About 510(k)

A 510(k) is a premarketing submission made to FDA to demonstrate that the device to be marketed is as safe and effective, that is, substantially equivalent (SE), to a legally marketed device that is not subject to premarket approval (PMA). 510(k) (premarket notification) to FDA is required at least 90 days before marketing unless the device is exempt from 510(k) requirements.

510k Phases

  • 1

    Know your product code

    Here is the product code list

    BRW, BRX etc.

  • 2

    Check your device is required 510k submission or 510k exempt

  • 3

    Get the 510k Total Product Life Cycle Report within 48 hours

    (Review FDA decision letter and substantial device)

  • 4

    Prepare 510k submission

  • 5

    Submit 510k to FDA

510k Submission Process FDA

Checklists for 510(k)

Refuse to Accept Policy for 510(k)s describes the criteria

FDA intends to use in assessing whether a 510(k) submission meets a minimum threshold of acceptability and should be accepted for substantive review.

The guidance includes acceptance checklists for each type of 510(k) submission:

  • Traditional 510(k) Checklist
  • Abbreviated 510(k) Checklist
  • Special 510(k) Checklist

Here is Checklists for 510(k)