, Powered
4026HGYPump, Breast, Non-Powered
4027HGZHeater, Perineal, Direct Contact
4028HHAHeater, Perineal, Radiant, Non-Contact
4029HHDPad, Menstrual, Unscented
4030HHECup, Menstrual
4031HHFRemover, Intrauterine Device, Contraceptive, Hook-Type
4032HHGDilator, Cervical, Vibratory
4033HHISystem, Abortion, Vacuum
4034HHJLocator, Intracorporeal Device, Ultrasonic, Obstetric-Gynecologic
4035HHKCurette, Suction, Endometrial (And Accessories)
4036HHLPad, Menstrual, Scented
4037HHMSound, Uterine
4039HHOScrew, Fibroid, Gynecological
4040HHPTable, Obstetrical, Manual (And Accessories)
4041HHQSystem, Abortion, Metreurynter-Balloon
4042HHRLaser, Surgical, Gynecologic
4043HHSTranscervical Contraceptive Tubal Occlusion Device
4044HHTSpatula, Cervical, Cytological
4045HHWPessary, Vaginal
4046HHXHolograph, Fetal, Acoustical
4047HIBSpeculum, Vaginal, Nonmetal
4048HICSpeculum, Vaginal, Nonmetal, Fiberoptic
4049HIFInsufflator, Laparoscopic
4050HIGInsufflator, Hysteroscopic
4051HIHHysteroscope (And Accessories)
4052HIIStimulator, Vaginal, Muscle, Powered, For Therapeutic Use
4053HILTampon, Menstrual, Scented, Deodorized
4054HIMElectrocautery, Endoscopic And Accessories
4055HINCoagulator-Cutter, Endoscopic, Bipolar (And Accessories)
4056HIOSampler, Amniotic Fluid (Amniocentesis Tray)
4057HIQElectrode, Clip, Fetal Scalp (And Applicator)
4059KNAInstrument, Manual, Specialized Obstetric-Gynecologic
4060KNBInstrument, Destructive, Fetal, Obstetric
4061KNCTable, Obstetric (And Accessories)
4062KNDHeater, Perineal
4063KNESet, Anesthesia, Obstetric
4064KNFCoagulator-Cutter, Endoscopic, Unipolar (And Accessories)
4065KNGMonitor, Ultrasonic, Fetal
4066KNHLaparoscopic Contraceptive Tubal Occlusion Device
4067KOHInstrument, Manual, General Obstetric-Gynecologic
4068KXNMonitor, Cardiac, Fetal
4069KXOMonitor, Pressure, Intrauterine
4070KXPStent, Vaginal
4071KXQVibrator For Therapeutic Use, Genital
4072LBXPelvimeter, Internal
4073LHZViscometer, Mucus, Cervical
4074LKFCannula, Manipulator/Injector, Uterine
4075LLWLaser, Neodymium:Yag For Gynecologic Use
4076LQKHome Uterine Activity Monitor
4077LTZCondom With Nonoxynol-9
4079MBUSingle-Use Internal Condom
4080MDGSystem, Intrafallopian Cannula
4081MFDCannula, Intrauterine Insemination
4083MLSLabor And Delivery Kit
4084MLTPelvic Exam Kit
4085MOHMonitor, Heart Rate, Fetal, Non-Stress Test (Home Use)
4086MOKVaginoscope And Accessories
4087MOLCondom, Synthetic
4088MOVCatheters, Salpingography
4089MPUSource, Chemiluminescent Light
4090MQENeedle, Assisted Reproduction
4091MQFCatheter, Assisted Reproduction
4092MQGAccessory, Assisted Reproduction
4093MQHMicrotools, Assisted Reproduction (Pipettes)
4094MQIMicrotool Fabrication, Assisted Reproduction
4095MQJMicromanipulators And Microinjectors, Assisted Reproduction
4096MQKLabware, Assisted Reproduction
4097MQLMedia, Reproductive
4098MRXSystem, Assisted Reproduction Laser
4099MSCBarrier, Std, Oral Sex
4100MTWSystem, Water, Reproduction, Assisted, And Purification
4101MTXMicroscope And Microscope Accessories, Reproduction, Assisted
4102NBVDevice, Engorgement, Clitoral
4103NBZClamp And Cutter, Umbilical
4104NHMSheet, Recording, Breast Examination
4105NKASystem, Documentation, Breast Lesion
4106NKCTubing/Tubing With Filter, Insufflation, Laparoscopic
4107NMGForceps, Biopsy, Gynecological, Reprocessed
4108NMHLaparoscope And Accessories, Gynecologic, Reprocessed
4109NMILaparoscopic Insufflator And Accessories, Reprocessed
4110NNBNeedle, Reproduction, Assisted, Reprocessed
4111NRCPads, Menstrual, Scented-Deodorized
4112NUCLubricant, Personal
4113NUQPad, Menstrual, Reusable
4114NURPad, Interlabial
4115NVTTubing And Tubing/Filter Fits
4116NWVLaparoscopic Accessories, Gynecologic
4117NWWHysteroscope Accessories
4118OBBKit, Conception-Assist, Home Use
4119OBYCondom, Female, Animal Tissue
4120OHCObstetrical Vacuum Delivery Kit
4121OHDGynecological Laparoscopic Kit
4122OHEForensic Evidence Sexual Assault Kit
4123OHFCuldocentesis Kit
4124OHGCircumcision Tray
4125OHHBreast Pump Kit
4126OHLPap Smear Kit
4127OHMCesarean Section Tray
4128OJFHysterectomy Kit
4129OKUEmergency Obstetrical Kit
4130OKVObstetrical Kit
4131OKWSeminal Fluid Collection Kit
4132OKXTrocar Kit
4133OKYCytology Kit
4134OKZEndometrial Sampling Kit
4135OOAHemorrhoid Prevention Pressure Wedge
4136OQYIntrauterine Tamponade Balloon
4137OSPUterine Electromyographic Monitor
4138OSVInsufflator, Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting
4139OTPMesh, Surgical, Synthetic, Urogynecologic, For Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Transvaginally Placed
4140OYOCulture, Intravaginal, Assisted Reproduction
4141PAIMesh, Surgical, Non-Synthetic, Urogynecologic, For Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Transvaginally Placed
4142PBHEmbryo Image Assessment System, Assisted Reproduction
4143PBQFixation, Non-Absorbable Or Absorbable, For Pelvic Use
4144PCFSampler, Endocervical
4145PEBLubricant, Personal, Gamete, Fertilization, And Embryo Compatible
4146PFJCatheter, Balloon, Dilation Of Cervical Canal Prior To Labor
4147PGKCannula, Injector, Uterine, Endometrial Biopsy
4148PGTInsufflator, Hysteroscopic, Fluid, Closed-Loop Recirculation With Cutter-Coagulator, Endoscopic, Bipolar
4149PKNDilator, Cervical, Synthetic, Osmotic
4150PMUContainment System, Laparoscopic Power Morcellation, With Instrument Port
4151PNUPressure Wedge, Perianal, For Reduction Of Cesarean Delivery
4152PONCatheter, Balloon, Dilation Of Cervical Canal
4153PTZColposcope (And Colpomicroscope), Exempt
4154PUATenaculum, Uterine, Exempt
4155PUBAccessory, Assisted Reproduction, Exempt
4156PUCMicrotools, Assisted Reproduction (Pipettes), Exempt
4157PUDLabware, Assisted Reproduction, Exempt
4158PVRD&C Tray
4159PVSFetal Blood Sampling Kit (Excludes Hiv Testing)
4160PVTMaternity Kit
4161PVUObstetrical Anesthesia Kit
4162PVVParacervical Anesthesia Kit
4163PVWPudendal Anesthesia Kit
4164PVXVaginal Examination Tray
4165PWABreast Pump Accessory, Milk Expression Aid, Via Positive Pressure
4166PWBFetal Head Elevator
4167PWIInstrumentation, Surgical Mesh, Urogynecologic, Transvaginal Repair Of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
4168PWKInstrumentation, Surgical Mesh, Urogynecologic, Transabdominal Repair Of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
4169PYTDevice, Fertility Diagnostic, Contraceptive, Software Application
4170QHZSeal, Cervical, Mechanical, Unpowered
4171NPBSystem, Monitoring, For Progress Of Labor
4172OTOMesh, Surgical, Synthetic, Urogynecologic, For Apical Vaginal And Uterine Prolapse, Transabdominally Placed
4173PAJMesh, Surgical, Non-Synthetic, Urogynecologic, For Apical Vaginal And Uterine Prolapse, Transabdominally Placed
4174HHYProsthesis, Suture, Cerclage
4175LHDDevice, Fertility Diagnostic, Proceptive
4176LIYTest, Cervical Mucus Penetration
4177LLQCap, Cervical, Contraceptive
4178LLTMonitor, Fetal Ph
4179LLXCatheter, Sampling, Chorionic Villus
4180LOBDilator, Cervical, Synthetic, Osmotic, Pregnancy Termination
4181LTAFluid, Hysteroscopy
4182LTYFluid, Cytological Collection
4183MCIGraft, Vascular, Hemodialysis Access, Synthetic/Biological Composite
4184MCNBarrier, Absorbable, Adhesion
4185MCPStimulator, Fetal, Acoustic
4186MGIAspirator, Ultrasonic
4187MKNCatheter, Balloon, Transcervical
4188MMAOximeter, Fetal Pulse
4189MNBDevice, Thermal Ablation, Endometrial
4190MPRStent, Bladder, Fetal
4191MPTContraception Calculator
4192MWMSensor, Electro-Optical (For Cervical Cancer)
4193NRZAblation System, High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (Hifu), Mr-Guided
4194OVXWater Immersion Labor Pool
4195PASRf/Microwave Hyperthermia System, Cancer Treatment
4196PKFD And C Tray
4197KYHEndoscope, Ophthalmic
4199NKZEndoilluminator, Reprocessed
4200MRHPump, Infusion, Ophthalmic
4201FCTHeadlight, Fiberoptic Focusing
4202FSRLight, Headband, Surgical
4203FTZLocator, Magnetic
4204HITTester, Color Vision
4206HIXMaxwell Spot, Ac-Powered
4207HIYBrush, Haidinger, (Including Macular Integrity)
4209HJBInstrument, Measuring, Corneal Radius
4210HJCEsthesiometer, Ocular
4211HJDIlluminator, Color Vision Plate
4212HJFMagnifier, Hand-Held, Low-Vision
4213HJGSystem, Reading, Television, Closed-Circuit
4214HJHLoupe, Binocular, Low Power
4215HJILens, Fundus, Hruby, Diagnostic
4216HJJLens, Fresnel, Flexible, Diagnostic
4217HJKLens, Contact, Polymethylmethacrylate, Diagnostic
4218HJLLens, Condensing, Diagnostic
4219HJMTransilluminator, Ac-Powered
4220HJNTransilluminator, Battery-Powered
4221HJOBiomicroscope, Slit-Lamp, Ac-Powered
4222HJQStereoscope, Ac-Powered
4223HJRStereoscope, Battery-Powered
4224HJSTest, Spectacle Dissociation, Ac-Powered (Lancaster)
4226HJWAdaptometer (Biophotometer)
4227HJXReader, Prism, Ophthalmic
4228HJYReader, Bar, Ophthalmic
4229HJZCrutch, Ptosis
4230HKBTelescope, Hand-Held, Low-Vision
4231HKCSpectacle Microscope, Low-Vision
4232HKDTape, Nystagmus
4233HKFMirror, Headband, Ophthalmic
4235HKICamera, Ophthalmic, Ac-Powered
4236HKKTelescope, Spectacle, Low-Vision
4237HKLRetinoscope, Ac-Powered
4238HKMRetinoscope, Battery-Powered
4239HKNRefractor, Manual, Non-Powered, Including Phoropter
4240HKORefractometer, Ophthalmic
4241HKPInstrument, Vitreous Aspiration And Cutting, Battery-Powered
4242HKQPrism, Rotary, Ophthalmic
4243HKRLens, Maddox
4244HKSPrism, Gonioscopic
4245HKTPrism, Fresnel, Ophthalmic
4246HKWPrism, Bar, Ophthalmic
4247HKXTonometer, Ac-Powered
4248HKYTonometer, Manual
4249HKZSterilizer, Tonometer
4250HLACalibrator, Tonometer
4251HLCInstrument, Measuring, Stereopsis
4252HLDEngine, Trephine, Accessories, Gas-Powered
4253HLERuler, Nearpoint (Punctometer)
4254HLFDevice, Measuring, Lens Radius, Ophthalmic
4255HLGPupillometer, Ac-Powered
4256HLHPupillometer, Manual
4257HLIOphthalmoscope, Ac-Powered
4258HLJOphthalmoscope, Battery-Powered
4259HLKScreen, Tangent, Target, Battery-Powered
4260HLLMonitor, Eye Movement
4261HLMInstrument, Measuring, Lens, Ac-Powered
4262HLNGauge, Lens, Ophthalmic
4263HLOTest, Spectacle Dissociation, Battery-Powered (Lancaster)
4264HLPTarget, Fusion And Stereoscopic
4265HLQKeratoscope, Ac-Powered
4266HLRKeratoscope, Battery-Powered
4268HLTPreamplifier, Ac-Powered, Ophthalmic
4269HLWPreamplifier, Battery-Powered, Ophthalmic
4270HLXPhotostimulator, Ac-Powered
4271HLZElectrode, Corneal
4272HMCMonitor, Eye Movement, Diagnostic
4273HMDChair, Ophthalmic, Manual
4274HMEChair, Ophthalmic, Ac-Powered
4275HMFStand, Instrument, Ac-Powered, Ophthalmic
4276HMGStand, Instrument, Ophthalmic, Non-Powered
4277HMHRack, Skiascopic
4278HMJScreen, Tangent, Projection, Battery-Powered
4279HMKEuthyscope, Ac-Powered
4280HMLEuthyscope, Battery-Powered
4282HMQMarker, Sclera
4283HMRMarker, Ocular
4284HMSDrum, Eye Knife Test
4285HMXCannula, Ophthalmic
4286HMYKeratome, Battery-Powered
4288HNASpud, Ophthalmic
4289HNBSpoon, Ophthalmic
4290HNCSpecula, Ophthalmic
4291HNDSpatula, Ophthalmic
4292HNESnare, Enucleating
4293HNFScissors, Ophthalmic
4294HNGRongeur, Lachrymal Sac
4295HNHRing, Ophthalmic (Flieringa)
4296HNIRetractor, Ophthalmic
4297HNJPunch, Corneo-Scleral
4298HNKProbe, Trabeculotomy
4299HNLProbe, Lachrymal
4300HNMNeedle, Ophthalmic Suturing
4301HNNKnife, Ophthalmic
4302HNOKeratome, Ac-Powered
4303HNPIntroducer, Sphere
4304HNQHook, Ophthalmic
4305HNRForceps, Ophthalmic
4308HNWDilator, Lachrymal
4309HNXDepressor, Orbital
4311HNZCurette, Ophthalmic
4312HOACompressor, Orbital
4313HOBClamp, Muscle, Ophthalmic
4314HOCClip, Iris Retractor
4315HODClamp, Eyelid, Ophthalmic
4316HOECaliper, Ophthalmic
4317HOFBurr, Corneal, Manual
4318HOGBurr, Corneal, Battery-Powered
4319HOHSpectacle, Operating (Loupe), Ophthalmic
4320HOISpectacle, Magnifying
4321HOJScreen, Tangent, Target
4322HOKScreen, Tangent, Projection, Ac-Powered
4323HOLScreen, Tangent, Felt (Campimeter)
4324HOMScreen, Tangent, Ac-Powered (Campimeter)
4325HONPerimeter, Manual
4326HOOPerimeter, Ac-Powered
4327HOPCampimeter, Stereo, Battery-Powered
4328HOQGrid, Amsler
4329HORSimulatan (Including Crossed Cylinder)
4330HOSProjector, Ophthalmic
4331HOTAid, Vision Image Intensification
4332HOWDrum, Opticokinetic
4333HOXChart, Visual Acuity
4334HOYShield, Eye, Ophthalmic (Including Sunlamp Protective Eyewear And Post-Mydriatic Eyewear)
4335HOZSponge, Ophthalmic
4336HPAFrame, Trial, Ophthalmic
4337HPBClip, Lens, Trial, Ophthalmic
4338HPCSet, Lens, Trial, Ophthalmic
4339HPDLens, Bagolini
4340HPEAid, Vision, Optical, Battery-Powered
4341HPFAid, Vision, Electronic, Ac-Powered
4342HPGAid, Vision, Electronic, Battery-Powered
4343HPIAid, Vision, Optical, Ac-Powered
4344HPJInstrument, Visual Field, Laser
4346HPLDevice, Fixation, Ac-Powered, Ophthalmic
4347HPMLocator, Metal, Electronic
4348HPNMagnet, Permanent
4349HPOMagnet, Ac-Powered
4350HPPHeadlamp, Operating, Battery-Operated
4351HPQHeadlamp, Operating, Ac-Powered
4352HPSUnit, Cryophthalmic
4353HPTPerimeter, Automatic, Ac-Powered
4354HPWProbe And Counter, Isotope, For Phosphorus 32
4355HPYUnit, Electrolysis, Battery-Powered, Ophthalmic
4356HPZImplant, Eye Sphere
4357HQAUnit, Cryotherapy, Ophthalmic
4358HQBPhotocoagulator And Accessories
4359HQCUnit, Phacofragmentation
4360HQDLens, Contact (Other Material) - Daily
4361HQEInstrument, Vitreous Aspiration And Cutting, Ac-Powered
4362HQFLaser, Ophthalmic
4363HQGLens, Spectacle, Non-Custom (Prescription)
4364HQHEye, Artificial, Non-Custom
4365HQJImplant, Absorbable, (Scleral Buckling Methods)
4366HQLIntraocular Lens
4367HQMKeratoprosthesis, Permanent Implant
4368HQNConformer, Ophthalmic
4369HQOUnit, Cautery, Thermal, Ac-Powered
4370HQPUnit, Cautery, Thermal, Battery-Powered
4371HQQApparatus, Cautery, Radiofrequency, Battery-Powered
4372HQRApparatus, Cautery, Radiofrequency, Ac-Powered
4373HQSBurr, Corneal, Ac-Powered
4374HQTShell, Scleral
4375HQWClip, Tantalum, Ophthalmic
4376HQXImplant, Orbital, Extra-Ocular
4377HQYSunglasses (Non-Prescription Including Photosensitive)
4378HQZFrame, Spectacle
4379HRCSterilizer, Soft-Lens, Thermal, Battery-Powered
4380HRDSterilizer, Soft-Lens, Thermal, Ac-Powered
4381HRECabinet, Instrument, Ac-Powered, Ophthalmic
4382HRFEngine, Trephine, Accessories, Battery-Powered
4383HRGEngine, Trephine, Accessories, Ac-Powered
4384HRHTrephine, Manual, Ophthalmic
4386HRJTable, Instrument, Powered, Ophthalmic
4387HRKTable, Instrument, Manual, Ophthalmic
4388HRLUnit, Beta, Radiation, Ophthalmic
4389HRNUnit, Cryophthalmic, Ac-Powered
4390HROUnit, Electrolysis, Ac-Powered, Ophthalmic
4391HRPPen, Marking, Surgical
4392KYBLens, Guide, Intraocular
4393KYDStrip, Schirmer
4394KYEInserter/Remover Contact Lens
4395KYFImplant, Eye Valve
4396KYGDevice, Irrigation, Ocular Surgery
4397LCCApplicator, Ocular Pressure
4398LPLLenses, Soft Contact, Daily Wear
4399LPMLenses, Soft Contact, Extended Wear
4400LPNAccessories, Soft Lens Products
4401LPOGases Used Within Eye To Place Pressure On Detached Retina
4402LQJLens, Surgical, Laser, Accesssory, Ophthalmic Laser
4403LRXCase, Contact Lens
4404LWLFluid, Intraocular
4405LXPPlug, Scleral
4406LXSLaser, Neodymium:Yag, Ophthalmic For Posterior Capsulotomy And Cutting Pupilla
4407LYLAccessories, Solution, Ultrasonic Cleaners For Lenses
4408LZPAid, Surgical, Viscoelastic
4409MFKLens, Multifocal Intraocular
4410MJPLens, Intraocular, Toric Optics
4411MLPKeratoprosthesis, Temporary Implant, Surgical Use
4412MLZVitrectomy, Instrument Cutter
4413MMCDilator, Expansive Iris (Accessory)
4415MMLWeights, Eyelid, External
4416MMQTopographer, Corneal, Ac-Powered
4417MOECollagen Corneal Shield
4418MQUOcular Peg
4419MRCProducts, Contact Lens Care, Rigid Gas Permeable
4420MSGOphthalmoscopes, Replacement Batteries, Hand-Held
4421MSRTubing, Replacement, Phacofragmentation Unit
4422MSSFolders And Injectors, Intraocular Lens (Iol)
4423MTZWrap, Implant, Orbital
4424MUSFluidic, Phacoemulsification/Phacofragmentation
4425MUWLens, Contact (Orthokeratology)
4426MVNLens, Contact, (Disposable)
4427MWLLens, Contact (Rigid Gas Permeable), Extended Wear
4428MXKDevice, Analysis, Anterior Segment
4429MXOLaser, System, Phacolysis
4430MXYCannula, Ophthalmic, Posterior Capsular Polishing, Polyvinyl Acetal
4431MYCOphthalmoscope, Laser, Scanning
4432MYDKeratome, Water Jet
4433MZDSystem, In-Office Tinting, Contact Lenses
4434NAALens, Intraocular, Accommodative
4435NAILens, Prescription, Color Deficiency
4436NCEInjector, Capsular Tension Ring
4437NCFAberrometer, Ophthalmic
4438NCKButton, Iris, Eye, Artificial
4439NCRApparatus, Cutting, Radiofrequency, Electrosurgical, Battery-Powered
4440NCZLens, Contact, For Color Vision Deficiency
4441NFDSelector, Color, Spectacle, Lens, Tint
4442NFMExpander, Tissue, Orbital
4443NGYCannula, Trocar, Ophthalmic
4444NICLens, Contact, For Reading Discomfort
4445NIZLens, Iris Reconstruction
4446NJGFlasher, Afterimage, Ophthalmic
4447NJHLens, Spectacle (Prescription), For Reading Discomfort
4448NJJTonometer, Analyzer, Ocular Blood Flow
4449NKXNeedle, Phacoemulsification, Reprocessed
4450NKYBlade, Keratome, Reprocessed
4451NLAKnife, Ophthalmic, Reprocessed
4452NOGTopographer, Corneal, Battery Powered
4453NOHPhotokeratoscope, Battery Powered
4454NOIStand, Instrument, Ophthalmic, Battery Powered
4455NQBConformer, Ophthalmic, Biological Tissue
4456NQEMicroscope, Specular
4457NUULens, Contact, Orthokeratology, Overnight
4458NVBIntraocular, Pressure Measuring Device
4459NXMProsthesis, Eyelid Spacer/Graft, Biologic
4460NXRFixation, Vision Training, Binocular
4461NYKOphthalmodynamometer, Diagnostic Contact Lens, Polymethylmethacrylate (Pmma)
4462OBOTomography, Optical Coherence
4463OHWBurr, Corneal, Battery Powered, Rust Ring Removal
4464OHXBurr, Corneal, Ac-Powered, Rust Ring Removal
4465OJKEye Tray
4466OOEOphthalmic Femtosecond Laser
4467ORZEyelid Thermal Pulsation System
4468OTZGraft Insertion Instrument For Endothelial Keratoplasty
4469OUMAdaptometer (Biophotometer), Software-Based Data Acquisition And Stimulus Generation
4470PIBDiabetic Retinopathy Detection Device
4471PICOral Electronic Vision Aid
4472PJZCamera, Ophthalmic, General-Use
4473PLXTear Duct Occluder
4474PLZOcular Pattern Recorder
4475PMWStrabismus Detection Device
4476POEExtended Depth Of Focus Intraocular Lens
4477PQJIntranasal Electrostimulation Device
4478PUEBiomicroscope, Slit-Lamp, Ac-Powered, Exempt
4479PUFOcular Peg, Exempt
4480PULApparatus, Cutting, Radiofrequency, Electrosurgical, Ac-Powered
4481PZGSurgical Eye Tray
4482PZKLight Adjustable Lens (Lal) And Light Delivery Device (Ldd)
4483QBRIntranasal Electrostimulation Device For Dry Eye Symptoms
4484QCBPhakic Toric Intraocular Lens
4485QDVIol Tray
4486QDWPhaco Kit
4487QDYVitrectomy Kit
4488QERCamera, Ophthalmic, Slit-Scanning
4489QGJCorneal Inlay Inserter Handle
4490QKVElectromechanical Tear Stimulator
4491NFFDevice, Storage, Images, Ophthalmic
4492NFGDevice, Communications, Images, Ophthalmic
4493NFHDigitizer, Images, Ophthalmic
4494NFIDevice, Hardcopy, Images, Ophthalmic
4495NFJSystem, Image Management, Ophthalmic
4496PYUSponge, Eyelid Cleaning, Powered
4497HPXLens, Contact (Polymethylmethacrylate)
4498LOGCatheter, Balloon For Retinal Reattachment
4499LOHSystem, Identification, Contact Lens
4500LOILaser, Neodymium:Yag, Ophthalmic For Uses Other Than Posterior Capsulotomy & Cutting Pupillary
4501LQBMedical Computers And Software For Ophthalmic Use
4502LQEImplant, Corneal, Refractive
4503LXQCup, Eye
4504LYXMedia, Corneal Storage
4505LZQTissue Adhesive For Ophthalmic Use
4506LZRUltrasound, Cyclodestructive
4507LZSExcimer Laser System
4508LZUPlug, Punctum
4509MRJRing, Endocapsular
4510MSISolution, Cleaning / Lubricating, Artificial Eye
4511MTALens, Intraocular, Phakic
4512MURGraft, Sclera, Reinforcement
4513MWDElectrosurgical, Radio Frequency, Refractive Correction
4514NBFProsthesis, Retinal
4515NCJTelescope, Implantable, Miniature
4516ODKRefractive Corneal Implant
4517OGOIntraocular Pressure Lowering Implant
4518OKSLacrimal Stents And Intubation Sets
4519OTLFemtosecond Laser System For Refractive Correction
4520OXWStimulator, Electrical, Transcutaneous, For Diabetic Retinopathy
4521PFZOphthalmic Sealant
4522QBTArtificial Iris
4523QITDaily Wear Soft Contact Lens To Reduce The Progression Of Myopia
4524OJPOrthopedic Computer Controlled Surgical System
4525OLOOrthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument
4526ONNIntraoperative Orthopedic Joint Assessment Aid
4527OSEPatient Specific Manual Navigation System
4528OSFPatient Specific Manual Orthopedic Stereotaxic System
4529HRRScissors, Orthopedic, Surgical
4530HRSPlate, Fixation, Bone
4531HRTStripper, Surgical
4533HRYProsthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Polymer
4534HRZProsthesis, Knee, Hinged (Metal-Metal)
4535HSAProsthesis, Knee, Hemi-, Femoral
4536HSBRod, Fixation, Intramedullary And Accessories
4537HSDProsthesis, Shoulder, Hemi-, Humeral, Metallic Uncemented
4538HSHProsthesis, Knee, Hemi-, Tibial, Resurfacing (Uncemented)
4539HSNProsthesis, Ankle, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Polymer
4540HSPSplint, Traction
4541HSQBelt, Pelvic, Traction
4542HSRUnit, Traction, Hip, Non-Powered, Non-Penetrating
4543HSXProsthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Non-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Polymer
4544HTGProsthesis, Knee, Hemi-, Patellar Resurfacing, Uncemented
4546HTJGauge, Depth
4547HTNWasher, Bolt Nut
4551HTSKnife, Orthopedic
4552HTTBurr, Orthopedic
4553HTWBit, Drill
4555HTYPin, Fixation, Smooth
4558HWCScrew, Fixation, Bone
4559HWDStarter, Bone Screw
4563HWLSet, Hollow Mill
4564HWNInstrument, Compression
4565HWOSkid, Bone
4566HWPPunch, Femoral Neck
4568HWRDriver, Prosthesis
4571HWXTap, Bone
4572HXAProsthesis, Tendon, Passive
4577HXIPasser, Wire, Orthopedic
4578HXJStaple Driver
4579HXKHolder, Needle; Orthopedic
4580HXNApplier, Cerclage
4581HXOPusher, Socket
4582HXPInstrument, Bending Or Contouring
4583HXQCrimper, Pin
4584HXSTwister, Wire
4587HXYBrace, Drill
4588HXZCutter, Wire
4589JDBProsthesis, Elbow, Semi-Constrained, Cemented
4590JDCProsthesis, Elbow, Constrained, Cemented
4591JDDProsthesis, Upper Femoral
4592JDGProsthesis, Hip, Femoral Component, Cemented, Metal
4593JDHProsthesis, Hip, Hemi-, Trunnion-Bearing, Femoral, Metal/Polyacetal
4594JDIProsthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Polymer, Cemented
4595JDLProsthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained (Metal Cemented Acetabular Component)
4596JDNImplant, Fixation Device, Spinal
4597JDODevice, Fixation, Proximal Femoral, Implant
4598JDPCondylar Plate Fixation Implant
4599JDQCerclage, Fixation
4600JDRStaple, Fixation, Bone
4601JDSNail, Fixation, Bone
4602JDTCap, Bone
4603JDWPin, Fixation, Threaded
4604JDXInstrument, Surgical, Sonic And Accessory/Attachment
4605JDYEvacuator, Vapor, Cement Monomer
4606JDZMixer, Cement, For Clinical Use
4607JECComponent, Traction, Invasive
4608JWHProsthesis, Knee, Patellofemorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Polymer/Metal/Polymer
4609JWIProsthesis, Wrist, 2 Part Metal-Plastic Articulation, Semi-Constrained
4610JWJProsthesis, Wrist, 3 Part Metal-Plastic-Metal Articulation, Semi-Constrained
4611KIGProsthesis, Wrist, Constrained, Polymer
4612KIHDispenser, Cement
4613KIITube, Cement Ventilation
4614KILPositioner, Socket
4615KMBProsthesis, Knee, Non-Constrained (Metal-Carbon Reinforced Polyethylene) Cemented
4616KMCProsthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Composite/Metal
4617KMDProsthesis, Ankle, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Composite
4618KQZComponent, Traction, Non-Invasive
4619KRNMetal Cemented Constrained Femorotibial Knee Prosthesis
4620KROProsthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Polymer
4621KRPProsthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibial, Constrained, Cemented, Polymer/Metal/Metal
4622KRQProsthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibial, Constrained, Cemented, Polymer/Metal/Polymer
4623KRRProsthesis, Knee, Patello/Femoral, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Polymer
4624KRSProsthesis, Knee, Hemi-, Femoral (Uncemented)
4625KTTAppliance, Fixation, Nail/Blade/Plate Combination, Multiple Component
4626KTWAppliance, Fixation, Nail/Blade/Plate Combination, Single Component
4627KTXProsthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Non-Constrained, Metal/Composite Cemented
4629KWAProsthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained (Metal Uncemented Acetabular Component)
4630KWBProsthesis, Hip, Hemi-, Acetabular, Cemented, Metal
4631KWDProsthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal
4632KWEProsthesis, Finger, Constrained, Metal, Uncemented
4633KWFProsthesis, Finger, Polymer
4634KWGProsthesis, Finger, Constrained, Metal/Polymer
4635KWHProsthesis, Toe, Constrained, Polymer
4636KWIProsthesis, Elbow, Hemi-, Radial, Polymer
4637KWJProsthesis, Elbow, Hemi-, Humeral, Metal
4638KWKAppliance, Nail/Blade/Plate Combination, Single Component
4639KWLProsthesis, Hip, Hemi-, Femoral, Metal
4640KWMProsthesis, Wrist, Semi-Constrained
4641KWNProsthesis, Wrist, Carpal Lunate
4642KWOProsthesis, Wrist, Carpal Scaphoid
4643KWPAppliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal
4644KWQAppliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body
4645KWRProsthesis, Shoulder, Constrained, Metal/Metal Or Metal/Polymer Cemented
4646KWSProsthesis, Shoulder, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Polymer Cemented
4647KWTProsthesis, Shoulder, Non-Constrained, Metal/Polymer Cemented
4648KWYProsthesis, Hip, Hemi-, Femoral, Metal/Polymer, Cemented Or Uncemented
4649KWZProsthesis, Hip, Constrained, Cemented Or Uncemented, Metal/Polymer
4650KXAProsthesis, Hip, Femoral, Resurfacing
4651KXBProsthesis, Hip, Pelvifemoral Resurfacing, Metal/Polymer
4652KXCProsthesis, Ankle, Cemented, Non-Constrained
4653KXDProsthesis, Hip, Constrained, Metal
4654KXEProsthesis, Wrist, Hemi-, Ulnar
4655KYIProsthesis, Wrist, Carpal Trapezium
4656KYJProsthesis, Finger, Constrained, Polymer
4657KYKProsthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Composite
4658KYMMetallic Cemented Glenoid Hemi-Shoulder Prosthesis
4659KYNProsthesis, Wrist, Constrained, Metal
4660LBCProsthesis, Finger, Constrained, Metal, Cemented
4661LGEProsthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Trunnion-Bearing
4662LGFComponent, Cast
4663LGGInstrument, Cast Application/Removal, Manual
4664LGHInstrument, Cast Removal, Ac-Powered
4665LODBone Cement
4666LPHProsthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Polymer, Porous Uncemented
4667LRNWire, Surgical
4668LTOSpacer, Cement
4669LWJProsthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Polymer, Uncemented
4670LXHOrthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument
4671LXTAppliance, Fixation, Nail/Blade/Plate Combination, Multiple Component, Metal Composite
4672LYPAccessories, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal
4673LYQAccessories, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body
4674LYSBone Mill
4675LYTFixation Accessory
4677LZOProsthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Ceramic/Polymer, Cemented Or Non-Porous, Uncemented
4678LZVSystem, Cement Removal Extraction
4679LZYProsthesis, Hip, Hemi-, Femoral, Metal Ball
4680MAIFastener, Fixation, Biodegradable, Soft Tissue
4681MAXIntervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar
4682MAYProsthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Ceramic/Polymer, Cemented Or Non-Porous Cemented, Osteophilic Finish
4683MBBBone Cement, Antibiotic
4684MBFProsthesis, Shoulder, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Polymer, Uncemented
4685MBHProsthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Uncemented, Porous, Coated, Polymer/Metal/Polymer
4686MBIFastener, Fixation, Nondegradable, Soft Tissue
4687MBLProsthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Uncemented, Metal/Polymer, Porous
4688MBPFiller, Bone Void, Osteoinduction (W/O Human Growth Factor)
4689MBVProsthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Uhmwpe, Pegged, Cemented, Polymer/Metal/Polymer
4690MEHProsthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Uncemented, Metal / Polymer, Non-Porous, Calcium Phosphate
4691MJWProsthesis, Subtalar, Plug, Polymer
4692MNHOrthosis, Spondylolisthesis Spinal Fixation
4693MNIOrthosis, Spinal Pedicle Fixation
4694MNUStaple, Absorbable
4695MQPSpinal Vertebral Body Replacement Device
4696MQVFiller, Bone Void, Calcium Compound
4697MRYAppliances And Accessories, Fixation, Bone, Absorbable Single/Multiple Component
4698NBHAccessories, Arthroscopic
4699NDDCerclage, Fixation, Metallic
4700NDERod, Fixation, Intramedullary And Accessories, Metallic And Non-Collapsible
4701NDFPlate, Fixation, Bone, Non-Spinal, Metallic
4702NDGWasher, Bolt, Nut, Non-Spinal, Metallic
4703NDHNail, Fixation, Bone, Metallic
4704NDIStaple, Fixation, Bone, Metallic
4705NDJScrew, Fixation, Bone, Non-Spinal, Metallic
4706NDKSystem, External Fixator (With Metallic Invasive Components)
4707NDLPin, Fixation, Smooth, Metallic
4708NDMPin, Fixation, Threaded, Metallic
4709NDNCement, Bone, Vertebroplasty
4710NGRTester, Stiffness, Cartilage, Arthroscopic
4711NJAAccessory, System, External Fixator, Containing Antimicrobial Agent
4712NJDProsthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Unicompartmental/Unicondylar, Uncemented, Porous-Coated, Metal/Polymer
4713NKBThoracolumbosacral Pedicle Screw System
4714NKGPosterior Cervical Screw System
4715NOVAnchor, Suture, Bone Fixation, Metallic
4716NPJProsthesis, Knee Patellofemorotibial, Partial, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Polymer/Metal/Polymer
4717NQPPosterior Metal/Polymer Spinal System, Fusion
4718NQWOrthosis, Spine, Plate, Laminoplasty, Metal
4719NUDVertebroplasty Compound, Calcium Based
4720NVCBone, Heterograft
4721NWNLaparoscopic Bone Anchor Urethropexy Instrument Kit
4722OARInjector, Vertebroplasty (Does Not Contain Cement)
4723OBLCement, Bone, Pre-Formed, Modular, Polymeric, Vertebroplasty
4724OBMCement, Bone, Vertebroplasty, Pre-Formed, Modular
4725OBTPlate, Bone, Growth Control, Pediatric, Epiphysiodesis
4726OCGProsthesis, Hip, Pelvifemoral Resurfacing, Metal/Polymer, Uncemented
4727OCJSpinal Channeling Instrument, Vertebroplasty
4728ODPIntervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Cervical
4729OISCalcium Salt Bone Void Filler, Drillable, Non-Screw Augmentation
4730OIYProsthesis, Knee, Patellofemorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Polymer + Additive/Metal/Polymer + Additive
4731OJBResorbable Spinal Intervertebral Body Fixation Orthosis - Plate
4732OJMResorbable Spinal Intervertebral Body Fixation Orthosis - Mesh
4733OOGKnee Arthroplasty Implantation System
4734OOLElectronic Depth Gauge
4735OQGHip Prosthesis, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Polymer, + Additive, Porous, Uncemented
4736OQHHip, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Polymer + Additive, Cemented
4737OQIHip, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Ceramic/Polymer + Additive, Porous Uncemented
4738OSHPedicle Screw Spinal System, Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
4739OSNSoftware For Diagnosis/Treatment
4740OURSacroiliac Joint Fixation
4741OVDIntervertebral Fusion Device With Integrated Fixation, Lumbar
4742OVEIntervertebral Fusion Device With Integrated Fixation, Cervical
4743OVZPin, Fixation, Resorbable, Hard Tissue
4744OWIBone Fixation Cerclage, Sublaminar
4745OYKAnkle Arthroplasty Implantation System
4746OZIInternal Hinged Elbow Fixator
4747PAOProsthesis, Shoulder, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Polymer + Additive, Cemented
4748PBFOrthopaedic Surgical Planning And Instrument Guides
4749PBIProsthesis, Hip, Constrained, Cemented Or Uncemented, Metal/Polymer, + Additive
4750PEKSpinous Process Plate
4751PHMIntervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Thoracic
4752PHQAnterior Staple As Supplemental Fixation For Fusion
4753PHXShoulder Prosthesis, Reverse Configuration
4754PKCProsthesis, Total Anatomic Shoulder, Uncemented Metaphyseal Humeral Stem With No Diaphyseal Incursion, Semi-Constrained
4755PLFBone Wedge
4756PLRSpinal Vertebral Body Replacement Device - Cervical
4757PLWAcetabular Cup Orientation System
4758PMLBone Cement, Posterior Screw Augmentation
4759PPQTranstibial Anterior Cruciate Ligament Kit
4760PPRSurgical Cannulaes & Depth Gauge Kit For Arthroscopic Procedures
4761PQCPedicle Screw Placement Guide
4762QACScrew Sleeve Bone Fixation Device
4763QADRod, Fixation, Intramedullary And Accessories, In-Vivo Cured, Light-Activated
4764QBOInstruments Designed For Press-Fit Osteochondral Implants
4765QFPIntraoperative Orthopedic Strain Sensor
4766QHEShoulder Arthroplasty Implantation System
4767QHGDefect Measurement Tool
4768QHQTotal Shoulder Arthroplasty System
4769HSZInstrument, Surgical, Orthopedic, Pneumatic Powered & Accessory/Attachment
4770HWEInstrument, Surgical, Orthopedic, Ac-Powered Motor And Accessory/Attachment
4771JDJMesh, Surgical, Acetabular, Hip, Prosthesis
4772JDKProsthesis, Hip, Cement Restrictor
4773KIJInstrument, Surgical, Orthopedic, Dc-Powered Motor And Accessory/Attachment
4774LXIGuide, Drill, Ligament
4775LZNCement Obturator
4776OJHOrthopedic Tray
4777OLCScaffold, Partial Medial Meniscal Defects Extending Into The Red/White Zone, Resorbable Bovine Collagen
4778PPPDisposable Joint Aspiration/Injection Kit
4779HTMStimulator, Osteogenesis, Electric, Battery-Operated, Invasive
4780HWFProsthesis, Ligament
4781LMLLigaments And Tendons, Synthetic
4782LMNCeramics, Calcium Triphosphate/Hydroxypatite, Non-Load Bearing Uses
4783LOEStimulator, Invasive Bone Growth
4784LOFStimulator, Bone Growth, Non-Invasive
4785LPFProsthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Ceramic/Ceramic, Cemented
4786LPQStimulator, Ultrasound And Muscle, For Use Other Than Applying Therapeutic Deep
4787LWAProsthesis, Ligament, Ptfe
4788LXCMonitor, Pressure, Intracompartmental
4789LXYProsthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Uncemented, Polymer/Metal/Polymer
4790LZJProsthesis, Toe (Metatarsophalangeal), Joint, Metal/Polymer, Semi-Constrained
4791MBDProsthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibial, Unconstrained, Uncemented, Porous, Coated, Polymer/Metal/Polymer
4792MBJFastener, Fixation, Biodegradable, Hard Tissue
4793MBSFiller, Bone Void, Non-Osteoinduction
4794MCVSpinal Pedicle Screw, Fixation, Appliance System
4795MDIProsthesis, Rib Replacement
4796MJOProsthesis, Intervertebral Disc
4797MJTProsthesis, Shoulder, Humeral (Bipolar Hemi-Shoulder) Metal/Polymer, Cemented Or Uncemented
4798MOZAcid, Hyaluronic, Intraarticular
4799MPKSemi-Constrained Metal/Polymer Finger Joint Prosthesis
4800MPWFiller, Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein, Collagen Scaffold, Osteoinduction
4801MQOProsthetic Disc Nucleus Device
4802MRAProsthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Ceramic/Ceramic/Metal, Cemented Or Uncemented
4803MRWSystem, Facet Screw Spinal Device
4804NBNGenerator, Shock-Wave, For Pain Relief
4805NCOImplant, Cartilage, For Articular Cartilage Repair
4806NEGFinger Semi-Constrained Pyrolytic Carbon Uncemented Prosthesis
4807NEKFiller, Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein, Collagen Scaffold With Metal Prosthesis, Osteoinduction
4808NJLProsthesis, Knee, Patellofemorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Polymer, Mobile Bearing
4809NOXFiller, Bone Void, Synthetic Peptide
4810NQOProsthesis, Spinous Process Spacer/Plate
4811NRAProsthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Unicompartmental, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Polymer, Mobile Bearing
4812NTGProsthesis, Ankle, Uncemented, Non-Constrained
4813NVRIntervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Solid-Sphere, Lumbar
4814NXTProsthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Metal, Resurfacing
4815OJZFiller, Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein, Collagen Scaffold, Osteoinduction - Hde
4816OKDFiller, Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein, Collagen Scaffold, Osteoinduction - Hde, Long Bone Nonunion
4817OMEExtracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment
4818OMXHigh Demand, Revision, Semi-Constrained, Pyrolytic Carbon, Uncemented Finger Prosthesis
4819OVOProsthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Ceramic-On-Metal Articulation
4820OYRFiller, Bone Void, Recombinant Platelet-Derived Growth Factor
4821PBUBone Void Filler, Syringe
4822PFMHemibridge System
4823PGMGrowing Rod System
4824PGNGrowing Rod System- Magnetic Actuation
4825PIXElbow Joint Metal/Polymer, Constrained, Porous Coated, Uncemented Prosthesis
4826PJYTransfemoral Percutaneous Prosthetic
4827PNWProsthesis, Metatarsophalangeal Joint Cartilage Replacement Implant
4828PWGSpinal Fixation System
4829QCGFiller, Bone Void, Calcium Compound, Lower Extremity Use, Use On Bone Marrow Lesions
4830QESReherniation Reduction Device
4831QGPPosterior Ratcheting Rod System
4832QHPVertebral Body Tethering System
4833GGHIron Stains
4834GHZSolution, Gugol Blue
4835GIATest, Leukocyte Peroxidase
4836HYBEosin Y
4837HYCFast Green
4838HYDFast Red Salt B
4839HYESolution, Fontanna Silver
4840HYFGiemsa Stain
4841HYGGlenner'S Stain
4842HYHGold Chloride
4843HYIIodine, Grams
4845HYKHematoxylin Harris'S
4846HYLHematoxylin Mayer'S
4847HYOHematoxylin Weigert'S
4848HYQIron Chloride-Weigert
4849HYRLeuco-Patent Blue
4850HYSLight Green
4851HYTLuxol Fast Blue
4852HYWStain, Trichrome, Mallory'S
4853HYYMetanil Yellow
4854HYZMethenamine Silver
4855HZAMethyl Green
4857HZDMuller'S Colloidal Iron
4858HZENile Blue
4859HZFNuclear Fast Red
4860HZGOil Red O
4861HZHOrange G
4862HZJStain, Papanicolau
4863HZLPhloxine B
4864HZMHematoxylin, Acid, Phosphotungstic
4865HZNPicro Methyl Blue
4866HZOStain, Ponceau
4868HZQRed-Violet Lb
4869HZRResorcin Fuchsin
4871HZTReagent, Schiff
4872HZXSilver Nitrate
4873HZYSirius Red
4874HZZSudan Black B
4875IAATitan Yellow
4876IABToluidine Blue
4877IACVan Gieson'S Stain
4878IADVan Gieson'S Picro-Fuchsin
4879IAEHematoxylin, Iron, Weigert'S
4880IAFWright'S Stain
4881ICCEosin B
4882ICDDarrow Red
4883ICFCrystal Violet For Histology
4884ICGCresyl Violet Acetate
4885ICHCongo Red
4886ICIHematoxylin, Chrome Alum
4887ICJCarbol Night Blue
4888ICLCarbol Fuchsin
4889ICMBrilliant Yellow
4890ICNBiebrich Scarlet
4891ICOBest'S Carmine
4892ICQAzure A
4893ICRAzocarmine B
4894ICSAzocarmine G
4895ICTAzan Counterstain
4897ICYAcid, Aniline, Fuchsin
4898ICZAmmoniacal Silver Hydroxide Silver Nitrate
4899IDAAlcian Blue
4900IDBAldehyde Fuchsin
4901IDCAcridine Orange
4902IDDAlizarin Red
4903IDEAcid, Hematein
4904IDFAcid, Fuchsin
4906JCIAcid Phosphatase, Cytochemical
4907KFCMethylene Blue, Tissue Stain
4908KFDAniline Blue
4909KFENeutral Red
4910KIPFormulations, Balanced Salt Solutions
4911KIQKit, Culture, Chromosome
4912KIRCells, Animal And Human, Cultured
4913KISSera, Animal And Human
4914KITMedia And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture
4915KIWKit, Mycoplasma Detection
4916KIXMedia, Mycoplasma Detection
4917KIYChamber, Slide Culture
4918KIZDish, Tissue Culture
4919KJAFlask, Tissue Culture
4920KJBApparatus, Roller
4921KJCBottle, Roller, Tissue Culture
4922KJDSpinner, Flask
4923KJESpinner System, Cell Culture
4924KJFSystem, Suspension, Cell Culture
4925KJHApparatus, Perfusion
4926KJKAuramine O
4927KJLAzure C
4928KJMBismarck Brown Y
4929KJNBrilliant Cresyl Blue
4930KJOBrilliant Green
4932KJQChlorazol Black E
4933KJRErythrosin B
4934KJSEthyl Eosin
4936KJWJanus Green B
4937KJXJenner Stain
4938KJYMalachite Green
4939KJZMartius Yellow
4940KKAMethyl Orange
4941KKBMethyl Violet 2b
4942KKCMethylene Violet
4944KKEOrange Ii
4946KKGProtargol S
4947KKHTablet, Resazurin
4948KKIRose Bengal
4949KKJSudan Iii
4950KKKSudan Iv
4952KKMMethylene Blue Thiocyanate
4953KKPSolution, Silver Carbonate
4954KKQSodium Periodate
4955KKRPotassium Periodate
4956KKSAcid, Periodic
4957KKTHematoxylin, Ehrlich'S
4958KKWBasic Fuchsin
4959KPBMedia And Components, Mycoplasma Detection
4960KQCStains, Hematology
4961LEDStains, Chemical Solution
4962LEEStains, Dye Solution
4963LEFStains, Dye Powder
4964LGYTrypan Blue
4965LNJAnalyzer, Chromosome, Automated
4966MXZImmunohistochemistry Assay, Antibody, Progesterone Receptor
4967MYAImmunohistochemistry Antibody Assay, Estrogen Receptor
4968NBKSystem, Test, (Ihc), Tumor Marker, Monitoring, Bladder Cancer
4969NJTImmunohistochemistry Reagents And Kits
4970NJWControl Material, Her-2/Neu, Immunohistochemistry
4971NKFImmunohistochemistry Antibody Assay, C-Kit
4972NOTMicroscope, Automated, Image Analysis, Operator Intervention
4973NPQTest, Factor V Leiden Mutations, Genomic Dna Pcr
4974NPRTest, Factor Ii G20210a Mutations, Genomic Dna Pcr
4975NQFImmunohistochemistry Assay, Antibody, Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
4976NQNMicroscope, Automated, Image Analysis, Immunohistochemistry,Operator Intervention,Nuclear Intensity & Percent Positivity
4977NTRImmunohistochemical Reagent, Antibody (Monoclonal Or Polyclonal) To P63 Protein In Nucleus Of Prostatic Basal Cells
4978OEOAutomated Digital Image Manual Interpretation Microscope
4979PDOEarly Growth Response Gene 1 (Egr1) Fish Probe Kit For Specimen Characterization
4980PFGDna Fish Probe Kit For Specimen Characterization, Human Chromosome, Hematological Disorders
4981PFKQuality Control For Molecular Immunohematology Tests
4982PHJSystem, Mass Spectrometry, Multiplex Genotyping, Hereditary Thrombophilia Related Mutations
4983DAAIgg, Peroxidase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
4984DEPLambda, Peroxidase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
4985DEYIgm, Peroxidase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
4986DFDKappa, Peroxidase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
4987DGHIgd, Peroxidase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
4988DGOIge, Peroxidase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
4989DHFD/Km-1, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
4991NQISystem, Immunomagnetic, Circulating Cancer Cell, Enumeration
4992NTHSystem, Automated Scanning Microscope And Image Analysis For Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (Fish) Assays
4993NTWSystem, Blood Collection, Rna Stabilization, Rna Purification, Rt-Pcr Molecular Diagnostic Test
4994NUASystem, Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator, Gene Mutation Detection
4995NYIClassifier, Prognostic, Recurrence Risk Assessment, Rna Gene Expression, Breast Cancer
4996OVQChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Fish Probe Kit
4997OWKEarly Growth Response 1 (Egr) Fish Probe Kit
4998OWMProstate-Specific Antigen (Psa) For Prognostic, Recurrence Risk Assessment Of Prostate Cancers
4999OXPDna-Probe Kit, Human Chromosome X And Y, Bmt Engraftment
5000OYUDna-Probe Kit, Human Chromosome
5001OZFTissue Rna Preservative For Collection, Storage, And Transportation
5002PFRSystem, Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Gene, Mutations & Variants Panel Sequencing Detection
5003PFSSystem, Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Gene, Variant Gene Sequence Detection
5004PFXSystem, Microarray-Based, Genome-Wide, Postnatal Chromosomal Abnormality Detection
5005PKBAutosomal Recessive Carrier Screening Gene Mutation Detection System
5006PZJLynch Syndrome Test System
5007OYXBcr/Abl1 Monitoring Test
5008PSUJak2 Gene Mutation Detection Test
5009QAZCancer Predisposition Risk Assessment System
5010QDIFish Based Detection Of Chromosomal Abnormalities From Patients With Hematologic Malignancies
5011HZIAcid, Osmic
5012IALIodine (Tincture)
5013IAMSolution, Lugol'S
5014IATSyrup, Gum, Apathy'S
5017IBAStreptolysin O
5020IBENeuramininase (Sialidase)
5023IBJLight, Microscope
5024IBKMicroscope, Fluorescence/U.V.
5025IBLMicroscope, Inverted Stage, Tissue Culture
5026IBMMicroscope, Phase Contrast
5027IDLMicrotome, Accessories
5028IDMMicrotome, Ultra
5029IDNMicrotome, Freezing Attachment
5030IDOMicrotome, Rotary
5031IDPMicrotome, Cryostat
5033IDROvens, Paraffin
5034IDSMelting Pot, Paraffin
5035IDTApparatus, Melting Point, Paraffin
5036IDWDispensers, Paraffin
5037IDXSieves, Tissue
5038IDYBath, Flotation, Tissue
5039IDZCassettes, Tissue
5040IEGTable, Slide Warming
5041IEHLamps, Slide Warming
5042IEOProcessor, Tissue, Automated
5043IERPolyethylene Glycol (Carbowax)
5047IFFSolution, Decalcifier, Electrolytic
5048IFHSolution, Zenker'S
5049IFISprays, Synthetic, Smear
5050IFJFixative, Richardson Glycol
5051IFLPolyethylene Glycol Preservative
5052IFNSolution, Orth'S
5053IFPFormalin, Neutral Buffered
5054IFQFormulations, Mercuric Chloride For Tissue
5057IFZGelatin For Specimen Adhesion
5058IGBSolution, Formalin-Sodium Acetate
5060IGDSolution, Formol Calcium
5061IGESolution, Formalin Ammonium Bromide
5062IGFSolution, Formalin-Alcohol-Acetic Acid
5063IGGFormaldehyde (Formalin, Formol)
5064IGMSolution, Carnoy'S
5065IGNFluid, Bouin'S
5066IHJBlender, Sputum
5068JCCPh Buffer
5069JCESolution, Isotonic
5070KDTContainer, Specimen Mailer And Storage, Sterile
5071KDWContainer, Specimen Mailer And Storage, Temperature Controlled, Sterile
5072KDXSolution, Decalcifier, Acid Containing
5073KDYAgent, Chelating For Decalcification
5074KDZDevice, Decalcifier, Electrolytic
5075KEEOsmium Tetroxide
5076KEGLamps, Microscope
5077KEHMicrometers, Microscope
5078KEICondensers, Microscope
5079KEJStages, Microscope
5080KELAdhesive, Albumin-Based
5081KEMAgent, Clearing
5082KEOFormulations, Paraffin, All
5083KEPMedia, Mounting, Oil Soluble
5084KEQMedia, Mounting, Water Soluble
5085KERContainer, Embedding
5086KESCoverslips, Microscope Slide
5087KETFilters, Cell Collection, Tissue Processing
5088KEWSlides, Microscope
5089KEYStainer, Tissue, Automated
5090KFLMicrotome, Sliding
5091KIMDevice For Sealing Microsections
5092KINSlide Stainer, Contact Type
5093KIOSlide Stainer, Immersion Type
5094KJGTube, Tissue Culture
5095KPASlide Stainer, Automated
5096LDWFixative, Acid Containing
5097LDXFixative, Metallic Containing
5098LDYFixative, Formalin-Containing
5099LDZFixative, Alcohol Containing
5100LEAPreservative, Cytological
5101LEBMounting Media
5102LECGrinder, Tissue
5103LIJPeroxidase Anti-Peroxidase Immunohistochemical Stain
5104MJISpecimen/Tissue, Identification Orientation
5105NNKContainer, Specimen Mailer And Storage, Non-Sterile
5106NNLContainer, Specimen Mailer And Storage, Temperature Controlled, Non-Sterile
5107PPMGeneral Purpose Reagent
5108PRBCervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (Cin) Test System
5109PSYWhole Slide Imaging System
5110PZMNext Generation Sequencing Based Tumor Profiling Test
5111PZZDigital Pathology Display
5112QDCDna-Based Test For Minimal Residual Disease For Hematologic Malignancies
5113QKQDigital Pathology Image Viewing And Management Software
5114MAODna-Probe, Human Chromosome
5115MKQProcessor, Cervical Cytology Slide, Automated
5116MNMReader, Cervical Cytology Slide, Automated
5117MTIKit, Cell Screening, Fetal
5118MVCSystem, Test, Her-2/Neu, Ihc
5119MVDSystem, Test, Her-2/Neu, Nucleic Acid Or Serum
5120NSDTest, Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (Fish), For Bladder Cancer Detection And Monitoring For Recurrence
5121NXGFluorescence In Situ Hybridization, Topoisomerase Ii Alpha, Gene Amplification And Deletion
5122OQSLaboratory Developed Test
5123OTUResearch Use Only/Pathology
5124OWEFluorescence In Situ Hybridization, Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase, Gene Rearrangement
5125PANBraf Mutation Kit
5126PDDInvestigational Use Only - Pathology
5127PFUTissue Processing Kit
5128PHPSystem, Colorectal Neoplasia, Dna Methylation And Hemoglobin Detection
5129PJGCancer-Related Germline Gene Mutation Detection System
5130PKWImmunohistochemistry Assay, Antibody, Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase
5131PLSImmunohistochemistry Assay, Antibody, Programmed Death-Ligand 1
5132PQPNext Generation Sequencing Oncology Panel, Somatic Or Germline Variant Detection System
5133QFISynthetic Next-Generation Sequencing Quality Control And Filler Material
5134QFKTumor Gene Profiling Test
5135GZCStimulator, Neuromuscular, Implanted
5136HSSHalter, Head, Traction
5137BXBExerciser, Powered
5138EGJDevice, Iontophoresis, Other Uses
5139HPHDiathermy, Microwave, For Use Other Than Applying Therapeutic Deep Heat
5140IKDCable, Electrode
5141IKETransducer, Miniature Pressure
5142IKKSystem, Isokinetic Testing And Evaluation
5143IKOHammer, Reflex, Powered
5145IKWUtensil, Homemaking
5146IKXAid, Transfer
5147IKZBed, Patient Rotation, Powered
5148ILCUtensil, Eating
5149ILDAdaptor, Dressing
5150ILESling, Arm, Overhead Supported
5151ILGStocking, Elastic
5152ILHSplint, Hand, And Components
5153ILISling, Arm
5154ILJBath, Hydro-Massage
5155ILKTransport, Patient, Powered
5156ILMBath, Sitz, Powered
5157ILOPack, Hot Or Cold, Water Circulating
5158ILPSystem, Communication, Non-Powered
5159ILQSystem, Communication, Powered
5160ILSAdaptor, Hygiene
5161ILTAdaptor, Recreational
5162ILWAdaptor, Grooming
5163ILXDiathermy, Shortwave, For Use Other Than Applying Therapeutic Deep Heat
5164ILYLamp, Infrared, Therapeutic Heating
5165ILZAccessories, Traction
5166IMAPack, Heat, Moist
5167IMBCabinet, Moist Steam
5168IMCBath, Paraffin
5169IMDPack, Hot Or Cold, Disposable
5170IMEPack, Hot Or Cold, Reusable
5171IMFUnit, Chilling
5172IMGStimulator, Ultrasound And Muscle, For Use In Applying Therapeutic Deep Heat
5173IMIUltrasonic Diathermy For Use In Applying Therapeutic Deep Heat
5174IMJDiathermy, Shortwave, For Use In Applying Therapeutic Deep Heat
5175IMKWheelchair, Stair Climbing
5176IMLArmrest, Wheelchair
5177IMMFootrest, Wheelchair
5178IMNClimber, Curb, Wheelchair
5179IMOHandrim, Wheelchair
5180IMPCushion, Wheelchair
5181IMQAttachment, Narrowing, Wheelchair
5182IMRDevice, Anti-Tip, Wheelchair
5183IMSSupport, Head And Trunk, Wheelchair
5184IMWBrake, Extension, Wheelchair
5185IMXBoard, Lap, Wheelchair
5186IMYArmboard, Wheelchair
5187IMZHolder, Crutch And Cane, Wheelchair
5188INAHill Holder, Wheelchair
5189INBAttachment, Commode, Wheelchair
5190INCCuff, Pusher, Wheelchair
5191INESling, Overhead Suspension, Wheelchair
5192INFScale, Platform, Wheelchair
5193INGElevator, Wheelchair, Portable
5194INIVehicle, Motorized 3-Wheeled
5195INKStretcher, Wheeled, Powered
5196INMChair, With Casters
5197INNChair, Adjustable, Mechanical
5198INOChair, Positioning, Electric
5199INPTips And Pads, Cane, Crutch And Walker
5200INQTable, Powered
5202INWTable, Mechanical
5203INXBed, Air Fluidized
5204INYBed, Patient Rotation, Manual
5205IOADiathermy, Microwave, For Use In Applying Therapeutic Deep Heat
5206IOBLamp, Infrared, Non Heating
5207IODComponents, Exercise
5208IOEBars, Parallel, Exercise
5209IOGTreadmill, Mechanical
5210IOLTreadmill, Powered
5211IONExerciser, Non-Measuring
5212IOQBed, Flotation Therapy, Powered
5213IORWheelchair, Mechanical
5214IOYSupport, Arm
5215IOZSplint, Abduction, Congenital Hip Dislocation
5216IPFStimulator, Muscle, Powered
5217IPGShoe, Cast
5218IPLWheelchair, Standup
5219IPMCover, Limb
5220IPOOrthosis, Pneumatic Structure, Rigid
5223IPTOrthosis, Thoracic
5224IPWOrthosis, Sacroiliac, Soft
5225IPXOrthosis, Rib Fracture, Soft
5226IPYOrthosis, Lumbo-Sacral
5227IQASystem, Environmental Control, Powered
5228IQBBelt, Wheelchair
5229IQCWheelchair, Special Grade
5230IQEOrthosis, Lumbar
5231IQFOrthosis, Cervical-Thoracic, Rigid
5232IQIOrthosis, Limb Brace
5233IQJSplint, Clavicle
5234IQKOrthosis, Cervical
5235IQMSplint, Temporary Training
5236IQODevice, Prosthesis Alignment
5237IQPRotator, Transverse
5238IQQJoint, Shoulder, External Limb Component
5239IQWHook, External Limb Component, Powered
5240IQXHook, External Limb Component, Mechanical
5241IQZHand, External Limb Component, Powered
5242IRAHand, External Limb Component, Mechanical
5243IRDJoint, Elbow, External Limb Component, Mechanical
5244IREJoint, Elbow, External Limb Component, Powered
5245IRNDevice, Warning, Overload, External Limb, Powered
5246IROVibrator, Therapeutic
5247IRPMassager, Powered Inflatable Tube
5248IRQUnit, Heating, Powered
5249IRRBars, Parallel, Powered
5250IRSHead Halter, Traction
5251IRTPad, Heating, Powered
5252ISAMassager, Therapeutic, Electric
5253ISBStimulator, Muscle, Diagnostic
5254ISDExerciser, Measuring
5255ISHComponent, External, Limb, Ankle/Foot
5256ISLJoint, Hip, External Limb Component
5257ISMPylon, Post Surgical
5259ISPValve, Prosthesis
5260ISRBand Or Belt, Pelvic Support
5261ISSProsthesis, Thigh Socket, External Component
5262ISWAssembly, Knee/Shank/Ankle/Foot, External
5263ISYJoint, Knee, External Limb Component
5264ISZUnit, Wrist, External Limb Component, Mechanical
5265ITCStirrup, External Brace Component
5266ITGBandage, Cast
5267ITHEquipment, Traction, Powered
5268ITIWheelchair, Powered
5269ITJWalker, Mechanical
5270ITMCage, Knee
5271ITNSplint, Denis Brown
5272ITOTwister, Brace Setting
5273ITQJoint, Knee, External Brace
5274ITSJoint, Hip, External Brace
5275ITWJoint, Ankle, External Brace
5276JFAExerciser, Finger, Powered
5277JFBTable, Physical Therapy, Multi Function
5278JFCSystem, Pressure Measurement, Intermittent
5279KFTAssembly, Shoulder/Elbow/Forearm/Wrist/Hand, Mechanical
5280KFWAssembly, Shoulder/Elbow/Forearm/Wrist/Hand, Powered
5281KFXAssembly, Thigh/Knee/Shank/Ankle/Foot, External
5282KGHUnit, Wrist, External Limb Component, Powered
5283KHXPlatform, Force-Measuring
5284KHYCane, Safety Walk
5285KICCushion, Flotation
5286KIDRestraint, Wheelchair, Non-Protective
5287KNLBoard, Scooter, Prone
5288KNMDevice, Pressure Applying
5289KNNComponents, Wheelchair
5290KNOAccessories, Wheelchair
5291KNPOrthosis, Corrective Shoe
5292KTBDevice, Iontophoresis, Specific Uses
5293KTCBath, Sitz, Nonpowered
5294KTDOrthosis, Abdominal
5295LBEStroller, Adaptive
5296LBGDevice, Fluidized Therapy, Dry Heat
5297LFFUnit, Activation, Breath Control
5298LSBUnit, Fluidotherapy
5299LXFDiathermy, Ultrasonic, For Use Other Than Applying Therapeutic Deep Heat
5300LXJInteractive Rehabilitation Exercise Devices
5301LYGMassager, Therapeutic, Manual
5302MNEOrthosis, Moldable, Supportive, Skin Protective
5303MOCCushion, Flotation, Therapeutic
5304MPOInfant Heel Warmer (Chemical Heat Pack)
5305MRIOrthosis, Truncal/Orthosis, Limb
5306NDAHelmet, Cranial, For Protective Use
5307NGXStimulator, Muscle, Powered, For Muscle Conditioning
5308NHFMonitor, Orthotic/Prosthetic
5309NHNPowered Light Based Laser Non-Thermal Instrument With Non-Heating Effect For Adjunctive Use In Pain Therapy
5310NJBOrthosis, Truncal, For Dysmenorrhea
5311NXEWalker, Mechanical, Poly Vinyl Chloride (Pvc)
5312NYYStimulator, Muscle, Powered, With Limited Output, For Rehabilitation
5313NYZStimulator, Muscle, Powered, With Limited Output, For Muscle Conditioning
5314OALExercise Equipment, Powered, Emg-Triggered
5315OHIOrthosis, Foot Drop
5316OMWAdhesive Backed Thermal Skin Patches
5317OSDMassager, Therapeutic, To Internally Massage Trigger Points In The Pelvic Floor Musculature
5318PAEUpper Extremity Prosthesis With Multiple Simultaneous Degrees Of Freedom And Controlled Via Cutaneous Electromyography
5319PCDPowered Stairway Chair Lift
5320PCEPermanently Mounted Wheelchair Platform Lift
5321PFWStationary Ultrasonic Diathermy Device For Use In Applying Therapeutic Deep Heat
5322PHWCold Pack And Vibrating Massager
5323PKSExerciser, Non-Measuring For Stroke Rehabilitation
5324PMVOrthosis, Limb, For Back Pain
5325PQYNonthermal Shortwave Therapy Device Indicated For Over The Counter Use For The Treatment Of Pain
5326QDTShoe With Adjustable Sole Units
5327LDKDevice, Sensing, Optical Contour
5328LWBStimulator, Functional Neuromuscular, Scoliosis
5329LXMManipulator, Plunger-Like Joint
5330LZWMonitor, Spine Curvature
5331MBQPeripheral Electromagnetic Field (Pemf) To Aid Wound Healing
5332MLXPad, Medicated, Adhesive, Non-Electric
5333MLYRefrigerant, Topical (Vapocoolant)
5335EAHCone, Radiographic, Lead-Lined
5336EAPUnit, X-Ray, Intraoral
5337EHBCollimator, X-Ray
5338EHDUnit, X-Ray, Extraoral With Timer
5339MUHSystem, X-Ray, Extraoral Source, Digital
5340FCDBarium Enema Kit
5341IYMSystem, Telethermographic, Infrared
5342KXZSystem, Thermographic, Liquid Crystal, Powered (Adjunctive Use)
5343KYASystem, Thermographic, Liquid Crystal, Nonpowered (Adjunctive Use)
5344LHMSystem, Thermographic, Liquid Crystal
5345LHPSystem, Telethermographic (Sole Diagnostic Screen)
5346LHQSystem, Telethermographic (Adjunctive Use)
5347LHRSystem, Thermographic, Liquid Crystal (Sole Diagnostic Screen)
5348LXEDoppler, Fetal, Ultrasound
5349MAAMonitor, Fetal Doppler Ultrasound
5350EAJApron, Leaded
5351EAKScreen, Leaded, Operator Radiation Protector
5352EAMScreen, Intensifying, Radiographic
5353EGTController, Temperature, Radiographic
5354EGWDryer, Film, Radiographic
5355EGYProcessor, Radiographic-Film, Automatic, Dental
5356HBKChair, Pneumoencephalographic
5357ITXTransducer, Ultrasonic, Diagnostic
5358ITYAssembly, Tube Housing, X-Ray, Diagnostic
5359ITZAssembly, Tube Housing, X-Ray, Therapeutic
5360IWASource, Wire, Iridium, Radioactive
5361IWBSystem, Radiation Therapy, Radionuclide
5362IWDDevice, Beam Limiting, Teletherapy, Radionuclide
5363IWEMonitor, Patient Position, Light-Beam
5364IWFNeedle, Isotope, Gold, Titanium, Platinum
5365IWGSeed, Isotope, Gold, Titanium, Platinum
5366IWHSource, Teletherapy, Radionuclide
5367IWISource, Isotope, Sealed, Gold, Titanium, Platinum
5368IWJSystem, Applicator, Radionuclide, Manual
5369IWKCyclotron, Medical
5370IWLSystem, Radiation Therapy, Neutron, Medical
5371IWMSynchrotron, Medical
5372IWNCassette, Measurement, Ardran-Crooks
5373IWOApron, Protective
5374IWPRadiographic Protective Glove
5375IWQCurtain, Protective, Radiographic
5376IWRHolder, Syringe, Lead
5377IWSShield, Eye, Radiological
5378IWTShield, Gonadal
5379IWWShield, Vial
5380IWXBarrier, Control Panel, X-Ray, Movable
5381IWYHolder, Head, Radiographic
5382IWZFilm, Radiographic
5383IXACassette, Radiographic Film
5384IXCIlluminator, Radiographic-Film
5385IXDSource, Calibration, Sealed, Nuclear
5386IXFTest-Pattern, Radiographic
5387IXGPhantom, Anthropomorphic, Radiographic
5388IXHCamera, Focal Spot, Radiographic
5389IXIBlock, Beam-Shaping, Radiation Therapy
5390IXJGrid, Radiographic
5391IXKSystem, Imaging, X-Ray, Electrostatic
5392IXLDevice, Spot-Film
5393IXOSynchronizer, Ecg / Respirator, Radiographic
5394IXQTable, Radiographic, Stationary Top
5395IXRTable, Radiographic, Tilting
5396IXWProcessor, Radiographic-Film, Automatic
5397IXXProcessor, Cine Film
5398IXYHolder, Radiographic Cassette, Wall-Mounted
5399IYBTube Mount, X-Ray, Diagnostic
5400IYCGenerator, Orthovoltage, Therapeutic X-Ray
5401IYDGenerator, Low Voltage, Therapeutic X-Ray
5402IYEAccelerator, Linear, Medical
5403IYGBetatron, Medical
5404IYHGenerator, Dermatological (Grenz Ray), Therapeutic X-Ray
5405IYICollimator, Orthovoltage, Therapeutic X-Ray
5406IYJCollimator, Low Voltage, Therapeutic X-Ray
5407IYKCollimator, High Voltage, Therapeutic X-Ray
5408IYLCollimator, Dermatological, Therapeutic X-Ray
5409IYNSystem, Imaging, Pulsed Doppler, Ultrasonic
5410IYOSystem, Imaging, Pulsed Echo, Ultrasonic
5411IYPPhantom, Anthropomorphic, Nuclear
5412IYQPhantom, Flood Source, Nuclear
5413IYTSystem, Rebreathing, Radionuclide
5414IYWScanner, Rectilinear, Nuclear
5415IYXCamera, Scintillation (Gamma)
5416IYYSynchronizer, Electrocardiograph, Nuclear
5417IYZBed, Scanning, Nuclear
5418IZCCamera, Positron
5419IZDProbe, Uptake, Nuclear
5420IZFSystem, X-Ray, Tomographic
5421IZGSystem, X-Ray, Photofluorographic
5422IZHSystem, X-Ray, Mammographic
5423IZISystem, X-Ray, Angiographic
5424IZJCamera, X-Ray, Fluorographic, Cine Or Spot
5425IZLSystem, X-Ray, Mobile
5426IZOGenerator, High-Voltage, X-Ray, Diagnostic
5427IZPProgrammer, Changer, Film/Cassette, Radiographic
5428IZSAperture, Radiographic
5429IZTCone, Radiographic
5430IZWCollimator, Automatic, Radiographic
5431IZXCollimator, Manual, Radiographic
5432IZZTable, Radiographic, Non-Tilting, Powered
5433JAASystem, X-Ray, Fluoroscopic, Image-Intensified
5434JABSystem, X-Ray, Fluoroscopic, Non-Image-Intensified
5435JACSystem, X-Ray, Film Marking, Radiographic
5436JADSystem, Therapeutic, X-Ray
5437JAEMicrotron, Medical
5438JAFMonitor, Ultrasonic, Nonfetal
5439JAGIlluminator, Radiographic-Film, Explosion-Proof
5440JAICouch, Radiation Therapy, Powered
5441JAKSystem, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed
5442JAMScanner, Whole Body, Nuclear
5443JANCounter, Whole Body, Nuclear
5444JAOScanner, Fluorescent
5445JAQSystem, Applicator, Radionuclide, Remote-Controlled
5446JARPhantom, Test-Pattern, Radionuclide
5447JWMSystem, Tomographic, Nuclear
5448KGIDensitometer, Bone
5449KPQSystem, Simulation, Radiation Therapy
5450KPRSystem, X-Ray, Stationary
5451KPSSystem, Tomography, Computed, Emission
5452KPTCalibrator, Dose, Radionuclide
5453KPWDevice, Beam Limiting, X-Ray, Diagnostic
5454KPXChanger, Radiographic Film/Cassette
5455KPYShield, Protective, Personnel
5456KPZGenerator, High Voltage, X-Ray, Therapeutic
5457KQADevice, Beam Limiting, X-Ray, Therapeutic
5458KXHCradle, Patient, Radiologic
5459KXJTable, Radiologic
5460KXKSource, Brachytherapy, Radionuclide
5461LEKTransilluminator (Diaphanoscope)
5462LHNSystem, Radiation Therapy, Charged-Particle, Medical
5463LHOInstrument, Quality-Assurance, Radiologic
5464LLZSystem, Image Processing, Radiological
5465LMADigitizer, Image, Radiological
5466LMBDevice, Digital Image Storage, Radiological
5467LMCCamera, Multi Format, Radiological
5468LMDSystem, Digital Image Communications, Radiological
5469LNHSystem, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging
5470LNISystem, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic
5471LQAMedia, Reusable Image
5472MOSCoil, Magnetic Resonance, Specialty
5473MQBSolid State X-Ray Imager (Flat Panel/Digital Imager)
5474MUABone Sonometer
5475MUEFull Field Digital, System, X-Ray, Mammographic
5476MUIMedia, Coupling, Ultrasound
5477MUJSystem, Planning, Radiation Therapy Treatment
5478MWPCabinet, X-Ray System
5479MWWAccessory - Film Dosimetry System
5480MYNAnalyzer, Medical Image
5481NCSSystem, Imaging, Holography, Acoustic
5482NMPNeedle, Isotope, Reprocessed
5483NWEColon Computed Tomography System, Computer Aided Detection
5484NZTDosimeter, Ionizing Radiation, Implanted
5485OASX-Ray, Tomography, Computed, Dental
5486OEBLung Computed Tomography System, Computer-Aided Detection
5487OIIArthrogram Tray
5488OIJBiopsy Needle Guide Kit
5489OIKRadiology Dental Tray
5490OILDiscography Kit
5491OIMMri Disposable Kit
5492OINProstate Seeding Kit
5493OIORadiographic Contrast Tray
5494OIPRadiology-Diagnostic Kit
5495OMJChest X-Ray Computer Aided Detection
5496ONLConformal Brachytherapy Source
5497OQQDiagnostic Ultrasonic Transducer, Robotic
5498OUOTomographic Imager Combining Emission Computed Tomography With Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
5499OVBHydrogel Spacer
5500OWBInterventional Fluoroscopic X-Ray System
5501OXOImage-Intensified Fluoroscopic X-Ray System, Mobile
5502PCSLiver Iron Concentration Imaging Companion Diagnostic For Deferasirox
5503PCTProstate Immobilizer Rectal Balloon
5504PDKCream For X-Ray Attenuation
5505PGYDisplay, Diagnostic Radiology
5506POKComputer-Assisted Diagnostic Software For Lesions Suspicious For Cancer
5507QASRadiological Computer-Assisted Triage And Notification Software
5508QBSRadiological Computer Assisted Detection/Diagnosis Software For Fracture
5509QDQRadiological Computer Assisted Detection/Diagnosis Software For Lesions Suspicious For Cancer
5510QFMRadiological Computer-Assisted Prioritization Software For Lesions
5511QHAX-Ray Angiographic Imaging Based Coronary Vascular Simulation Software Device
5512QHXFluoroscopic X-Ray Image Intensifier
5513QHYSolid State Fluoroscopic X-Ray Imager
5514QIHAutomated Radiological Image Processing Software
5515QJUImage Acquisition And/Or Optimization Guided By Artificial Intelligence
5516QKBRadiological Image Processing Software For Radiation Therapy
5517RCCC-Arm Fluoroscopic X-Ray System
5518RGCX-Ray Field Indicator Light (Laser)
5519KTAMedium, Contrast, Radiologic
5520LMZApplicator, Hyperthermia, Interstitial
5521LNBApplicator, Hyperthermia, Deep Heating, Ultrasound
5522LNCApplicator, Hyperthermia, Superficial, Rf/Microwave
5523LOCSystem, Rf/Microwave Hyperthermia, Cancer Treatment
5524LSYUltrasound, Hyperthermia, Cancer Treatment
5525MJSContrast Media, Ultrasound
5526MOTIrradiator, Blood To Prevent Graft Versus Host Disease
5527NANTester, Acoustic, Bone Quality
5528NAWMicrospheres Radionuclide
5529NCLImager, Breast, Electrical Impedance
5530OLQCross-Sectional Mammographic Xray System
5531OTEDigital Breast Tomosynthesis
5532PAAAutomated Breast Ultrasound
5533PDTBurn Resuscitation Decision Support Software
5534MIBElastomer, Silicone Block
5535MICImplant, Muscle, Pectoralis
5536EXMTruss, Umbilical
5537EYNTray, Irrigation, Sterile
5538FBQTrocar, Gastro-Urology
5539FDPApparatus, Pneumoperitoneum, Automatic
5541GCHMediastinoscope, Diagnostic
5542GCILaryngoscope, Endoscope
5543GCJLaparoscope, General & Plastic Surgery
5544MFJDevice, Endoscopic Suturing
5545NAYSystem, Surgical, Computer Controlled Instrument
5546NEQDevice, Telemedicine, Robotic
5547NGUBalloon, Liver Tamponade
5548OEJTransurethral Electrosurgical Unit, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
5549OEKWater-Induced Thermotherapy System, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
5550OTJLaparoscopic Single Port Access Device
5551OWNConfocal Optical Imaging
5552QGYMobile / Tablet Software Application To Control Settings Of Surgical And Endoscopic Camera
5553FPXStrip, Adhesive, Closure, Skin
5554FPYSheet, Burn
5555KGXTape And Bandage, Adhesive
5556KMFBandage, Liquid
5557LRSI.V. Start Kit
5558LWHCounter, Sponge, Surgical
5559MCYWound Dressing Kit
5560MHWDressing, Compression
5561NECBandage, Liquid, Skin Protectant
5562OXQDressing Change Tray
5563PBZImage Processing Device For Estimation Of External Blood Loss
5564PYOTape And Bandage, Adhesive, Adjustable Closing Mechanism, Otc Use
5565OEWTracking, Soft Tissue, Intraoperative
5566ONAComputer Assisted Hair Harvesting System
5567NZYLight, Lymphedema Reduction, Low Energy
5568OAPLaser, Comb, Hair
5569OZCOver The Counter Thermal Treatment For Acne.
5570NQQSystem, Imaging, Optical Coherence Tomography (Oct)
5571POYPost Breast Biopsy Hemostatic Breast Compression Device
5572BTAPump, Portable, Aspiration (Manual Or Powered)
5573BTXBoard, Arm (With Cover), Sterile
5574BWAUnit, Electrosurgical And Coagulation, With Accessories
5575BWNTable And Attachments, Operating-Room
5576BWPShoe And Shoe Cover, Conductive
5577DWGElectrosurgical Device
5578DWHBlade, Saw, Surgical, Cardiovascular
5579DWISaw, Electrically Powered
5580DWONeedle, Biopsy, Cardiovascular
5581EMFKnife, Surgical
5582EPTMicroscope, Surgical
5583EPWSupport, Head, Surgical, Ent
5584EPYSpeculum, Ent
5585ESFPolymer, Composite Synthetic Ptfe With Carbon-Fiber, Ent
5586EYRTourniquet, Gastro-Urology
5587EZXMesh, Surgical, Metal
5588FAZSystem, Cryosurgical, Liquid Nitrogen, For Urology
5589FGYCannula, Injection
5590FHMApparatus, Suturing, Stomach And Intestinal
5591FHRNeedle, Gastro-Urology
5592FMKLancet, Blood
5593FNWPad, Kelly
5594FQOTable, Operating-Room, Ac-Powered
5595FQPLamp, Operating-Room
5596FSETable, Operating-Room, Manual
5597FSHTray, Surgical, Needle
5598FSMTray, Surgical, Instrument
5599FSOMicroscope, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
5600FSPLoupe, Diagnostic/Surgical
5601FSQLight, Surgical, Instrument
5602FSSLight, Surgical, Floor Standing
5603FSTLight, Surgical, Fiberoptic
5604FSWLight, Surgical, Endoscopic
5605FSXLight, Surgical, Connector
5606FSYLight, Surgical, Ceiling Mounted
5607FSZLight, Surgical, Carrier
5608FTALight, Surgical, Accessories
5609FTCLight, Ultraviolet, Dermatological
5610FTDLamp, Surgical
5611FTFIlluminator, Non-Remote
5612FTGIlluminator, Remote
5613FTHCamera, Still, Microsurgical
5614FTLMesh, Surgical, Polymeric
5615FTMMesh, Surgical
5616FTNPlastic Surgery And Accessories Kit
5617FTRProsthesis, Breast, Noninflatable, Internal, Silicone Gel-Filled
5618FTSCamera, Cine, Endoscopic, With Audio
5619FTTCamera, Still, Surgical
5620FTXMirror, General & Plastic Surgery
5621FTYTape, Measuring, Rulers And Calipers
5622FWBCamera, Television, Surgical, Without Audio
5623FWCCamera, Television, Surgical, With Audio
5624FWDCamera, Television, Microsurgical, Without Audio
5625FWECamera, Television, Microsurgical, With Audio
5626FWFCamera, Television, Endoscopic, Without Audio
5627FWGCamera, Television, Endoscopic, With Audio
5628FWHCamera, Cine, Surgical, Without Audio
5629FWICamera, Cine, Surgical, With Audio
5630FWJCamera, Cine, Microsurgical, Without Audio
5631FWKCamera, Cine, Microsurgical, With Audio
5632FWLCamera, Cine, Endoscopic, Without Audio
5633FWMProsthesis, Breast, Inflatable, Internal, Saline
5634FWPProsthesis, Chin, Internal
5635FWWTable, Operating-Room, Pneumatic
5636FWXTable, Operating-Room, Mechanical
5637FWYTable, Operating-Room, Non-Electrical
5638FWZOperating Room Accessories Table Tray
5639FXESpeculum, Non-Illuminated
5640FXFSpeculum, Illuminated
5641FXGSpecula Accessories
5642FXMCamera, Still, Endoscopic
5643FXNTape, Camera, Surgical
5644FXQLens, Camera, Surgical
5645FXRHolder, Camera, Surgical
5646FXSFrame, Camera, Surgical
5647FXTFilm, Camera, Surgical
5648FXWShoes, Operating-Room
5649FYEDress, Surgical
5650FYFCap, Surgical
5651FYIAppliance, Facial Fracture, External
5652FZDProsthesis, Ear, Internal
5653FZEProsthesis, Nose, Internal
5654FZFSplint, Extremity, Inflatable, External
5655FZGApparatus, Air Handling, Bench
5656FZHApparatus, Air Handling, Room
5657FZIApparatus, Air Handling, Enclosure
5658FZKChair, Surgical, Non-Electrical
5659FZMStool, Operating-Room
5660FZOChisel, Surgical, Manual
5661FZPClip, Implantable
5662FZQClip, Removable (Skin)
5663FZRContractor, Surgical
5664FZSCurette, Surgical, General Use
5665FZTCutter, Surgical
5666FZWExpander, Surgical, Skin Graft
5667FZXGuide, Surgical, Instrument
5668FZYHammer, Surgical
5669FZZMarker, Skin
5670GAANeedle, Aspiration And Injection, Disposable
5671GABNeedle, Suturing, Disposable
5672GACRasp, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
5674GAESnare, Surgical
5675GAFSpatula, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
5676GAGStapler, Surgical
5677GAHStylet, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
5678GAIStripper, Vein, Reusable
5679GAJStripper, Vein, Disposable
5680GAKSuture, Absorbable
5681GALSuture, Absorbable, Natural
5682GAMSuture, Absorbable, Synthetic, Polyglycolic Acid
5683GANSuture, Absorbable, Synthetic
5684GAOSuture, Nonabsorbable
5685GAPSuture, Nonabsorbable, Silk
5686GAQSuture, Nonabsorbable, Steel, Monofilament And Multifilament, Sterile
5687GARSuture, Nonabsorbable, Synthetic, Polyamide
5688GASSuture, Nonabsorbable, Synthetic, Polyester
5689GATSuture, Nonabsorbable, Synthetic, Polyethylene
5690GAWSuture, Nonabsorbable, Synthetic, Polypropylene
5691GAXTourniquet, Nonpneumatic
5692GBACatheter, Balloon Type
5693GBBChair, Surgical, Ac-Powered
5694GBCLamp, Surgical, Incandescent
5695GBIMaterial, External Aesthetic Restoration, Used With Adhesive
5696GBJProsthesis, Adhesive, External
5697GBNCatheter, Pediatric, General & Plastic Surgery
5698GBOCatheter, Nephrostomy, General & Plastic Surgery
5699GBPCatheter, Multiple Lumen
5700GBQCatheter, Continuous Irrigation
5701GBSCatheter, Ventricular, General & Plastic Surgery
5702GBWCatheter, Peritoneal
5703GBXCatheter, Irrigation
5704GBYCatheter, Eustachian, General & Plastic Surgery
5705GBZCatheter, Cholangiography
5706GCBNeedle, Catheter
5707GCCDilator, Catheter
5708GCDConnector, Catheter
5709GCEAdaptor, Catheter
5710GCYApparatus, Suction, Single Patient Use, Portable, Nonpowered
5711GCZRetainer, Surgical
5712GDCTable, Operating-Room, Electrical
5713GDFGuide, Needle, Surgical
5714GDGHook, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
5715GDHGouge, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
5716GDIDissector, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
5717GDJClamp, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
5718GDLNeedle, Suturing, Reusable
5719GDMNeedle, Aspiration And Injection, Reusable
5720GDNKnife, Amputation
5721GDOApplier, Surgical, Clip
5722GDRSaw, Manual And Accessories
5723GDTStaple, Removable (Skin)
5724GDWStaple, Implantable
5725GDXScalpel, One-Piece
5726GDYGauze/Sponge, Internal, X-Ray Detectable
5727GDZHandle, Scalpel
5728GEACannula, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
5729GECBrush, Scrub, Operating-Room
5730GEDBrush, Dermabrasion, Manual
5731GEEBrush, Biopsy, General & Plastic Surgery
5732GEFApplier, Staple, Surgical,
5733GEGElevator, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
5734GEHUnit, Cryosurgical, Accessories
5735GEIElectrosurgical, Cutting & Coagulation & Accessories
5736GEJCarrier, Ligature
5737GENForceps, General & Plastic Surgery
5738GEOFile, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
5739GESBlade, Scalpel
5740GETMotor, Surgical Instrument, Pneumatic Powered
5741GEXPowered Laser Surgical Instrument
5742GEYMotor, Surgical Instrument, Ac-Powered
5743GFABlade, Saw, General & Plastic Surgery, Surgical
5744GFBHead, Surgical, Hammer
5745GFCDriver, Surgical, Pin
5747GFEBrush, Dermabrasion, Powered
5748GFFBur, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
5749GFGBit, Surgical
5750GFIOsteotome, Manual
5751GFJMallet, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
5752HABSaw, Powered, And Accessories
5753HAMApparatus, Electrosurgical
5754HBIIlluminator, Fiberoptic, Surgical Field
5755HBTApplier, Hemostatic Clip
5756HCFInstrument, Ligature Passing And Knot Tying
5757HJELamp, Fluorescein, Ac-Powered
5758HMPPad, Eye
5759HRBMicroscope, Operating, Non-Electric, Ophthalmic
5760HRMMicroscope, Operating & Accessories, Ac-Powered, Ophthalmic
5763HTCPliers, Surgical
5768HTZInstrument, Cutting, Orthopedic
5772HXRSpatula, Orthopedic
5773HXTTape, Orthopedic
5774HYAForceps, Wire Holding
5775JCQProsthesis, Esophagus
5776JCXApparatus, Suction, Ward Use, Portable, Ac-Powered
5777JCYCatheter, Infusion
5778JEATable, Surgical With Orthopedic Accessories, Ac-Powered
5779JEBTable, Surgical With Orthopedic Accessories, Manual
5780JOSElectrode, Electrosurgical
5781JOTElectrode, Gel, Electrosurgical
5782JYCCannula, Ear
5783JYDChisel, Mastoid
5784JYKHolder, Ear Speculum
5785KAGHolder, Speculum, Ent
5786KAMCannula, Sinus
5787KANChisel, Nasal
5788KCECannulae, Bronchial
5789KCWEpilator, High Frequency, Needle-Type
5790KCXEpilator, High Frequency, Tweezer-Type
5791KCYTourniquet, Pneumatic
5792KCZProsthesis, Breast, External, Used With Adhesive
5793KDAProsthesis, Ptfe/Carbon-Fiber
5794KDCInstrument, Surgical, Disposable
5795KDDKit, Surgical Instrument, Disposable
5796KDGChisel (Osteotome)
5797KFKSaw, Pneumatically Powered
5798KGLCabinet, Phototherapy (Puva)
5799KGSRetention Device, Suture
5800KGWRing (Wound Protector), Drape Retention, Internal
5801KGYBag, Intestine
5802KGZAccessories, Catheter
5803KIKHook, Bone
5804KKYMaterial, Polytetrafluoroethylene Vitreous Carbon, For Maxillofacial Reconstruction
5805KOXSolvent, Adhesive Tape
5806KOYDegreaser, Skin, Surgical
5807KOZBeads, Hydrophilic, For Wound Exudate Absorption
5808KPJChamber, Oxygen, Topical, Extremity
5809KQMCamera, Surgical And Accessories
5810LEJBooth, Sun Tan
5811LMFAgent, Absorbable Hemostatic, Collagen Based
5812LMGAgent, Absorbable Hemostatic, Non-Collagen Based
5813LROGeneral Surgery Tray
5814LRPTray, Surgical
5815LRWScissors, General, Surgical
5816LRYPunch, Surgical
5817LRZScrewdriver, Surgical
5818LSAVise, Bench, Surgical
5819LWGSurgical Table Cushion
5820LWKRazor, Surgical
5821LXKScrapper, Skin Specimen
5822LXZGuard, Instrument
5823LYVLabel Or Tag, Sterile
5824LZKImplant, Malar
5825LZMGuard, Skin Graft
5826MCATape, Surgical, Internal
5827MCHClip, Hemostatic
5828MCZSuture Removal Kit
5829MDAElastomer, Silicone, For Scar Management
5830MDMInstrument, Manual, Surgical, General Use
5831MGOClosure, Wound, Adhesive
5832MIJNeedle, Tumor Localization
5833MJGDevice, Percutaneous, Biopsy
5834MKYSystem, Skin Closure
5835MNFImplant, Temporal
5836MOQBattery, Replacement, Rechargeable
5837MPNTissue Adhesive For The Topical Approximation Of Skin
5838MULGenerator, Electrosurgical, Coagulation, Cancer
5839MUUSystem, Suction, Lipoplasty
5840MVRDevice, Anastomotic, Microvascular
5841MWYSystem, Microwave, Hair Removal
5842MXGLamp, Uvc, (For Treating Skin And Wounds)
5843MXWSuture, Surgical, Nonabsorbable, Poly (Vinylidene Fluoride)
5844NABGauze / Sponge,Nonresorbable For External Use
5845NACDressing, Wound, Hydrophilic
5846NADDressing, Wound, Occlusive
5847NAEDressing, Wound, Hydrogel Without Drug And/Or Biologic
5848NBYSuture, Surgical, Nonabsorbable, Expanded, Polytetraflouroethylene
5849NCAClip, Implantable, For Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (Cabg)
5850NEHAnchor, Fascial
5851NEUMarker, Radiographic, Implantable
5852NEWSuture, Surgical, Absorbable, Polydioxanone
5853NEYSystem, Ablation, Microwave And Accessories
5854NJCClip, Vas Deferens
5855NJUSuture, Nonabsorbable, Nitinol
5856NJZExtractor, Vein
5857NLKNeedle, Biopsy, Cardiovascular, Reprocessed
5858NLLStaple, Implantable, Reprocessed
5859NMJClip, Implantable, Reprocessed
5860NMTNeedle, Catheter, Reprocessed
5861NMUNeedle, Gastro-Urology, Reprocessed
5862NNABiopsy Device, Percutaneous, Reprocessed
5863NNCNeedle, Aspiration And Needle, Reprocessed
5864NOCSplint, Extremity, Non-Inflatable, External, Non-Sterile
5865NODBoard, Arm (With Cover), Non-Sterile
5866NOJProsthesis, Breast, External, No Adhesive
5867NOKMaterial, External Aesthetic Restoration, No Adhesive
5868NRBWound Cleaner, Ultrasound
5869NRJUltrasound, Skin Permeation
5870NTBSystem, Ablation, Ultrasound And Accessories
5871NUJElectrosurgical, Cutting & Coagulation Accessories, Laparoscopic & Endoscopic, Reprocessed
5872NUVMassager, Vacuum, Light Induced Heating
5873NVHSuture, Knot, Mechanical
5874NVJApplicator, Transurethral, Radio Frequency, For Stress Urinary Incontinence In Women
5875NWAProsthesis, Tracheal, Preformed/Molded
5876NWFDrill, Battery Powered, Subungual Hematoma
5877NWJSuture, Recombinant Technology
5878NXFGas, Laser Generating
5879NYSWound Dressing With Poly(Diallyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride)(Pdadmac)
5880NYTProsthesis, Tracheal, Expandable, Polymeric
5881OABLow Energy Direct Current Thermal Ablation System
5882ODRElectrosurgical Patient Return Electrode
5883ODUFacial Implant
5884OEIDrainage Catheter With Antibiotic
5885OELLaser, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
5886OHOFirst Aid Kit Without Drug
5887OHSLight Based Over The Counter Wrinkle Reduction
5888OHTLight Based Over-The-Counter Hair Removal
5889OHVFocused Ultrasound For Tissue Heat Or Mechanical Cellular Disruption
5890OJJBurn Kit Without Drug
5891OJRVacuum Powered Body Fluid Collection Kit
5892OJSTourniquet Kit
5893OJTAspiration Tray
5894OJUSkin Prep Tray
5895OJVSingle Use Instrument Tray
5896OJWShave Prep Kit
5897OKJLight Based Treatment For Cold Sores Herpes Simplex Virus-1
5898OKONegative Pressure Wound Therapy Non-Powered Suction Apparatus
5899OLIFat Reducing Low Level Laser
5900OLPOver-The-Counter Powered Light Based Laser For Acne
5901OMDCutaneous Tissue Adhesive With Mesh
5902OMPNegative Pressure Wound Therapy Powered Suction Pump
5903ONEPowered Light Based Non-Laser Surgical Instrument
5904ONFPowered Light Based Non-Laser Surgical Instrument With Thermal Effect
5905ONGPowered Laser Surgical Instrument With Microbeam\Fractional Output
5906ONQElectrosurgical Coagulation For Aesthetic
5907OODSurgical Film
5908OOKDermal Cooling Pack/Vacuum/Massager
5909OQLMesh, Surgical, Deployment Balloon
5910ORECryogenic, Skin Tag Removal, Otc
5911ORKLaser Assisted Lipolysis
5912ORQMesh, Surgical, Deployer
5913OTKWound Drain Catheter System
5914OUBInstrument For Treatment Of Hyperhidrosis
5915OUHSkin Resurfacing Rf Applicator
5916OUPPowered Surgical Instrument For Improvement In The Appearance Of Cellulite
5917OVNSuture Kit
5918OWRMesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Facial Implants For Plastic Surgery
5919OWSMesh, Surgical, Collagen, Plastics, Facial Implants
5920OWTMesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Abdominal Hernia
5921OWUMesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Diaphragmatic Hernia
5922OWVMesh, Surgical, Collagen, Diaphragmatic Hernia
5923OWWMesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Orthopaedics, Reinforcement Of Tendon
5924OWXMesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Orthopaedics, Reinforcement Of Tendon
5925OWYMesh, Surgical, Collagen, Orthopaedics, Reinforcement Of Tendon
5926OWZMesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Thoracic, Chest Wall Reconstruction
5927OXAMesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Thoracic, Chest Wall Reconstruction
5928OXBMesh, Surgical, Collagen, Thoracic, Chest Wall Reconstruction
5929OXCMesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Staple Line Reinforcement
5930OXDMesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Staple Line Reinforcement
5931OXEMesh, Surgical, Collagen, Staple Line Reinforcement
5932OXFMesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery
5933OXGMesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery
5934OXHMesh, Surgical, Collagen, Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery
5935OXIMesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Large Abdominal Wall Defects
5936OXJMesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Large Abdominal Wall Defects
5937OXKMesh, Surgical, Collagen, Large Abdominal Wall Defects
5938OXLMesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Organ Support
5939OXMMesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Fistula
5940OXNMesh, Surgical, Collagen, Fistula
5941OXTPercutaneous Surgical Set With Attachments
5942OYWLaser, Cellulite Appearance
5943PAYOver-The-Counter Radiofrequency Coagulation Device For Wrinkle Reduction
5944PBDComposite Cultured Skin
5945PBXMassager, Vacuum, Radio Frequency Induced Heat
5946PBYTemporary Tissue Marker
5947PDGElectrosurgical Vessel And/Or Tissue Sealer. With Built-In Generator.
5948PDWInternal Tissue Marker
5949PDZLasers For Temporary Increase Of Clear Nail In Patients With Onychomycosis
5950PFPSilicone Hydrogel For Scar Management
5951PGZNon-Absorbable, Expandable, Hemostatic Sponge For Temporary Internal Use
5952PIJCollagen Surgical Mesh Containing Drugs
5953PJKTissue Adhesive For Internal Use
5954PKDLaceration Tray
5955PKELaparoscopic Cholecystectomy Kit
5956PKOTransparent Patch For Use In Treatment Of Tattoos
5957PKTLaser For Disruption Of Adipocyte Cells For Aesthetic Use
5958PMCScalp Cooling System
5959PMXAbsorbable Collagen Hemostatic Agent With Thrombin
5960PNLMagnetic Surgical System
5961PODTemporary, Internal Use Hemostatic
5962PQIWound Retraction And Protection System
5963PQNCarbon Dioxide Gas Controlled Tissue Expander
5964PSNLight Based Imaging
5965PTXSuture, Nonabsorbable, Steel, Monofilament And Multifilament, Sterile, Exempt
5966PUIDrape, Surgical, Exempt
5967PXNBasic Set-Up Tray
5968PXOBone Marrow Biopsy Tray
5969PXPBreast Biopsy / Localization Tray
5970PXQBurn Dressing Tray
5971PXRCement And Bone Removal Kit
5972PXSCholecystectomy Kit
5973PXUFluid Drainage Tray
5974PXVGeneral Purpose Instrument Tray
5975PXWHerniorraphy Kit
5976PXXIncision Tray
5977PXYIrrigation Kit (Wounds)
5978PXZLaparascopic Sphincterotomy Kit
5979PYALiver Biopsy Kit
5980PYBMinor Surgical Procedures Tray
5981PYCParacentesis Tray
5982PYDPelviscopy Kit
5983PYEStaple Removal Kit
5984PYFSterile Puncture Tray
5985PYGSuction Catheter Kit
5986PYHSurgical Retractor Kit
5987PYIThoracic Catheter Insertion Tray
5988PYJUlcer Wound Tray
5989PYKVenous Ulcer Kit
5990PYLWound Drainage Kit
5991PZLExtracorporeal Shock Wave Device For Treatment Of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
5992PZQGeneral Laparoscopic Power Morcellation Containment System
5993QAIPowered Microneedle Device
5994QAUHemostatic Device For Endoscopic Gastrointestinal Use
5995QCRWound Autofluorescence Imaging Device
5996QCYLaser Absorbing Particles
5997QDFParathyroid Autofluorescence Detection Device
5998QDGParathyroid Autofluorescence Imaging Device
5999QFCNegative Pressure Wound Therapy Device For Reduction Of Wound Complications
6000QGXGeneral Use Pneumatic Tourniquet
6001QHFEnergy Based Device For Treatment Of Tattoos
6002QJFAutofluorescence Imaging Adjunct Tool For Wounds
6003QKLLipoaspirate Washing System For Aesthetic Body Contouring
6004RABSunlamp Products (Pre-Standard)
6005REFSuntan Bed
6006REGSuntan Lamp
6007REHTabletop Sunlamp System
6008DTHSuture, Cardiovascular
6009DZGSuture, Dental
6010EFQGauze/Sponge, Internal
6011EYFProtector, Wound, Plastic
6012FRODressing, Wound, Drug
6013GELGauze/Sponge, Internal, With Drug/Biologic, Animal Source Material
6014GERGauze, External (With Drug/Biologic/Animal Source Material)
6015HMNSuture, Nonabsorable, Ophthalmic
6016HMOSuture, Absorbable, Ophthalmic
6017KGMSilicone, Liquid, Injectable
6018KGNDressing, Wound, Collagen
6019LCJExpander, Skin, Inflatable
6020LFLInstrument, Ultrasonic Surgical
6021LMHImplant, Dermal, For Aesthetic Use
6022LMIImplant, Collagen For Non-Aesthetic Use
6023LRQTracheostomy And Nasal Suctioning Kit
6024LRRFirst Aid Kit With Drug
6025LXULaser For Wound Healing
6026MAWMarker, Suture Identification
6027MDDDevice, Dermal Replacement
6028MGPDressing, Wound And Burn, Occlusive
6029MGQDressing, Wound And Burn, Hydrogel W/Drug And/Or Biologic
6030MGRDressing, Wound And Burn, Interactive
6031MQZProsthesis, Nail
6032MRDSizer, Mammary, Breast Implant Volume
6033MSADressing, Wound And Burn, Occlusive, Heated
6034MTJWax, Bone
6035MVFSystem, Laser, Photodynamic Therapy
6036MVGSystem, Laser, Fiber Optic, Photodynamic Therapy
6037MWZExpander, Breast, External
6038MXETape And Bandage, Adhesive (With Disinfectant)
6039MYHSystem, Non-Coherent Light, Photodynamic Therapy
6040NBESealant, Polymerizing
6041NLQScalpel, Ultrasonic, Reprocessed
6042NQKMaggots, Medical
6043NRNLeeches, Medicinal
6044NSSElectronic Media, Nausea
6045NZFStatic Electricity-Emitting Device, Cosmetic Use
6046OCECultured Epithelial Autograft
6047ODSWound Covering (Composite Cultured Skin)
6048OEEDiagnostic Low Electric Field
6049OJIBurn Kit With Drug
6050ONVElectrical Impedance Spectrometer
6051OYDOptical Diagnostic Device For Melanoma Detection
6052PFCCultured Human Cell Skin Dressing
6053PHUIntra-Abdominal Pressure Monitoring Device
6054PKYImplant, Dermal, For Aesthetic Use In The Hands
6055PUVLymph Node Location System During Sentinel Biopsy Procedure
6056PZCAblation System, High Intensity Focus Ultrasound (Hifu), Soft Tissue
6057DIIColumns, Glc
6058DJAColumn Supports, Glc
6059DJOIndicator, Cellulose Fluorescent, Tlc
6060DJSU.V. Light, Tlc
6061DJYIon-Exchange Chromatography
6062DKGPlate, Cellulose, Tlc
6063DKKTanks, Developing, Tlc
6064DKOAdsorbents, Ion-Exchange
6065DKSPlate, Silica Gel, Tlc
6066DKYIndicator, Alumina Fluorescent, Tlc
6067DLCAtomizer, Tlc
6068DLGCoating, Liquid, Glc
6069DLOIndicator, Silica Gel Fluorescent, Tlc
6070DLYPlate, Alumina, Tlc
6071DMGPapers, Ion
6072DMSGases, Glc
6073DMZLiquid Chromatography, Adsorbent
6074DNHResins, Ion-Exchange, Liquid Chromatography
6075DOPMass Spectrometer, Clinical Use
6076DPAApparatus, General Use, Thin Layer Chromatography
6077DPMColumns, Liquid Chromatography
6078JSQChromatography For Bacterial Identification
6079JXQMonitor, U.V., Glc
6080JXRAtomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, General Use
6081KEAResins, Ion-Exchange
6082KIEApparatus, High Pressure Liquid Chromatography
6083KZQChromatography(Gas), Clinical Use
6084KZRChromatography (Liquid, Gel), Clinical Use
6085KZSChromatography (Thin Layer), Clinical Use
6086LDMInstrumentation, High Pressure Liquid Chromatography
6087LEQDetectors, Electrochemical, Liquid Chromatography
6088LTBCyclosporine Radioimmunoassay
6089MARCyclosporine And Metabolites Serum Assay
6090MGSHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography For Cyclosporine
6091MGUFluorescence Polarization Immunoassay For Cyclosporine
6092MGVRadioimmunoassay For Cyclosporine
6094MLMEnzyme Immunoassay, Tracrolimus
6095NFXTest, Cholesterol, Total, Over The Counter
6096NFZTest, Creatinine, Over The Counter
6097NGATest, Follicle Stimulating Hormone (Fsh), Over The Counter
6098NGDTest, Lactic Acid, Over The Counter
6099NGETest, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter
6100NGJTest, Nitrite, Urinary, Non-Quantitative, Over The Counter
6101NGOTest, Triglycerides, Over The Counter
6102PFTReagents For Molecular Diagnostic Test Systems
6103PQOAnti-Müllerian Hormone Test System
6104QKEImmunoassay, Pregnanediol Glucuronide, Over The Counter
6105QKTClozapine Test System
6106NGBTest, Glycosylated Hemoglobin, Over The Counter
6107NGKTest, Occult Blood, Over The Counter
6108NTVMyeloperoxidase, Immunoassay, System, Test
6109PFFHigh Throughput Dna Sequence Analyzer
6110DICAlcohol Dehydrogenase, Specific Reagent For Ethanol Enzyme Method
6111DIDBacillus Subtilis Microbiology Assay, Tobramycin
6112DIEHeavy Metals Control Materials
6113DIFDrug Mixture Control Materials
6114DIGCholinesterase Test Paper
6115DIHColorimetry, Cholinesterase
6116DIJLead, Delta Amino Levulinic Acid
6117DIKThin Layer Chromatography, Quinine
6118DILRadioimmunoassay, Primidone
6119DIMGas Chromatography, Salicylate
6120DINGas Chromatography, Cocaine
6121DIOEnzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites
6122DIPEnzyme Immunoassay, Diphenylhydantoin
6123DIQRadioimmunoassay, Morphine (3-H), Goat Antibody Ammonium Sulfate Sep.
6124DIRFree Radical Assay, Cocaine
6125DISEnzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate
6126DITThin Layer Chromatography, Amphetamine
6127DIWHemagglutination Inhibition, Methadone
6128DIXThin Layer Chromatography, Phenobarbital
6129DIYGas Chromatography, Ethosuximide
6130DIZDelayed Analysis, Alcohol
6131DJBRadioimmunoassay, Gentamicin (125-I), Second Antibody Sep.
6132DJCThin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine
6133DJDEnzyme Immunoassay, Primidone
6134DJEThin Layer Chromatography, Salicylate
6135DJFGas Chromatography, Opiates
6136DJGEnzyme Immunoassay, Opiates
6137DJHGas Chromatography, Phenobarbital
6138DJIAntiserum, Gentamicin
6139DJJFluorometry, Morphine
6140DJKDigitoxin Control Serum, Ria
6141DJLFree Radical Assay, Amphetamine
6142DJNMercury Dithiazone, Colorimetry, Barbiturate
6143DJPRadioimmunoassay, Amphetamine
6144DJQTest Reagents For Phenothiazine
6145DJREnzyme Immunoassay, Methadone
6146DJXRadioimmunoassay, Ethosuximide
6147DJZDevices, Breath Trapping, Alcohol
6148DKAAntiserum, Digoxin
6149DKBCalibrators, Drug Mixture
6150DKCAlcohol Control Materials
6151DKDBacillus Subtilis, Microbiological Assay, Gentamicin
6152DKEReagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol
6153DKHGas Chromatography, Diphenylhydantoin
6154DKJColorimetry, Salicylate
6155DKNRadioimmunoassay, Barbiturate
6156DKPRadioimmunoassay, Phenobarbital
6157DKQAntiserum, Digitoxin
6158DKRThin Layer Chromatography, Methadone
6159DKTFree Radical Assay, Opiates
6160DKWTest Reagents For Sulphanimide Derivatives
6161DKXThin Layer Chromatography, Barbiturate
6162DKZEnzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine
6163DLATest Reagents For Methyl Alcohol
6164DLBRadioimmunoassay, Lsd (125-I)
6165DLDThin Layer Chromatography, Codeine
6166DLEReagents, Test, Bromides
6167DLFEnzyme Immunoassay, Ethosuximide
6168DLHGas Chromatography, Alcohol
6169DLIAcetylcholine Chloride, Specific Reagent For Pseudo Cholinesterase
6170DLJCalibrators, Drug Specific
6171DLNHemagglutination, Cocaine Metabolites (Benzoylecgnonine)
6172DLPRadioimmunoassay, Diphenylhydantoin
6173DLRHemagglutination Inhibition, Morphine
6174DLSGas Chromatograph, Alcohol (Dedicated Instruments)
6175DLTHemagglutination, Opiates
6176DLXHemagglutination Inhibition, Barbiturate
6177DLZEnzyme Immunoassay, Phenobarbital
6178DMBGas Chromatography, Methadone
6179DMFGas Liquid Chromatography, Barbiturate
6180DMIPotassium Dichromate Specific Reagent For Alcohol
6181DMJTest Reagents For Ethyl Alcohol
6182DMKLead, Protoporphyrin, Fluorometric
6183DMLNad-Nadh, Specific Reagent For Alcohol Enzyme Method
6184DMNThin Layer Chromatography, Cocaine
6185DMPDigoxin Control Serum, Ria
6186DMQGas Chromatography, Primidone
6187DMRSolution, M-Nitrophenol, Specific Reagent For Cholinesterase
6188DMTEnzymatic Method, Alcohol Dehydrogenase, Ultraviolet
6189DMXLiquid Chromatography, Salicylate
6190DMYGas Chromatography, Morphine
6191DNARadioimmunoassay, Morphine-Barbiturate (125-I), Goat Antibody
6192DNCStrip, Paper, Salicylate
6193DNDRadioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (125-I), Rabbit Antibody, Solid Phase Sep.
6194DNEAtomic Absorption, Antimony
6195DNFLiquid Chromatography, Ethosuximide
6196DNGFree Radical, Benzoylecgnonine
6197DNILiquid Chromatography, Amphetamine
6198DNJRadioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Goat Antibody, 2nd Antibody Sep.
6199DNKThin Layer Chromatography, Morphine
6200DNLRadioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Rabbit Antibody, Second Antibody Sep.
6201DNNCalibrators, Ethyl Alcohol
6202DNOHemagglutination Inhibition, Gentamicin
6203DNPThin Layer Chromatography, Ethosuximide
6204DNQRadioimmunoassay, Digoxin (3-H), Rabbit Antibody, Coated Tubes Sep.
6205DNSRadioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Rabbit Antibody, Double Label Sep.
6206DNTLiquid Chromatography, Methadone
6207DNWRadioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (3-H), Rabbit Antibody, Charcoal Sep.
6208DNXLead, Protoporphyrin Zinc Method, Fluorometric
6209DNZAtomic Absorption, Arsenic
6210DOARadioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Goat Antibody, Anion Exchange, Resin Sep.
6211DOBRadioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (3-H)
6212DODGas Chromatography, Amphetamine
6213DOERadioimmunoassay, Morphine (125-I), Goat Antibody Ammonium Sulfate Sep.
6214DOFLead, Atomic Absorption
6215DOGRadioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Rabbit Antibody, Polyethylene Glycol
6216DOHElectrometry, Cholinesterase
6217DOJPotassium Dichromate, Alcohol
6218DOKFree Radical Assay, Morphine
6219DOLFree Radical Assay, Lsd
6220DOMThin Layer Chromatography, Benzoylecgnonine
6221DONRadioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Rabbit Antibody, Solid Phase Sep.
6222DOOLiquid Chromatography, Phenobarbital
6223DORRadioimmunoassay, Digoxin (3-H), Bovine Antibody, Charcoal Sep.
6224DOSThin Layer Chromatography, Primidone
6225DOWRadioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (3-H), Rabbit Antibody, Coated Tube
6226DOXFluorometer, Lead (Dedicated Instruments)
6227DOYRadioimmunoassay, Digoxin (3-H), Goat Antibody, 2nd Antibody Sep.
6228DOZLiquid Chromatography, Diphenylhydantoin
6229DPBRadioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Rabbit Antibody, Charcoal Sep.
6230DPDRadioimmunoassay, Digoxin (3-H), Rabbit Antibody, Charcoal Sep.
6231DPEThin Layer Chromatography, Diphenylhydantoin
6232DPGRadioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (125-I), Rabbit Antibody, Coated Tube Sep.
6233DPHMercury, Atomic Absorption
6234DPIRadioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Bovine Antibody, Charcoal Sep.
6235DPJRadioimmunoassay, Amphetamine (125-I), Goat Antibody, Ammonium Sulfate Sep.
6236DPKLiquid Chromatography, Morphine
6237DPLRadioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (125-I), Bovine Antibody, Charcoal Sep.
6238DPNThin Layer Chromatography, Propoxyphene
6239DPORadioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Rabbit Antibody, Coated Tube Sep.
6240DPPFree Radical Assay, Methadone
6241DPQLiquid Chromatography, Primidone
6242JIHFlame Photometry, Lithium
6243JIIAtomic Absorption, Lithium
6244JKQGold Chloride (Colorimetric), Bromide
6245JKSSpectral Absorb. Curve, Oxyhemoglobin, Carboxyhemoglobin, Carbon-Monoxide
6246JKTGas Chromatograph, Carbon-Monoxide
6247JXMEnzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine
6248JXNEnzyme Immunoassay, Propoxyphene
6249JXOEnzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine
6250KJIRadioimmunoassay, Kanamycin
6251KLBRadioimmunoassay, Tobramycin
6252KLNRadioimmunoassay, Cocaine Metabolite
6253KLOEnzymatic Radiochemical Assay, Gentamicin
6254KLPAmikacin Serum Assay
6255KLQRadioimmunoassay, Amikacin
6256KLREnzyme Immunoassay, Lidocaine
6257KLSEnzyme Immunoassay, Theophylline
6258KLTEnzyme Immunoassay, Carbamazepine
6259KXSRadioimmunoassay, Methaqualone
6260KXTEnzyme Immunoassay, Digoxin
6261KZTKit, Disc, Agar Gel Diffusion, Determine Serum Levels Of Gentamicin
6262KZWKit, Disc, Agar Gel Diffusion, Determine Serum Levels Of Kanamycin
6263KZXKit, Disc, Agar Gel Diffusion, Determine Serum Levels Of Tobramycin
6264KZYHigh Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Barbiturate
6265KZZGas Chromatography, Benzodiazepine
6266LAAHigh Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Benzodiazepine
6267LABThin Layer Chromatography, Benzodiazepine
6268LACHigh Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites
6269LADGas Chromatography, Codeine
6270LAEHigh Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Codeine
6271LAFGas Chromatography, Methamphetamine
6272LAGHigh Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Methamphetamine
6273LAHHigh Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Opiates
6274LAIThin Layer Chromatography, Opiates
6275LAJGas Chromatography, Propoxyphene
6276LAKHigh Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Propoxyphene
6277LALEas Chromatography, Quinine
6278LAMHigh Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Quinine
6279LANEnzyme Immunoassay, N-Acetylprocainamide
6280LAREnzyme Immunoassay, Procainamide
6281LASDrug Specific Control Materials
6282LATRadioimmunoassay, Cannabinoid(S)
6283LAWTheophylline Control Materials
6284LAXLidocaine Control Materials
6285LAYMethotrexate Control Materials
6286LAZN-Acetylprocainamide Control Materials
6287LBAProcainamide Control Materials
6288LBZEnzyme Immunoassay, Quinidine
6289LCARadioimmunoassay, Theophylline
6290LCDEnzyme Immunoassay, Gentamicin
6291LCERadioimmunoassay, Netilmicin (I-125)
6292LCQFluorescent Immunoassay Gentamicin
6293LCRFluorescent Immunoassay, Tobramycin
6294LCSRadioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I)
6295LCTRadioimmunoassay, Digoxin (3-H)
6296LCWRadioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (125-I)
6297LCYU.V. Spectrometry, Theophylline
6298LCZU.V. Spectrometry, Primidone
6299LDAU.V. Spectrometry, Phenobarbital
6300LDBU.V. Spectrometry, Carbamazepine
6301LDCU.V. Spectrometry, Diphenylhydantoin
6302LDJEnzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids
6303LDNEnzymatic Radiochemical Assay, Amikacin
6304LDOEnzymatic Radiochemical Assay, Tobramycin
6305LDPColorimetry, Acetaminophen
6306LEGEnzyme Immunoassay, Valproic Acid
6307LEHRadioimmunoassay, Vancomycin
6308LERFluorescent Immunoassay, Theophylline
6309LESFluorescent Immunoassay, Diphenylhydantoin
6310LETFluorescent Immunoassay, Phenobarbital
6311LEWThin Layer Chromatography, Theophylline
6312LFGRadioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs
6313LFHU.V. Spectrometry, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs
6314LFIHigh Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs
6315LFMEnzyme Immunoassay, Digitoxin
6316LFNNephelometric Inhibition Immunoassay, Phenobarbital
6317LFONephelometric Inhibition Immunoassay, Diphenylhydantoin
6318LFTFluorescent Immunoassay, Primidone
6319LFWFluorescence Polarization Immunoassay, Tobramycin
6320LGIFluorescence Polarization Immunoassay, Carbamazepine
6321LGJFluorescence Polarization Immunoassay, Amibacin
6322LGQFluorescence Polarization Immunoassay, Phenobarbital
6323LGRFluorescence Polarization Immunoassay, Diphenylhydantoin (Total)
6324LGSFluorescence Polarization Immunoassay, Theophylline
6325LPXRadioceptor Assay, Neuroleptic Drugs
6326MKUEnzyme Immunoassay, Nicotine And Nicotine Metabolites
6327MLKThin Layer Chromatography, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs
6328MOJFluorescence Polarization Immunoassay, Diphenylhydantoin (Free)
6329MRSTest System, Nicotine, Cotinine, Metabolites
6330MSLSystem, Test, Topiramatee
6331NDWAssay, Porphyrin, Spectrophotometry, Lithium
6332NFTTest, Amphetamine, Over The Counter
6333NFVTest, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter
6334NFWTest, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter
6335NFYTest, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter
6336NGGTest, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter
6337NGITest, Morphine, Over The Counter
6338NGLTest, Opiates, Over The Counter
6339NRPSirolimus Test System
6340NTIDrug Metabolizing Enzyme Genotyping Systems
6341NWMImmunoassay, Anti-Seizure Drug
6342OAVMycophenolic Acid Test System
6343ODWCytochrome P450 2c9 (Cyp450 2c9) Drug Metabolizing Enzyme Genotyping System
6344OIWSoftware, Similarity Score Algorithm, Tissue Of Origin For Malignant Tumor Types
6345ORABreast Milk-Alcohol Test System
6346ORHLamotrigine Assay
6347ORILevetiracetam Assay
6348OTFGabapentin Assay
6349OUFEverolimus Immunoassay
6350PDYOrganophosphate Test System
6351POXEnzyme Immunoassay, Oxcarbazepine Metabolite
6352PTGTest, Methadone, Over The Counter
6353PTHTest, Barbiturate, Over The Counter
6354PUJVoriconazole Test System
6355PUXTest, Amphetamine, Employment And Insurance Testing, Exempt
6356PUYTest, Barbiturate, Employment And Insurance Testing, Exempt
6357PUZTest, Benzodiazepine, Employment And Insurance Testing, Exempt
6358PVATest, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolite, Employment And Insurance Testing, Exempt
6359PVBTest, Codeine, Employment And Insurance Testing, Exempt
6360PVDTest, Methamphetamine, Employment And Insurance Testing, Exempt
6361PVETest, Methadone, Employment And Insurance Testing, Exempt
6362PVFTest, Methaqualone, Employment And Insurance Testing, Exempt
6363PVGTest, Morphine, Employment And Insurance Testing, Exempt
6364PVHTest, Opiates, Employment And Insurance Testing, Exempt
6365PVITest, Propoxyphene, Employment And Insurance Testing, Exempt
6366PVJTest, Cannabinoid, Employment And Insurance Testing, Exempt
6367PVKTest, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs, Employment And Insurance Testing, Exempt
6368QAWTest, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Over The Counter
6369QBFTest, Propoxyphene, Over The Counter
6370QBKMeprobamate Test System
6371QDRPlazomicin Test System, Immunoassay
6372LAOEnzyme Immunoassay, Methotrexate
6373LCLRadioimmunoassay, Phencyclidine
6374LCMEnzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine
6375LTDParaquat Assay
6376MGXTest System, For Drugs Of Abuse
6377MIGStrip, Test Isoniazid
6378MSKImmunoassay For Blood Tacrolimus
6379MVOKit, Test, Multiple, Drugs Of Abuse, Over The Counter
6380NGMTest, Phencyclidine (Pcp), Over The Counter
6381OTWResearch Use Only/Clinical Toxicology
6382OXR5-Fluorouracil Assay
6383PDBInvestigational Use Only - Clinical Toxicology
6384PGEGastric Emptying Breath Test
6385PKMChemiluminescent Immunoassay System
6386PRFDocetaxel / Paclitaxel Assay
6387PSSMinoxidil Sulfotransferase Or Isoenzymes Test System
6388PZNPlacental Growth Factor Test
6389QBBPlacental Alpha Microglobulin-1 Immunoassay
6390RAALaser Products (Pre-Standard)
6391RACNondestructive Tests
6396RAHJewelry Cleaner
6397RAIMotion Detector/Occupancy
6398RAJSecurity System
6399RAKPest Repeller
6402RANAuto Focus Camera
6403RAOIntrusion Alarm/Security
6404RAPScientific Use Ultrasound Products
6405RAQAudio System/Radio
6406RARTelephone Ringer
6407RASVeterinary Diagnostic Ultrasonic Products
6408RATVeterinary Therapy Ultrasonic Products
6409RAUNight Vision Scope
6410RAVHigh Voltage Tubes
6411RAWCathode Ray Tubes
6412RAXHigh Voltage Vacuum Switches
6413RAYOscilloscope (Exempted)
6414RAZTelevision Receiver, Medical Imaging, Color
6415RBATelevision Receiver, Medical Imaging, Monochrome
6416RBBTelevision Receiver, General Purpose, Color
6417RBCTelevision Receiver, General Purpose, Monochrome
6418RBDVideo Monitor, Medical Imaging, Color
6419RBEVideo Monitor, General Purpose, Color
6420RBFVideo Monitor, Medical Imaging, Monochrome
6421RBGVideo Monitor, General Purpose, Monochrome
6423RBITv View Finder (Exempted)
6424RBJCold-Cathode Gas Discharge Tubes
6425RBKBetatron, Non-Medical
6427RBMMicrotron, Non-Medical
6428RBNSynchrotron, Non-Medical
6429RBOSterilizers, Non-Medical
6430RBPIndustrial Accelerator
6431RBQSecurity Accelerator
6432RBRDiagnostic X-Ray Equipment (Noncertified)
6433RBSIndustrial X-Ray
6434RBTBottle Fill Checker
6435RBUX-Ray Thickness Gauge
6436RBVSecurity X-Ray System, Open Beam, Small
6437RBWX-Ray Diffraction
6438RBXX-Ray Spectroscopy
6439RBYX-Ray Fluorescence
6440RBZX-Ray Controls ? Combination
6441RCAX-Ray Controls - Fluoroscopic
6442RCBX-Ray Controls - Radiographic
6443RCDX-Ray Image Receptor
6444RCECabinet X-Ray, Industrial
6445RCFCabinet X-Ray Explosive Detection Systems
6446RCGCabinet X-Ray, Security (Includes Baggage X-Ray)
6447RCHCabinet X-Ray, Vehicle And Cargo
6448RCICephalometric Devices
6449RCJVeterinary Diagnostic X-Ray System
6450RCKVeterinary X-Ray Therapy System
6451RCLIon Beam Implanter
6452RCMMicroscope (Electron Beam), Non-Medical
6453RCNPersonnel Security Backscatter X-Ray System
6454RCOPersonnel Security Transmission X-Ray System
6455RCPVehicle And Cargo X-Ray System, Mobile
6456RCQVehicle And Cargo X-Ray System, Stationary
6457RCRMicrowave Oven, Consumer
6458RCSMicrowave Oven, Commercial
6460RCUVending Machine
6461RCVFood Processing
6462RCWMaterials Processing
6463RCXClothes Dryer
6464RCYMedical Waste/Sterilizer
6465RCZMaterials Processing, Laboratories
6466RDADielectric Heaters, Induction Heaters, Rf Sealers
6467RDBElectric Blanket
6469RDDHair Dryer
6470RDESewing Machine
6472RDGVeterinary, Microwave Medical Products
6473RDHAir Traffic Control
6474RDIPolice Radar
6475RDJRf Identification
6476RDKElectronic Article Surveillance (Eas)
6477RDLStun Gun
6478RDMAnti-Theft Detector (Non-Eas)
6480RDOMicrowave Lan
6481RDPWireless (Cordless) Telephone
6482RDQCb Amateur Radio
6483RDSWeather Doppler
6484RDTRf-Excited Lighting
6485RDUPest Controller
6486RDVAutomotive Accessory, Automobile Or Transport Vehicle
6487RDWGeneral Purpose Laser Products
6488RDXMercury Vapor Lamp
6489RDYMetal Halide Lamp
6490RDZLow-Power Laser Light Show Projector
6491REAHigh-Power Laser Light Show Projector
6492REBHigh-Power Laser Light Show
6493RECLaser Video Projector
6494REDLaser Advertising Display System
6495REELaser Visual Display - Display Retinal Image, Non-Medical
6496REILaser Science Education Products
6497REJLaser Children'S Toy/Novelty Product
6498REKResearch Laser
6499RELGuide-Star Laser System
6500REMSpectroscopy Instrument
6501RENParticle-Size Measuring Instrument
6502REOAnalytical Measuring And Detection Laser Product
6503REPSurveying Laser Product
6504REQLaser Time-Of-Flight Speed Measurement Products
6505RERAlignment Laser Product
6506RESLaser Pointer
6507RETLaser Target Designator
6508REULaser Aiming Product, Visible
6509REVLaser Aiming Product, Non-Visible
6510REWIr Laser Illuminator With Alignment Aid/Night Vision System
6511REXIr Laser Illuminator Only/Night Vision System
6512REYCollision-Avoidance Laser System
6513REZLaser Traffic Signal
6514RFALaser Automotive Lighting & Signals
6515RFBIr Laser Intrusion Detection/Security System
6516RFCLaser Light Distance (Or Detection) And Ranging (Lidar)
6517RFDLaser Weapon (Military Or Police)
6518RFELaser Cutter
6519RFFLaser Welder
6520RFGMicroelectronic Mask Or Chip Processing, Checking, And/Or Repair
6521RFIPrint Industry Plate Maker
6522RFJProcess Control
6523RFKLaser Vision
6524RFLLaser Micrometer
6525RFMLaser-Based Material Positioning System
6526RFNFiber Optic Communication And Data Transfer
6527RFOIr Free-Space Data Transmit/Control Laser
6528RFPRemote Controller
6529RFQInterferometric Position Measuring Product
6530RFRProduct Incorporating Certified Class 1 Laser Data Measurement, Transmit, Control Product
6532RFTLaser Printer
6533RFULaser Fax Machine
6534RFVCd, Cd-Rom Player
6535RFWDvd, Dvd-Rom, Bluray, Hd Player
6536RFXCd-R, Cd-Rw Recorder
6537RFYDvd, Bluray, Or Hd Recorder
6538RFZUpc Reader (Bar Code Reader)
6539RGAProduct Incorporating Certified Class 1 Data Utility/Peripheral Laser Product
6540RGBVeterinary Laser
6541RGDCounterfeit Detection
6542RGEScientific Crystallography
6544RGGForensics Laser
6545RGHToilet Seat Sanitizer
6546RGIHand Washing Sanitizer
6547RGJCountertop Sanitizer
6548RGKTowel Cleaner
6549RGMPhotochemical Curing And Adhesive
6550RGNPhotochemical Curing And Adhesive Laser
6551RGOUv Curing
6552RGPBlack Light
6553RGQCosmetology Uv Lamp
6554RGSWater Purifier
6555RGTSpectroscopy, Ultraviolet Fluorescence
6556RGUX-Ray Field Indicator Light Field (Non-Laser)
6557RGVVeterinary Optical Product
6558RGWUv/Ir Research
6559RGXFluorescent Lamp
6560RGYIr Intrusion Detector
6561RGZIr Security
6562RHAIr Data Transmit/Control
6563RHBTungsten Halogen Lamp
6564RHCHigh Pressure Mercury, Metal Halide, And Mercury Xenon Lamp (Not For General Purpose Illumination)
6565RHDIr Remote Controller
6566RHFDigital Display Monitor
6567RHGLight, Spectrum, Broad (Non-Medical)
6568RHHLed Light
6569RHIMercury Vapor Lamp, Not Self-Extinguishing, R-Type
6570RHJTelevision, Less Than 25kv And Less Than 0.1 Mr/Hr
6571RHKLaser Marker Or Engraver, Industrial Or Commercial
6572RHLLaser Therapy Product
6573RHMImage Digitizer
6574RHNFiber Optic Instrument For Testing Optical Fibers
6575RHOSound Amplification Product
6576RHPUv Lamp, Germicidal
6577RHQHologram Displaying Or Creating Laser Product.
6578RHRLaser Holographic System For Experiments, Research, Or Prototype Development
6579RHSLaser Holographic System
6580RHTLaser Mouse, Trackball, Or Similar
6581RHUL.E.D. Mouse, Trackball, Or Similar
6582RHVMetal Deposition Laser Product
6583RHWUv Lamp For Home Or Business Uses
6584RHXSodium Vapor Lamp
6585RHYLaser Sensing System
6586RHZ3d Laser Scanning System
6587RIAHigh Intensity Lamp
6588RIBMicroscopy Laser Instrument Or Accessory Products
6589RICUltrasonic Cutter
6590RIDLiquid Crystal Display (Lcd)
6591RIEVisible Laser Illuminator
6592RIFSmart Meter
6593RIGLaser Illuminated Projector
6594RIHMetal Halide Lamp, Other
6595RIIScientific Optical Instrument, Noncoherent
6596RIJAutomotive Radar
6597RIKTelevision Or Monitor, Non-Crt, Non-Medical, Video Display
6598RILLaser Ignition Tool
6599RIMLaser Marker, Cutter, Or Engraver, Tabletop, Consumer